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Warp Drive Worries

Posted on 30 Jun 2009 @ 11:10pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,108 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: On route to SB47

Da`nal was making his way to Engineering he knew his Chief Engineer had concerns about stressing the newly repaired engines with a lengthy trip at warp but it couldn't be avoided. As he had not seen the engineer about the ship he had assumed he was staying in Engineering keeping a close eye on things...hell he was probably sleeping in his office.

Upon entering he looked about, everything seemed in order non of the displays looked to be out of the ordinary, but then he never had been an engineer. Making his way further into the section he finally saw the Chief off to one side of the warp core.

"Everythin seems to be fine...there's a 2.5% variance....but tha's well within the limits.."John muttered to himself, as he ran his fingers over the console in front of him. It was giving him a direct link between the core, and the engines. He had been keeping an eye on them since they jumped to warp. He had been standing by, ready to cut the power to them, the second he heard something was wrong. He hadn't even eaten lunch yet.

He was so focused on the readings, he never even saw the Captain walk in.

Da`nal noticed the man's focus on the terminal in front of him. Not wanting to startle the man he called out. "Mr. McPherson."

John looked up, a bit puzzled....Why was the Captain down here? Had he done something wrong? "....How can I help you sir?" He asked, as he made his way over to him. He wanted to tell the man he had had him biting his nails, and stressing about his engines, like a young girl on her first date...but he decided to keep his mouth shut instead. The man most likely already knew his complaints.

"I stopped by to see how things were going. You have expressed concerns about our warp engines. How are they holding up?"

"Better then I tho', but there are still a few bumps to smooth out. We were lucky this time Cap'n. I'd still recommend, not pushing past warp seven for a few days yet. She was strainin' a bit on the way out here" he explained, hoping he would get the time to look them over.

"Well we should be arriving at Starbase 47 in the next day or so. We won't be there too long be should be long enough to give the engines a rest and allow you to look them over. Perhaps the Starbase has a few new developments that you could get your hands on?"

"Aye...I suppose they might" John replied with a smile. "Thank yah sir. That should be plenty o' time to recalibrate the engines" He said, as he started planning out all the things he had to get, in his head.

Now that he knew the engines were ok he inquired as to the rest of the ship. "How is the rest of the ship holding up?"

"Remarkably well, Captain. She's well within smooth running expectations. Though....I don't know how she'll handle under stress yet. Her weapons, and shields upgrades are still unrated" he explained, as he walked over to a console that held the ship's layout, by deck designation.

"Well having taken her into battle already I'd say that her phasers and shields worked exceptionally well. There is one less D'deridex Warbird thanks to torpedoes and aft tractor emitters."

"Well then, tha' settles it sir. You're ship is a wellt tuned piece o' work" John replied with a smile.

Nodding as he returned the smile with a grin of his own. "Now that's what I wanted to hear. Tell me what do you think of the Majestic class?"

"She's a bit much to swallow at first sir, but she is a beauty" he said, smiling. He really was excited to have a chance to work with this new class of ship.

"That she is. Being state of the art usually means working a lot of bugs out of the various systems, so far we have been very lucky as far as that's been concerned." Changing the subject Da`nal looked up the warp core, his hand on the railing. "Chief, there is a....problem I need to discuss with you; not out here though."

"Well then. I suppose we ought to step in th' office." John said, as he made his way across engineering.

Once they were in his office, and the door had closed behind them Da`nal began. "There is a possibility of an intruder. A Rolmulan agent or agents may have moved from the station and onto the Freedom."

"Wha'? How di' this happen? You think tha' their here to sabotage th' ship?" He asked, hoping that it wasn't the case. He had just gotten the engines operational. He didnt want to have to fight with the possibility of someone throwing a monkey wrench right back into them. "Do we have any idea who they are?"

"How, and who is currently under investigation, what I need is for you to create the appearance that the ship's weapons are powered down and our defensive systems are at minimal levels. Once we cross the border we will be on our own. I want to be able to create the illusion that we trust our hosts. Unfortunately given recent developments that will not be the case; that is if we don't discover the infiltrator before we cross the Neutral Zone."

"I'll try m' best sir, but to be honest, to do what yer askin, is nearly impossible fer a ship with an energy output like we do. I've ne'er done anythin' like this before. I'll need at least an hour to run some ideas through some simulations" he explained, as he became a bit stressed. It seemed like it was just one thing after another so far.

Da`nal knew what he was asking was a near impossibility, but as they say, 'that's the short definition of Captain'. "Do your best, if it can't be done let me know as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly."

"Understood sir. I'll try and figure ou' somethin'" John replied, sighing, as he turned on his monitor, and started searching through possibilities to use as scenarios.

Da`nal left him to his work and headed out. He had a personal project to finish up so he headed to his quarters got what he needed and made what should be his final trip to the holodeck in order to complete his 'gift'.


Cmdr Da`nal

LT. McPherson
Chief Engineer


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