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Meeting with The Counselor

Posted on 01 Jan 2011 @ 2:04pm by Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

375 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Counselor's office
Timeline: Prior to leaving Mercer Colony


:: USS Achilles - Chief Counselor's Office ::

Teresa tapped on the counselor's door, and waited for permission to enter. In her hand were the reports and records from the battle she had with her parents, where Victoria was caught in between them. She was looking over them while she waited. She knew that Vicki might have held some resentment between her grandparents and her mother, if not confusion over the whole situation. That was why she was setting up counseling for the child.

From behind the door, she heard a voice.

"Come in," it said.

Teresa entered the office, "Hello again, counselor. Would this be a good time to set up an appointment for my daughter?" She asked as she handed the counselor the PADD that she had in her hand. "This should give you an overview of what has happened. She may or may not talk about it, but I want you to encourage her to. I want to make certain that she works through any trauma that she has suffered from this. Right now she suffers from separation anxiety. I believe this is a result of the battle her grandparents and I had over her."

"Hmm," Ethen said while looking over the contents of the PADD. "That is unfortunate, but children are resilient." He put the PADD into a data socket and downloaded its contents into his client files.

"She may not want to talk about this with a stranger, especially a strange man," Ethen said. "Even though children are resilient, it sometimes takes time for them to process trauma, and the most simple defense mechanism they have is to simply not talk about the situation."

"I understand that. I just don't want her to bottle it up, either. I want her to know there are people willing to listen, if she wishes to ever talk about it. I want her to be able to establish a good report with someone."

"What I might do is refer this case to one of our other counselors," Ethen said. "This way, your daughter can talk to someone she can better relate to."

"That will be fine. I wanted to set her up with someone. You can add it to my calendar, I'll see it."



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