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Meeting the Boss

Posted on 26 Dec 2010 @ 10:04pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

763 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Marine Country
Timeline: Current

Viktor Checked his uniform in the corridor before entering the Gym. He was about 1.82 meters tall, and the boots only made him seem taller. His face was smooth and unmarked except for a small scar running parallel with through his left eyebrow. His brown hair was cut short, the only thing that seemed out of place was the scars across the back of his hands, the product of many knife fight before, and during his career.

When he wasn't focusing he would sometimes pronounce his "V"s as "W"s, like his ancestors. The accent he talked with is russian, he made no attempt to change his syntax, and he sometimes would switch between English and Russian if he got extremely excited. His dark brown eyes observed nothing out of place on his uniform, so he entered the gym. He could hear someone using the equipment in the back of the room.

He knew that whoever was in here had been here for a while. He could smell the sweat that came with hard exercise, and heard a grunt as someone was obviously exerting themeselves again. he stepped around the equipment to

"First Lieutenant Wiktor Karpov reporting Sir!"

He brought his arm up in a crisp salute. His tone was even, and he stood ramrod straight looking straight forward.

Gunny Velez sind at the junior office. "Thank you Lieutenant but I don't think I'm the person your looking for." Grabbing the towel from the floor he rose from the weight bench and offered the man his hand. "The Captain is away on assignment, I'm Gunnery Sergeant Velez..." Waving back to the door, "Lets go get you squared away sir."

Victor lowered his arm and shook the sergents hand. Grimacing about the case of mistooken identity. He took note that in the future he would confirm the where abouts of anyone he needed to talk to with the ships computer. "Da. Please," Victor started to head twoards the door "Show the vay sergent", Victor made another note to start memorizing the name of the Marines and familiarize himself with them.

Velez stiffened at the demotion. "That's Gunney or Gunner Sergeant, a Sergeant is two grades below mine...Sir." As the doors parted he lead the way to the the Marine office area. Passing several Marines heading out to enjoy their shoreleave.

"Have you ever been attached to a Recon unit Lieutenant?" Before the LT could reply the sound of Red Alert Klaxons rang out. "Follow me sir...lets get you some gear!"

It couldn't of been more than five minutes since Cyfian had boarded the Achilles that everyone was at full alert. A sharp contrast to what it was like when he boarded. The atmosphere then was calm, almost soothing. The crew members he met as he beamed onboard were almost casually going about their tasks. Taking everything slowly and peacefully. Even the ship seemed to hum a hypnotically soothing sound.

Now, everything was different. People rushing to their respected stations leaving Cyfian almost blind to them. He felt slightly annoyed and helpless. Here everyone had a place to be and go but him, he appeared out of time, out of place.

Cyfian jerked his shoulder attempting to make the duffel bag rest more comfortably and step to one side, out of the way of everyone.

As the two rushed down the corridor velez saw another new face, a young Lance Corporal still with his duffel on his shoulder. Just the four other Marines in swim trunks rounded the corner. Andy, Tom, Zach and Jason were with is Recon unit and he called to Jason pointing to the kid that didn't know where to go but at least was staying out of the way.

"Sergeat...see to him!"

Jason couldn't miss the newbie took the bag from his shoulder as he jogged past. "Stay on my heels Marine."

Cyfian was shocked to see someone grabbing his duffel bag from him. Almost instinctively he tightened his grasp over the bag, but noticed the person reaching for it. This man was clearly a marine. Relinquishing his bag to the Sergeant he began to jog side by side with him. With each step adrenaline pumped through Cyfian's veins and making his stomach dance with excitement. He had clearly not been prepared for this.

The four Marines headed straight to their quarters to change from their swim attire to battle dress with th eLance Corporal in tow. "This had better not be false alarm....or some drill"

"Oh chill Andy I'm sure you'll see her again..."




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