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Posted on 04 Jul 2009 @ 5:03pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

806 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Counselor's Office
Timeline: On route to SB47

Elek had been thinking about Silonez for some time, and was worried about the man. He had hoped, when he had given him a choice about staying or going, he would stay, and confront his demons. Instead, Silonez had chosen to leave, and become further lost in his own despair.

He was uncomfortable discussing other peoples' personal problems with their superiors - they were, after all, personal - but, sometimes, it was needed, especially for someone like the intelligence officer, who was quite clearly on the edge.

He tapped his comm badge. "Elek to Da'nal. When you have a moment, would you be able to meet me in my counselling office, please?"

Da`nal had been in his ready room with a member of the Intel staff when the call came in. =^=On my way.=^= It didn't take long for him to reach the Counselor's office. He chuckled slightly, actually the man had two offices. Perhaps he should she about his dutied called for the two area's.

The doors opened at his arrival. "What can I do for you Mr. Elek?"

Elek stood. "Thank you for seeing me so quickly, Captain," he said, motioning to his visitor's chair. "I was hoping to speak to you about Mr Eircson, and the meeting I've had with him?"

Taking his seat. "I saw the report from sickbay. A sucidal officer is never a good thing. The only thing that kept me from removing him from active duty was our current situation. If he had held a command post or anyother post for that matter he would have been immediately relieved.

"What did you learn from your meeting with him?"

Elek sighed, and leaned back in his chair, throwing his padd on the desk without thinking. "He's emotionally unstable, sir. He sees Intelligence work as an area that he'll never get credit for his work in, and he's undoubtedly been involved in more ... morally dubious areas that are no doubt affecting his conscience. He wants to leave Starfleet, sir - he can't see any future within the Fleet, almost refuses to see one, and needs intensive, prolonged counselling to help him recover from this. I don't know if I'd be the right choice for this one, because it needs to be done in a non-Starfleet setting if he's going to have any chance of recovery."

"What if we were to show him a future? Remind him of his accomplishments? I almost made him the ships Exec....and now this."

"I did try that, sir ... or, at least, tried to. At the moment, he's not willing to listen anything or anyone that's outside his own mindset." Elek frowned. "He is struggling to see what life is all about at the moment, and certainly his accomplishments ... or the possibilities he has in front of him ... don't really feature in his view."

"Perhaps a sabbatical? Give him the time off he needs but let him know that he has a place here. Something to come back to?"

"I think a sabbatical is definately a good idea. Let him see something else - the bigger picture. Make him appreciate the wider universe, and see if Starfleet the right choice for him."

"Well recommend it to him the next time you meet with him. Present it to him as an alternative to resignation. Perhaps he has a personal project or hobby that he has been wanting to persue and has had the time."

Elek sighed, and nodded. He didn't think it would do much good - after all, Silonez had been so negative the last time, and hadn't wanted to accept any options or ideas, but Elek would try, nonetheless.

"Yes, sir," he said simply.

Even without being a telepath Da`nal sensed the Counselors trepidation. "Do You think there will be a problem? Perhaps if I spoke with him....or perhaps the both of us?"

Elek breathed out, and shook his head. "Nooooo, sir, I think it would be better coming from me ... and me alone. He has enough issues, I would say, without having to contend with feelings of being ganged up on .. or at least feeling like it. I'll speak with him again, sir."

"Very well. But following that meeting I want to know if he is fit for duty. I cannot have suicidal department heads. If after your meeting you feel the slightest hesitation as to his mental stability..."

"Absolutely, sir, I assure you ... I will be completely honest about it, both to you and to him, if he can handle the truth."

"If it comes to relieving him of duty we will do it togther. I would think knowing that he has our support would be a benefit to him."

Elek nodded. "Agreed, sir. I'll let you know."

Cmdr Da`nal

Lt (JG) Termin Elek
CDO / Counselor


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