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A Trainer for the Orion

Posted on 15 Dec 2010 @ 1:12pm by Captain Reva Madhava

725 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Varies
Timeline: Prior to the Red Alert (MD2?)

"Piece of ...," the green half-Betazoid female slapped her lab table and called the microscope a number of ugly names. Really, it was the sample under the microscope she was cursing. Frustrated, she shoved the sample away from her equipment and considered her job, her life, her place in the world. That's what she was frustrated about. It didn't help that genetics didn't really interest her at the moment.

She went to the console and found... Stadi Andrus's last published paper was open on the monitor. The accomplishments of her fellow scientist didn't thrill Reva - it would be fair to say that those accomplishments only served to depress Reva even more. Reva didn't have a published paper, at least none other than the ones required in order for her to have her degree. She had no plans for any papers or for any work that would prompt such a thing. As a scientist, she simply didnt have the curiosity nevessary to get that engaged in her work. She sighed and closed out Stadi's article.

Staring at the blank screen, Reva made a decision and left her lab. It was the middle of her shift... But the ship was on shore leave; who'd notice? Some time later, having sweet talked an officer out of his holosuite time (at times, it paid to be part-Orion), Reva was bent over the open hood of a small, ancient Terran automobile. She had traded her Starfleet uniform for a faded blue coveralls. Her fingers were black from grease and there was a smudge of black on her cheek; she had paused in her work to regard a busted flywheel. "Computer, provide a ...," she started to ask for a new part, but stopped when the doors of the holosuite opened and a tall, dark-haired male entered. "Who're you?"

"I'm Lieutenant Darwin, Ms. Madhava. And you're late for your combat training," he said.

"Combat training?" She sighed and leaned against the little green car. "Did Antonio send you?"

"Antonio?" Darwin looked doubtful as he tried to place the name. "Do you mean Weapons Specialist Lieutenant Vazquez?" He grinned and added, "I take it you know him personally...."

"No, not really," she covered quickly and poorly. Her last conversation with Antonio still stung. "Why are you here?"

"Combat training. Captain's orders. You missed yours," he made each statement as simple as possible, since he was repeating himself.

"You're the trainer?" He nodded in response; she could live with him as her trainer. "Computer, end program," she called, not flinching a bit as the computer removed the car, the grease and the coveralls. Casually, she moved to her pile of clothes and slowly donned them.

Darwin did flinch: he wasn't expecting such a sight. He quickly averted his gaze, though his eyes tried to stay on her green skin and how vivid a green she was right where her black bra cupped... He turned his back on her and pinched the bridge of his nose. He'd heard rumors that the half-Orion was trouble...  It seemed that might be more than rumor.


"Why am I, a lowly Ensign, getting what feels like special attention?"

Darwin's right brow rose slightly and he frowned. "You are getting kid-glove treatment. Don't expect it to last for long, though."

"Because of the abduction? Hemmingway's death?" Reva frowned as he nodded. "Not sure I like that."

"You should like it."

"Why?" Suspicion resounded in the single word question.

"Do you really want to be reprimanded for being insubordinate to Phoenix-Patil? Or for leaving your duty station during a shift? Or for missing a Captain-mandated combat training?" He listed her most recent infractions of Starfleet's regulations, causing her to look chagrinned. "Exactly, Ensign," Darwin slipped back into superior officer/trainer mode, "Clean up your act before you do get a reprimand."

"Will do, Lieutenant," she agreed. "At least you didn't use kid-gloves during this training." She rubbed her jaw and pointedly glanced at a growing bruise on her wrist.

"Yeah, well... you need the lesson. You're scheduled for a tougher training in 48 hours." He rubbed his thigh and winced, "Chances are, you'll be okay, though. That was a surprising kick you landed." He'd underestimated her flexibility and she'd come awfully close to unmanning him.

She grinned. "Orion genes, Mr. Darwin."


Ensign Reva Madhava
Lieutenant Michael Darwin (NPC'd by Reva)


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