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Kidnapped Treasure

Posted on 20 Dec 2010 @ 5:00am by Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

1,090 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Mercer Colony
Timeline: Before Romulus' Destruction and boarding Achilles

Hyrum and Shal Malak had just ended a great vacation day from Hyrum's duties on the Rosen. It was good to get out in the fresh unrecycled air again. The region they were in reminded him" of his hometown of Beith. It was a warm green day, "I will have to by a parcel here someday soon," he thought. The twins got a chance to stretch their newly steadied legs. He looked at his time piece, it was time to be getting back to the hotel.

"Malak," he called out, "gather the boys, we need to get back and bed them down for a while."

"Alright, we shall come home shortly. You can go on ahead."


Hyrum hiked back into the little out of the way town and found the transporter station at the edge of town. He could still see Malak and the boys hobbling around and having great fun. He couldn't wait until it was his turn. Hyrum mused about it as he set the coordinates for the hotel. As he beamed into the room Hyrum noticed that their hotel comm was blinking. It's probably Captain Llewellyn giving him his new orders. He was right.

"Hyrum," Sedek started out,""first I would like to say that it has been a great pleasure serving with you. Second I wish you and your family peace and long life. Third, your new assignment is on the USS Achilles. I would pass along some caution to your wife as the Captain is Klingon and may not trust her as a Klingon would question the honor of any Romulans. Finally with this new position as the Senior NCO comes a new rank, Master Gunnery Sergeant. I will make sure that your rank and commendations from the last mission get to you forth with. Again peace and long life Master Sergeant."

"Live long and Prosper, Captain. The pleasure was all mine and I shall keep your thoughts under advisement. Thanks for the heads up, Captain. I shall let Shal know that acceptance is quite key and i am hoping that the information she has for the Captain of the Achilles will allow for some trust."

"I wish the same for her as well," Sedek replied, "Llewellyn out."

Hyrum gave the man an unseen solute as Shal Malak beamed in. Shal could see the nervous apprehension in her husband's body as she beamed in with the boys now one year old. Hyrum turned to her and told her of their new orders.

"We have been assigned to the Achilles," he said in a foreboding tone.

"And that is bad why?" Shal questioned.

"The Captain is a Klingon; he may have a hard time trusting you because of the tensions between your people and his."

"I have renounced My Romulan past. The Romulan Star Empire is poised for a fall under the Tal Shiahr. Beside this I have secrets the Tal Shiahr would rather the Federation never had and i get more every day from the reunification front spies and plants." Shal offered.

"Still, my wife I am uneasy with the danger level for us all," Hyrum confided.

He took a place next tp Shal Malak by the boys' crib. They are what he was most worried about. What if they took the boys in order to get those secrets Shal was carrying, what then? Hyrum didn't know what he would do. How far would his loyalty to his new family go. Would he kill? He was a marine, of course he would; this is his family after all. He would die for all of them if he had to. Malak went to the kitchen to prepare a meal. She liked it here, it was good to get back to unreplicated food. Hyrum joined her there, setting the table as they talked more.

"Everything I have on what is really happening with the Romulan star are things the Achilles and the Federation will need to know. I also put in a request for citizenship in the Federation with a renunciation letter for good measure."

Shal turned to Hyrum. She was as uncertain as he was, his new captain was a Klingon. Trust is difficult to achieve with anyone, much less a Klingon with their inflated sense of what honor is. The sentiment often went both ways, neither trusting the other. She would have to stay focused and look passed that attitude with understanding to achieve acceptance. Shal watched her husband as he set the table. Hyrum had never been wrong and was always honest about how he felt in everything. For her it was his most refreshing quality. Before she had met him, her life was shrouded in dishonor and deception. This new assignment would serve as a new path for her. She took a breath and spoke again as she brought their meal to the table.

"I know of your concerns, dearest. They concern me too, but I must be objective about this sort of thing. We shall show the Captain the information together," she suggested.

"Alright," Hyrum Relented,"Let's just have dinner and go rest. It's been a long day."

After a while they retired for the night, having passionate relations until they drifted off to sleep. Darkness had settled over their hotel room. Parents and children lay in bed in a sound sleep. Two sets of Romulan eyes peered through the hotel window their goal in sight between the shadows the light the colony's two moons cast over Thomas and Timothy. They pushed the window open and quietly crawled through. It was going well and soon they would have their prize bargaining chip, the traitor's children. In a moment the mission would nearly be complete. The leader worte a note in Romulan to Shal Malak.

"We have your children. If you do not return the information you stole and turn yourself in they will die."

Hyrum awoke to the sound of Shal's scream, the scream of a mother in duress. Her little angels were gone. From a scream she went to medium volume whimpers. Hyrum went to her immediately what he marine saw infuriated him. The Klingons were right some Romulans had no honor at all. The Tal Shiahr were the worst of the lot. There was no choice now. Two missions now raised their heads high to meet his view, the one that would come to him shortly and saving his sons. No one threatened his family, especially the enemy and he knew who it was.


MGSgt Hyrum Kenderson


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