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Posted on 04 Jul 2009 @ 3:29pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

619 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Science Dept.
Timeline: Current

Chrisandra entered the Science Department and look around she was looking for her ranking officer to report in for duty. She had once been the XO on the Merlin, but she felt her skills were needed elsewhere and so she transfered to the USS Freedom. Here she felt she could be of more use to the crew and help out better.

Yeoman Nelson told Da`nl that the new Science officer had come to the bridge to formally introduce herself now that the ship was underway. "She just left sir....went looking for her Department Head."

"Lt. Davidson you said..."

"Yes sir."

"Shall I call her back to report?"

"No no, I'll go to her. I need to stretch my legs anyway."


A short time later Da`nal stepped into the science department find the Lieutenant looking around. "Lieutenant Davidson I assume?"

Chrisandra looked up and nodded, "Yes sir. You must be the commander," Chrisandra held out her hand for a formal handshake, "Its nice to meet you sir."

"And you lieutenant. Have you gotten yourself all settled in?"

"Yes sir I have. I must say the Freedom is peaceful... so far." Chrisandra gave a small chuckle.

Smirking slightly he nodded his head. "You have a strange idea for what is peaceful Lieutenant. Well now that we are underway perhaps that will be so...but I doubt it. Our 'passenger' has too many friends in high places. Have you managed to speak with Lt. Rodriguez yet?"

"Yes sir I have. I checked in with her quickly before coming here. Was that ok?" Chrisandra didn't want to offend the commander by straying from the book. If had been ok to check in with her superior in the science department then Chrisandra might be ok. If not she seriously needed to look at the rules again.

"That was fine. I've been rather busy lately so think nothing of it. From your records I saw that you had been about the Merlin on you last assignment. Must take some getting used to...going from such a large ship, to the Freedom?"

"That and the fact that when I was on the Merlin I was the XO. It was only trial basis, but I got used to giving orders for a short time. It will take a little time to not be the one giving orders, but I think I can handle it."

"Well its good to know that I have several officers of command caliber aboard. It leaves me with more options, plus I don't have to entrust the ship to some wet behind the ears kid. So tell me wahat are you working on? Rodriquez is keeping you busy I trust.

"So far I'm checking to see that the equipment is working correctly and if anything needs replacing or needs to be repaired I set them in two different piles accordingly. Those that are in fine condition I put back in their places." Chrisandra didn't want to work with faulty science equipment so she planned ahead and checked them first.

"Very good. Well things seem to be well in hand here so I wil let you get back to work." Extending his hand to her. "I hope the belated welcome aboard if ok?

"It was fine, sir." Chrisandra held out her own hand and shook the commander's hand.

If you'll excuse me then. I know no one like a hovering CO. Just so you know my door is always oopen, but be sure you use the chain of command."

"Yes sir. I'll remember that." Chrisandra smiled.

Nodding at her reply he turned and made is way to the mess hall.


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt Chrisandra Davidson
Sci Officer


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