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Just in time...

Posted on 12 Dec 2010 @ 1:18am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,135 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Timeline: Day 3 -Afternoon

Charg was in the traditional outfit of a Klingon wedding and he paced the floor anxiously. It wasn't nerves that were the cause of his pacing but that he was delaying the start of the ceremony.

"Charg we must start..."

"HE WILL BE HERE." Charg raised a hand and put it on his friends shoulder. General D'Groth was his closest friend and ally, but Da`nal had stood by him...supported him without hesitation when he had fled the Federation after his 'trial'. "I'm sorry my friend, you are right."

His grandfather stood there as well and he grinned slightly, “‘The needs of the many...' after all."

"Not the most apt application of Surak's teaching, but appropriate. Shall we proceed?"

The three of them exit the chamber and make there way to the Great Hall.

[Just entering transporter range of Quavat'el TigH]

Da`nal had been cursing the events that had delayed their departure but his officers were not to blame, nor were the alerts issued by Starfleet. The autopilot was set and as soon as they entered transporter range the shuttle would be entering into a preprogrammed orbit over the planet.

The panel beeped indicating they had reached the point he had been waiting for. Bolting form his chair he moved aft. "I hope you are...ready. Da`nal paused as he saw Aryen. She was stunning.

Ayren was dressed in a deep orange silky empire style dress, falling in soft folds around her legs. From the bejeweled shoulder bands, the neckline plunged in a V shape towards her breasts, gems in traditional Klingon patterns framing the soft fabric, the same repeated to follow the empire line under her breast to her back. On her shoulders rested a small version of female Klingon armor. She successfully combined Klingon tradition with feminine flair, giving her regal, yet soft look. "I am ready," she said smiling, taking D'anal in. He always looked irresistible in his full armor.

"Computer, energize." The two of them dissolved and materialized outside the compounds main entrance.

A guard stopped them but Da`nal was already giving him the answer to his question before the man asked it. "I am Da`nal heir to the House of Varal and Captain of the USS Achilles."

The guard knew who he was immediately. "The ceremony has just started...this way," and they were rushed into the compound.

[Great Hall of the House of Torath]

The great hall had been adorned in Klingon traditional finery. Fires burned brightly and the hall echoed the sound of the massive drums as they beat out a steady rhythm. The central dais has been draped of and two huge banners came together in the center each bearing the crest of the two Houses being brought together in the wedding about to take place.

Sirella stepped up onto the dais to her position, behind her and to her left stood General D'Groth Charghwl'IH's Tawi'Yan (Sword bearer). With her gesture the drums quieted, but continued as the ceremony began.

"With fire and steel did the gods forge the Klingon heart. So fiercely did it beat, so loud was the sound, that the gods cried out, "On this day we have brought forth the strongest heart in all the heavens. None can stand before it without trembling at its strength." But then the Klingon heart weakened, its steady rhythm faltered and the gods said, "Why do you weaken so? We have made you the strongest in all of creation..."

At his cue Charg mounted the dais and took his position. As he did he spotted his friend Da`nal in ceremonial robe carrying his Ma'Stakas. Reaching his position he spoke out, "I am alone."

Sirella continued, "...And the gods knew that they had erred. So they went back to their forge and brought forth another heart..." She outstretched he arm and the assembled crowd parted, revealing X'ae.

X'ae stepped forward, head held high, but her eyes glittered at the sight of her mate. No one mattered, she was only aware of him. The magnificent Tholian silk enhanced every curve of her body, wrapping her legs as she moved towards the dais. Her House insignia was displayed on the traditional armor plate on her shoulders and heavy belt. Her feet ended in woman's Klingon boots, but with her own high heel interpretation. The deep red color enhanced the glow of her bronze skin. Tough and soft was the dress, like X'ae

Charg's heart began to beat hard in his side at the sight of her and his eyes were fixed on her as she took her place. Once upon on the dais D'Groth stepped forward hand each a bat'leth.

As he backed away and joined the other with their Ma'Stakas Sirella continued. "...But the second heart beat stronger than the first, and the first was jealous of its power..."

As was tradition Charg swung his bat'leth toward his bride, but X'ae parried the blow and slipped her blade under his guard and put it to his neck.

"...Fortunately, the second heart was tempered by wisdom..."

Now it was X'ae's turn, "If we join together, nothing can stop us."

As they lower their blades they pull each other close

"...And when the two hearts began to beat together, they filled the heavens with a terrible sound. For the first time, the gods knew fear. They tried to flee, but it was too late. The Klingon hearts destroyed the gods who created them and turned the heavens to ashes. To this very day, no one can oppose the beating of two Klingon hearts."

Sirella glancing to Charg, “Charghwl'IH, son of Soval...Does your heart beat only for this woman?"

Charg breathed deeply as he stared into X'ae's eyes. "It does."

"And will you swear to join with her and stand with her against all who oppose you?"

"I so swear."

"X'aedell, daughter of Karagh...Does your heart beat only for this man?"

With her heart nearly jumping through her chest, X'ae looked deeply into Charg's eyes. Her eyes glistened with moisture of excitement and joy. "It does" she answered, only just controlling her breathing.

"And will you swear to join with her and stand with her against all who oppose you?"

"I so swear."

"Then let all present here today know that this man and this woman... are married."

Cheers and howls rise from the assembled guests and the drums beat again and Charg kissed X'ae.

Da`nal glanced to Ayren with a grin and it was a short time later that the dais exploded in semi-organized chaos as he and others attacked the newlyweds.

Ayren's heart skipped a beat, not wanting to allow herself to think towards what was ahead for her too. Competent with a bat'leth herself, she joined the fight.



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