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Reporting Aboard

Posted on 02 Jan 2011 @ 1:56am by

449 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: En route to mercer colony-USS Achilles
Timeline: Current/Before Upcomming Fresh Faces Post

[Transport ship]

Lieutenant JG Roger McClintock sat aboard the transport traveling toward Mercer Colony and watched the news reports on the Hobus Super Nova explosion com in. ~And here I though this deployment was gonna be normal~ He thought to himself.

Roger was still contemplating his upcoming duties when he felt the ship drop out of warp and the captain spoke over the comm. "Attention passengers, we have reached Mercer colony and will land shortly please go to your seats and standby."

The sky soon turned a steadily darkening blue as the ship entered atmosphere towards the starport and landed on the hot tarmac. As Roger exited the loading ramp he saw a starfleet ensign at the exit door. Then ensign, a shorter man in a operations uniform waved him over.

[Mercer Colony]

"Excuse me sir I'm Ensign Clark, he said to Roger But are you Lieutenant McClintock, assigned to USS Achilles? Why yes I am, what can I do for you Ensign?" , he replied. "Well sir I'm sure you've heard about the troubles in the neutral zone. Well the Captain has asked all crew to report aboard the ship, As I knew you were about to land on the planet I decided to come greet you and beam up to the ship with you. Well Roger replied, a sound plan, I must first collect my gear the we can get to the transporter pad"

The two officers walked over to the luggage pickup area and grabbed each of Rogers packages as they came by, once they were all collected and placed on the carrier, Ensign Clark noticed a large number of long thin rectangular packages. "If I might ask Sir, what are all these?, Ensign Clark asked. Well Roger replied, I'm a bit of an antique gun nut. And I always bring my collection along to a new ship. Could I see one? he asked. Of course Roger said.

He opened one of the larger cases and pulled out his massive .50 cal semi-auto rifle, "Pretty nice huh?" He said. Well Clark replied, It certainly is... large" " Yea said Roger putting the weapon away, I'll have to have a demo onboard some time. Let's get to the ship"

Towing his gear they reached the transporter, they set their destination. "yuo go on ahead sir, said Clark, I've got a few more crew members to collect, Alrighty said Roger catch you later. One to beam up plus luggage"

[USS Achilles]

The shimmering energy surrounded him and deposited the Lieutenant on the pad aboard the ship. ~I'll get my stuff to my quarters before I meet my superior officer.~

LieutenantJG Roger McClintock
Assitant Sec/Tac

Ensign Clark
- NPC'd by Roger


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