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Patience is a virtue

Posted on 26 Dec 2010 @ 10:52pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

776 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Kzinti Homeworld - the Patriarch's Orbital Platform
Timeline: Shortly after the destruction of Romulus

Patriarch Riit looked out over his world after looking over the lasted updates on ship construction, weapon's development, troop training, and intel from the Caitian brothers. All was going well. The fleets were nearly ready hidden all across the planet in massive underground facilities, and even 2 of their secret weapons were complete, with another two in the final stages of construction. The huge weapons had been built and housed inside their moon. When it came time to deploy theses vessels there would be no stopping them.

For generations his predecessors had learned from the mistakes of the past. In every encounter with the humans his people had moved before they were ready, or under estimated them in some way. Over the long years they had cultivated relations with many Caitian males and they and they cubs had worked there way into Starfleet, standing ready to and providing information on Federation technology.

Using the greed of the Ferengi and the stupidity of the Pakled, they had gotten their claws on Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Andorian, Vulcan, Tholian, Cardassian, Breen, and Dominion technologies. With all these sources and a few captured vessels here and there, they were able to backwards engineer these technologies to begin to create the armada's that were now complete or under construction.

He had inherited the culmination of his forefathers planning...their patience. With each new Patriarch the pressure mounted to act. His grandfather had overseen the completion of the enormous caverns on both Kzin and their moon. His father had overseen the initial stages of the construction of their new starships. He had seen to the updating of theses ship and the construction of the newest and most powerful weapons now at their command.

During and after the Federations Dominion war it had taken all his power and resources to keep his people intact and to prevent the other Clans from acting on their own. But they were ready. Eventually they would have to strike or risk all their work becoming obsolete.

He turned from the window and was returning to his private quarters when an aid and several of his Generals burst into the room. "Pardon the intrusion Lord Patriarch but there is news! Romulus has been destroyed!"

Both his head and ears snapped in the direction of the small group. The looks in their eyes were of anticipation and blood lust. ""

"A star exploded and the shock wave destroyed Romulus, Remus and critically damaged several colonies, ship....."

The Patriarch raised a clawed hand and stopped the report. "Summon my eldest son and the Council of Clans!"


[An Hour Later...Council Chambers]

The Patriarch sat high upon his dais looking out over the storm of planning and debate. His son, not having earned his name yet sat lower and to his right and remained silent. Even being heir to the Patriarchy, he could not lead until he had earned his name in combat.

Looking up to his father he turned back to observe the council. His father though wise....was too cautious in his opinion.

The Patriarch roared for silence and as the assembled clan and military leaders grew silent General Zariv-Nel rose. "My Lord the time to strike is at hand."

"Why....Romulus has fallen. NOT Earth. Has the Human lead Federation been weakened in ANY way?"

"No. But then why summon us if not begin final preparations and to set the day of our revenge."

The Patriarch grinned and leaned forward. "What would you order if an old enemy suffered such a catastrophe?"

The General thought for a brief moment the saw the Patriarchs thinking. "I would put our forces on alert."

"Precisely. Just as the Federation no doubt has themselves. However the Federation being what they are will undoubtedly soon move to aid the Romulan's and this will be their critical error. The other powers like the Cardassian and the Breen will no doubt seek to use the situation to their advantage. But above all...the Klingon's will see this as a huge opportunity to regain long disputed territory against an ancient enemy....and the Federation will be caught in the middle.

"The Federation will be caught in the middle between helping an old enemy and protect them from an ally, and other regional forces. This could be the event that could fracture the Federation-Klingon Alliance and redraw the balance of power in the region. The one thing it will most definitely do is strain the Federation's resources. It is then that we will strike.

"General Zariv-Nel, the word is given. Begin final preparations!" With that order the room exploded.


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