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Another Holodeck Injury?

Posted on 01 Jan 2011 @ 4:15pm by Captain Reva Madhava & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

850 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After the Red Alert becomes Yellow


"Oh! Ow!" Reva yelled as her opponent - one very real Lieutenant Darwin, yanked on her hair and pushed her against the wall.

"Come on...doh!" Darwin coughed with pain as Reva's foot made a solid impression upon his thigh - again. He kept leaving that option open to her by mistake. He was not as young as he needed to be if he was going to keep teaching this Orion hand-to-hand skills. "Ow," he whined and released her.

Thinking this was an opening, Reva grabbed his arm, twisted hard and realized her mistake when she heard bones snap and Darwin grunt with surprised pain. Sucking in a horrified breath, Reva froze and started apologizing, "Oh! Lieutenant! I'm sorry!"


Lieutenant Darwin was able to make it to Sickbay all on his own, but the one who'd hurt him insisted upon going with him. She even insisted upon 'helping' him walk - though it was his arm she'd broken. She was holding his uninjured arm over her shoulders and gripping his waist as they entered the 'bay. "Medic!" Reva called.

Bekah was just on her way to lunch when she helped the man on to the bio bed "What happened?"

Simultaneously, Reva and Darwin answered: "I/She broke his/my arm." Reva kept going: "But it was a total accident! I'm not used to hand-to-hand and, well, I have my mother's strength...."

"And flexibility," Darwin ruefully added. He looked at the nurse fully and complained, "I have bruises in places you might be embarrassed to treat."

"Highly doubtful Lieutenant. Surviving the Reman mines you don't get embarrassed." Bekah smiled Darwin was sweet.

Teresa shook her head as she started treating him. "Are you allergic to anything, Lieutenant?" Glancing at Reva, "Let me guess another holodeck injury?" She asked ruefully.

Darwin shook his head at the doctor, indicating no allergies. He did so because Reva was already talking again: "Holodeck? Um... sort of... I mean, we were on the holodeck... but really, it's from me grabbing and twisting when I shouldn't have." She glanced at the doctor nervously. "Oh, hey there," she greeted the doctor casually, having recognized her from the beach. "Teresa, wasn't it? I'm Reva, this is Michael Darwin."

"Hello, Darwin. At least you didn't have the safeties off. Ok, let's get you started on metorapan treatments. Then after that we can deal with the minor injuries, if you wish. Some consider them battle scars." Glancing at Reva, "It's nice to actually know your name. I'm sorry that shoreleave was cut so short. I think we might have had some fun."

"I agree, particularly with those Marines offering to entertain us," Reva agreed with Teresa.

Darwin, who'd started to watch Beka start the doctor-ordered treatments, glanced at Reva and Teresa at the mention of Marines. "Surely two ladies like you would rather be seen with some refined men, such as those in Security, rather than some overly muscled, knuckle-dragging..."

"Careful, Darwin, you're about to start sounding jealous," Reva teased him before turning back towards Teresa, "Those were some good looking tattoos."

"Thank you, I like them. I was going to get a new one while on shore leave, but that idea got nixed. I guess I was not meant to get a new tattoo." Turning to the nurse, "Use the regenerator on him, and then redermerator on his other injuries. That should take care of you. Take it easy with the arm for the day, and it should be fine."

"Sure thing, doctor." Darwin continued watching the nurse work. He didn't like getting injured - it hurt - but he did like watching and being treated (so long as it didn't hurt more). The osteogenerator made his arm itch, but that was over quickly.

To Reva, "Next time," Laughing, "I'd watch my strength. I don't want to see any more injuries in here due to you," Teresa said jokingly.

"Me?" Reva had already managed to stop feeling guilty; Darwin would be fine and there was no reason for it. "I think someone needs to give warning when he's giving up," she shot Darwin a glare.

Teresa laughed. "Well, I think you've been warned, Lieutenant."

Darwin shrugged, noticed that the nurse was done with her task and smiled at the two medical folks (mostly at the Doctor, though): "Am I free to go or would the good doctor care to hold me overnight?" For Darwin, this was his version of flirting.

Before she could reply the comm sounded. =^=Staff Sgt Frey to Dr. Wendsar.=^=

=^= Dr. Wendsar, go ahead Staff Sergeant. =^= Nodding at Darwin indicating he was free to go, trying not to laugh, just giving him a smile instead.

Darwin shrugged, grinning; at least he'd put his hat in the ring. "Come on, Ensign, let's go discuss what happened over a drink," he suggested to Reva as he took her arm and led her out of Sickbay.

LieutenantJG Teresa Wendsar

LieutenantJG Rebekah Morgan

Ensign Reva Madhava

Lieutenant Michael Darwin, SEC
- NPC'd by Reva

SSGT Jason Frey
- Npc'd by Da`nal

Lieutenant Teresa Wendsar


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