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Posted on 20 Dec 2010 @ 3:43pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

496 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Bridge

[En route to the Achilles]

Da`al had closed the channel after speaking with his father. Things weren't looking good. There were a large number of Houses calling for the Empire to move against the Romulans and take back what was considered Klingon territory. Others calling for patients to see what the Federation would do. The High Council would be in debate on this for some time, so that would help. What wouldn't help was that General Worf had been injured and wouldn't be there to help cool things down.

[USS Achilles]

The officer of the day sat in the command chair of the bridge feeling a bit annoyed. Here the majority of the crew was either on the surface or preparing to beam to the surface...lucky bastards...and here he was stuck on the bridge with a skeleton to man the ship's stations. He completely and utterly bored and all he could think about was what he was going to do when he got off his shift, at least there was only a few more hours to go.

He was completely lost in his thoughts when the call can in.

A young Ensign sat at Ops. "Sir there is a priority messege from fleet headquarters." After a slight pause and no reply...."Sir?"

"Oh yea...sorry. On screen."

As the screen changed the message began. =^=A star in the Hobus system has exploded and the resulting shockwave has destroyed or critically damaged several Romulan planets, damaged or destroyed several Romulan Starbases and Starships. Key among the planets effected are both Romulus and Remus both having been destroyed. All star ships in proximity to the Romulan Neutral Zone are ordered to Red Alert and placed on standby for further instructions. Starfleet out. =^=

Every mouth on the bridge was wide open in utter shock and they looked from the now blank screen to each other and then to the man in command. He swallowed hard, looking to the faces around him as he tapped his commbadge. "RED ALERT - XO TO THE BRIDGE!"

Don had been on his way see how Tika was doing, knowing that she had been feeling down and personally responsible for Lt. Hemmingway's death. Unfortunately having people die under your command was an inevitablity of command that was unavoidable.

The turbo lift doors opened and he was stepping out whe the alert was sounded. Jumping back in he called for the lift to take him to the bridge and as so as the doors opened again he was moving. "REPORT!!"

The situation was grave and anything could happen...from nothing to all out war. Tapping his commbadge. =^= To all Achilles crew. The star in the Hobbus system has exploded. The resulting shockwave has destroyed Romulus and Remus. As a precaution, Starfleet has ordered all ships in the area to red alert. All shore leave is cancelled and all crewmembers are recalled. Department Heads are ordered to the observation lounge immediately. Killian out.=^=


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