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Admiral's Orders

Posted on 17 Dec 2010 @ 1:17pm by Captain Reva Madhava & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,243 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Da`nal's shuttle - En rout to the Achilles / SB 47

Da`nal was waiting for the call from Don, no doubt he was waiting until the senior staff was recalled and assembled. The nearest Starbase was 24, but he didn’t know anyone there. He needed to get some answers…before he had to explain things to his crew. A grin spread over his face and he accessed the Federation personnel records. “Well Admiral. Computer open a channel to ADMIRAL L’Berr.â€

The screen before Da'nal displayed a rotating Starfleet crest for a long moment. Without warning, the screen blinked and a harried male face appeared, "Admiral L'Berr is... oh my... *you*." The Admiral's yeoman sneered at Da'nal then laughed. "Hi, Da'nal. She'll be righ--"

He was interrupted by a change in transmission and, this time, the Admiral was on the screen. "Captain Da'nal, good to see you," she smiled, albeit slightly vaguely, as if she were distracted, which she was. "Is this about something besides Romulus?" Amber leaned in a little, "Please say yes...."

He shook his head. "I wish it were, though I see you are still keeping Marks around."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes even as she accepted a PADD from someone just off-screen. "More like he keeps losing my transfer orders sending him to the Outer Ring...."

"I do not!" Marks leaned into the picture slightly to make his protest then was gone.

L'Berr laughed and turned her attention back to Da'nal. "Captain, now? Good deal, Da'nal." He'd come far since being under her command as a Security Chief.

He could tell she was needing to discuss ANYTHING other than current events so he obliged her unspoken request. "So when did you pick up Admiral? And When did you get transferred to this sector?"

"Admiral came... Oh... Shortly after my stint as a POW with the Xeleucians," she smiled tightly. "As for this sector... Well," she grimaced, "Technically I'm not supposed to be here, but with the Romulus situation, the Miqsuw ship I was on as a diplomat dropped me here and fled back to their own territory. Can't blame them... already, amidst the hundreds of distress calls related to effects from the newly-formed black hole and the loss of an entire governmental body, there are distress calls from ships and colonies within Romulan space, reporting that they've been raided and, some, completely destroyed. It seems that some folks are more interested in doing more damage than in helping." She finally took a breath before continuing, "There's a concern that more vultures will come in and take advantage of the Romulans' losses."

He knew exactly what she was talking about...not that he would ever refer to his people as 'vultures'. "I'm afraid you could be more correct than you know."

"I don't want to be correct, Da'nal," she said and the strain of what was happening showed.

"There are those in the Empire that want to use this 'situation' to reclaim long disputed territory, or even move against the Romulan Empire itself. The Federation could quickly find itself in a very difficult position. I was in Klingon space attending a wedding when I got word of what had happened and that all ships near the Zone were to go to Red Alert and could see the mix of reactions myself. I also spoke with my father just a short time ago."

"Klingons aren't the only ones moving in. Several of the reports involve strikes by a...," she glanced at the PADD in her hand, flicked a finger across the screen of it a few times then gave up and sighed, "It started with a 'K', but isn't Klingon... Anyway, we have ships being dispatched both for protection of the outer colonies and evacuation of colonies that are being threatened by the black hole." She paused and looked at Da'nal, "What class are you flying?"

He grinned at the question. "What else a warrior...a Prometheus Class the USS Achilles, my ship is currently at Mercer Colony. We were slated for a shore leave, any word on new orders for us?"

"Mercer...," Amber repeated the word as her eyes flicked down toward her PADD and a second later at Marks, who wasn't visible on Da'nal's screen. It was obvious Marks had texted something to the Admiral that unsettled her. She shifted in her chair as she gave some thought to what orders to give Da'nal. "Whether you restrict shore leave is up to you, Captain, but remain at yellow alert and be ready to set sail with a two-hour warning. At the moment, my greatest need is for transport ships," she smiled, "And the Achilles doesn't count as that. If there are any attacks in within your reach, I trust you'll be ready."

"You can be assured of that, but surely, with the uncertainty of the situation and the actions of the 'vultures', there is a need for the Achilles. Even as a security escort?"

"Sending the Achilles out as an escort is a waste of her abilities, Captain," she mildly rebuked him, again glancing at the PADD. "Better to have a fresh crew than an over-qualified guard-dog." At least she hadn't used the word 'babysitter'.

He was sure that his crew would be grateful to be able to still get some time off; others, himself included, would rather be contributing to the effort. However, orders were orders and both he and his crew would be ready...For whatever happened.

Da`nal nodded in acknowledgement, "Just give the word Admiral."

"I will, Captain," the Admiral told him. "It's good to see you, Da'nal, even if the circumstances aren't the best." Their connection closed.

[Starbase 47/Pembroke Colony, the Admiral's Office]

"Amber! Admiral!" Marks yelled out as soon as he'd disconnected the commlink.

"Admiral Amber?" L'Berr smirked at her yeoman, knowing he was about to dress her down for what she'd just done.

She was right: Marks started in on her, "You can't do that! Achilles could escort the Denobulan medical ship...!"

"Then why did you send me that text?"

"Because...! Bec...ause...," he sputtered to a stop. He watched as she stood and walked to the window, where she looked out over a scene where personnel the size of ants scrambled to supply, repair, staff outgoing ships or evacuate refugees from incoming ships. They both knew she'd taken the diplomatic posting because she didn't have the heart to do the difficult things any more. Sending the Achilles, with not just an old friend, but also the man she loved onboard, into the mouth of the dragon, was a difficult thing.

"The Achilles won't be needed, Marks," the Admiral reasoned, "We have the Nightingale and the Nemean Lion attached to the Denobulans; they'll be fine. This situation will be under control soon, so long as the Klingons don't abuse this and cause war." For a moment, she worried that that might be just what the Klingons would do.

"There's the other non-Klingon raiding parties to be quelled also," Marks reminded her.

She shook her head, turning back towards him, "Minor nuisances at most. The Federation will put those down without much effort."

"Amber...," Marks frowned at her, a look she'd gotten from him several times a year for... How many years had he been her yeoman? She couldn't calculate the time.

"Assign the Achilles as needed, Marks; your determination carries the weight of my office," she relented.


Captain Da`nal

Admiral Amber L'Berr
NPC played by Reva


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