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Posted on 27 Dec 2010 @ 9:33pm by Sergeant Dawn Brianna

790 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: En Route to Marine Department
Timeline: Current

Dawn's shuttle touched down with a slight thud in the landing bay, it locked the landing gear in place, the hatch opened and Dawn and a few other people stepped out of the shuttle. This was her first ever ship assignment, she was extremely nervous. Trying to not draw any attention to herself, she looked around, trying to find the Marines barracks or quarters.

Chief Petty Officer Jack Larkin entered the shuttlebay with a PADD in hand. He was assigned to repair one of the shuttles in the bay, but a confused looking woman caught his eye. He wiped a hand through his blonde hair. "Hey. Can I help you with somethin?"

"Trying to find the Marine Barracks." Dawn asked shyly, the Chief was quite handsome.

"A marine?" He asked rhetoricaly. "I think I can help you out with that if you'd like."

"That'd be nice." Dawn forced a smile, trying to hide her shyness. "Lead the way."

Jack smiled at the woman, noticing how beautiful she was. "Alright then." He said, turning toward the turblift and walking in it's direction. "So, where you from?"

"I'm from Australia back on earth." Dawn replied, following him, "This is my first space assignment."

"Really?" Jack said, noticing the woman's rank. "You're exited I bet."

"Yes and no." Dawn replied nervously, "Worried that my dad is going to find me here, he found me at my previous base."

Jack looked at her curiously as the reached the turbolift and waited for it to arrive. "Are you hiding from him?"

"I joined the Starfleet to get away from him abusing me." Dawn said, pulling up her sleeves on her right arm, revealing severe bruises.

Jack looked at the bruises in shock. "Oh God...I'm sorry. Why don't you get those removed?"

"You can't that have to heal." Dawn replied, pulling her sleeve back over her bruises.

"Oh..." Jack said shaking is head. He was not a doctor after all. The moment that passed between them at this point was long and uncomfortable because of the awkwardness of the previous conversation. Neither of them knew what to say, especially Jack. When the turbolift arrived, they both stepped inside. "Deck 12" Jack ordered, turning to the woman as the turbolift began to move.

"I'm Jack by the way." His smile was charming to say the least.

"I'm Dawn." She replied, forcing another smile on her face. She didn't know what to say or ask next, so she stayed quiet.

"So, your first starship, huh?"Jack said with a grin. "Your lucky, the Achilles is a special ship.

"Cool." Dawn spoke with a half smile, "I like unique places."

The door opened and they both exited, Jack in the lead. "Then I'm glad your here." He said. He looked over at her again. He really liked her so far. "So, did your boyfriend come along?" He asked looking quite serious about it.

"Never had a boyfriend." Dawn giggled a tiny bit. "Why do you ask?"

"In your life?" Jack asked surprised. She was very beautiful and had an amazing body. He wondered why she'd never had a boyfriend. "Like....ever?"

"Never in my life." Dawn replied again with a bit of a snicker that came out.

"Wow...that's unbelievable. Your so beautiful, guys must be falling at your feet." He said, a charming grin on his face.

"Considering I've been on the run since I was 16 not really." She replied, with a sigh, "but here I feel a bit safer."

Jack was a bit put off that the conversation went back to something so depressing, but this time she made it sound like she was in trouble. "Is he following you?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I'm here, so he shouldn't be a problem." Dawn said, "But anyways, how's the food around here?"

"Same as any place I suppose." He chuckled. "Just replicated stuff. But our chefs are pretty good."

"It's always good to have good chefs." Dawn smiled, trying to get away from the subject about her past. "I use to cook at a resturant in Brisbane, had good times there."

"Oh...A cook I see." He said with a grin. "Well, maybe you can show me sometime."

"That would be fun." She smiled, "So how far is it to the barracks?"

He stoppded suddenly infront of a pair of double doors. "RIght here. Welcome home."

"Thank you Jack." She smiled, as she opened the doors, "Maybe I could make you some lasagna or something some time." Dawn said, with a wave, "See you around."

He watched her walk away, an equally amazing experience as any other. He looked forward to seeing her again.

Sergeant Dawn Brianna
Team Member


Chief Petty Officer Jack Larkin
Engineering Officer



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