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Posted on 30 Dec 2010 @ 6:57pm by Captain Reva Madhava & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,755 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: The Poisoned Arrow
Timeline: TBD

[Ready Room]

Da'nal had only arrived back on the Achilles a short while ago and was still sorting thing out with all that had happened. A partially eaten plate of ghod toDbaj HajDobDu’ (Stuffed toDbaj legs) sat at the edge of his desk as he looked over report after report. Things were not looking good, but at least for the most part the Romulan military was accepting the help the Federation had sent. Only three ships had been fired on. He leaned back stretching his neck. He hated the paperwork that cam with command and thankfully Lance kept things well organized for him.

He needed a break and headed to the lounge for a 'refreshment'.

[Main Lounge - The Poisoned Arrow]

The problem with restricted shore leave was this: working one shift, taking one shift to play and being restricted to the ship for a third shift... it left a lot of time on one's hands. Two officers, both Lieutenants, were drowning some of their restricted-to-the-ship shift in the ship's lounge. Both were several beers in and the conversation had meandered from shore leave tales to working woes.

"Our resident Orion?" Darwin smirked and downed the last of the beer in his glass. He'd been lending a sympathetic ear to his drinking pal, Oz, who had just complained about the green-skinned beauty. Apparently she wasn't giving Oz, her fellow scientist, the time of day. Darwin didn't have that problem with the woman; indeed, he had a different problem: she was on his list of combat trainees. "Eh. If you ask me, not worth your time."

"Have you seen her?"

"Yeah." Darwin had - he'd seen more of her than he'd ever expected. He shook his head and commiserated with his friend by giving him the sour grapes approach. "Look, she's a spoiled brat, Oz. And that isn't likely to change, especially when officers like Phoenix-Patil let her slide on being a brat. You're the one that told me about Madhava's insubordination. And what did she get for it? Nothing." He then said a thing that made his friend groan: "Mouths off at an officer... She needs a good spanking."

Darwin heard the groan and amended himself: "A reprimand! A.. oh, dammit, Oz, you know what I mean!" He laughed and Oz joined him.

Since Mr. Oz Goodshire had been recovered from the fungus collective they had encountered earlier Da`nal had taken a special interest in the man. For security reasons for one and what his good friend Charghl'IH had told him of the man for another reason. However it was what his partner at the bar was saying that grabbed his attention. It could very well be that the man just had one too many and was spouting off...or his second officer had let Ensign Madhava get away with insubordination. Either way it warranted looking into, he could not afford to have senior officers letting people slide.

Da`nal rose from his seat in the back of the lounge heading to the bar he set his now empty cup on the counter. As he did he nodded to the two men, "Evening Gentlemen...", and headed out of the lounge.

Darwin barely turned his head towards the CO; instead, he grimaced at Oz and, with the CO hopefully out of earshot, muttered to Oz, "Now there, that's one that'd probably give the brat what she deserves." Oz laughed and nodded in agreement, diligently ignoring the mental image that idea gave him.

At the door Da`nal stopped and turned back. "Mr Goodshire. Walk with me."

Oz nearly choked on his tongue, but he quickly recovered, glanced at Darwin then stood and went with the CO. "Sir?"

Da`nal's hands were clasped behind him as they began to walk. "While I want to discuss what I overheard in there, there has been something else I need to discuss with you, Lieutenant."

"Sir, I swear," Oz started defending himself, "I don't know how those stink bugs got into the environmental filters. But if the engineers hadn't smashed them up, they wouldn't have stunk quite so much."

Shaking his head slightly, it was just as Charg had told him, "I had not been made aware of that incident, but that is not what I was referring to. I had been informed of your 'recovery' and then on the recommendation of a former shipmate of yours I requested your posting to the Achilles."

"Shipmate? Who?" Oz wondered who they mutually knew.


"Oh, right...," the scientist nodded thoughtfully. What had Charg told this Captain? Letting go of the fretting, and of the knowledge that he'd just ratted himself out, he asked, "What... uh... what was it you wanted to discuss with me?"

They continued down the corridor as the talked. "I wanted to thank you. Your loyalty to my friend during and after the Cartaris incident is to be commended. It is obvious by your being passed over for promotion; that others may have side lined that and only looked at your involvement in the deaths resulting form Captain Drapers orders. However it is not a sentiment I share. I have read your reports and logs, Charg has told me of his discussions with you and a Mr. Bly...and while I cannot help him. I can help you."

Bly... perhaps it was the effect of the fungus that had infected his head, but Oz realized that Bly must have been an entirely forgettable person - he certainly couldn't conjure up an image of the guy. "Help me? And what will I need to do or give for this help?"

Stepping into the lift as the doors open. "Bridge. Loyalty, Mr. Goodshire, loyalty. To a Klingon there are few traits that rank higher. Serve this ship and me with the same loyalty I was told I could expect and you will be awarded the rank Charg tells me you deserve."

He paused only slighty. "Make no mistake I will not be giving you anything, however if you deserve a promotion you shall receive it."

"Huh," Oz grunted slightly. Should he be thankful? Not really; a promotion was long overdue - he should have received one after taking command of a stranded, isolated and besieged contingent. Shrugging, Oz said, "Then I'll work as normal."

That caused Da`nal to laugh out loud, turning a few heads as the two stepped onto the bridge and headed into the ready room. "I sincerely hope that's not the forget I know what is considered 'normal'. I've heard all about your exploits."

[...back in the Ready Room]

"Mine?" He tried to look innocent and mostly succeeded, or would have, if only Da'nal didn't already know the stories. "Most of those stories are either... exaggerations or... overstatements. I mean... the exploits really belong to the bugs involved."

"And the security officer you shot?"

The scientist's ears and neck turned red; he knew who Da'nal meant: a security officer, Chrissa, who'd made him so nervous with her mere presence that he'd accidentally fired off his phaser earlier than he'd intended. She'd been injured rather badly and that had ended any sort of romantic intentions Oz may have had towards her. "Well, sir, to be fair, I've shot a couple of them during drills and training," he tried to reason away his shooting of the officer.

Da`nal grinned. He knew he had the goods on the man but even though it came from a trusted source he had to judge him by what happened under hius command and not what others told him. "Well as long as you don't make a habit of shooting others and can keep your little friends where they belong we shouldn't have any problems."

Oz knew: they'd have problems.

Da`nal reopened the man's file. "I also noticed that you had a special tour while helping to hold a planet from the....Xelcucians."

"I did, yes. Earned myself a new shoulder joint in the process, too," he shrugged his right shoulder. "Those were interesting times, Captain." Sometimes, Oz was a master at understatement.

“Well combat experience is always a plus. I think I could use you, to help train the other members of the crew. Other than the Marines, most of the crew lacks combat experience or training. As most came with me from the USS Freedom, a Majestic class diplomatic vessel; the Achilles on the other hand has an entirely different mission profile.â€

"Combat training? Me?" Oz's brows rose but then he settled in. "That'll work, I suppose, so long as I have someone like Darwin - Lieutenant Darwin - along with me. He was at Ka'tanka with me."

Da`nal nodded. "Select whom you wish. You may want to work with the Marines on board as well."

Knowing that Darwin had been handling quite a bit of the training and would best know whom to call upon, Oz nodded and said, "I'll talk with Lieutenant Darwin about that, Sir."

Satisfied, Da`nal leaned back and put the officer on the spot. "Now what was this about LtCmdr Patil and Ens. Madhava?"

"Uh...," Oz again choked and he glanced behind him, as if either Patil or Madhava might be there. He considered weaseling out of being a snitch - of putting the onus on Darwin. But he didn't: "Ah... according to rumor, Sir, Madhava argued with Patil while on the Bridge. About what, I don't know. I'm sure you could find witnesses."

"Smart move to not repeat mere hear-say, I will look into the matter myself. No need to get that witness yourself, but I will want his or her name."

He threw his friend under the bus: "Lieutenant Darwin would likely have that information; he seems to know a lot."

Da`nal would check for himself if his information was first hand or hearsay, but that would have to wait. "Very well Lieutenant, you're dismissed."

Oz managed not to blurt out 'thank god,' as he turned and headed for the door.

As he neared the door the Captain stopped him. "Oh Mr. Goodshire."

So close, yet so far.... Oz hid a wince as he turned back. "Sir?"

"You may want to contact Charg...I'm not sure if you know but he's married now."

"Really?" He grinned widely. "I wouldn't have thought the old man ever would!" He sobered quickly and added, "Well, then, yes, I should contact Charg. Thanks, Captain."


Captain Da`nal

Lieutenant Darwin, SEC
Lieutenant Oz Goodshire, SCI
--NPC'd by Reva


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