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Exploring the Ship

Posted on 07 Dec 2010 @ 11:23am by

617 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: USS Achilles

Wandella couldn't sleep. She'd had so much on her mind as of late, it was almost too much to handle all at once. Between a brewing war, disaster foretold in the Romulan Empire, her own issues, and the death of sweet, beautiful Melanie...

Poor Melanie.

~If I had gotten there sooner.~ Wandella thought, ~If I hadn't devoted so much time to me and my sex drive! She'd still be alive.....~

Wandella hadn't slept a night through, or gone out, or even had someone in since Melanie's funeral, she just couldn't bring herself to do any of those things. She went to her shift, finished it, did anything she had to do in her capacity as Department Head, then went back to her quarters and laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling, wishing she had done something different. Even Tarryn, just a few meters away, was barely in the same world with her anymore, it was almost like she didn't know how to talk to Wandella now.

~She'd be best served staying away from me. That way I can't get her killed the way I did Melanie.~ Wandella cursed herself as she stared at the ceiling, trying to remember how long it had been since she had gone this long without having sex, especially by choice. ~I think I was fourteen last time, and this is first time by choice.....~

"Frack it, I'm in for another sleepless night." Wandella sighed, rising from her bed to walk the ship again. She'd been walking it almost every night since the funeral and now was sure she knew every nook and cranny of it better than the engineers who built her.

Wandella passed by the lounge first, it was sparsely populated at that moment to say the least, three, maybe four people in there. She'd not add another, for that matter she hadn't had a drink since Melanie's funeral, either, ~What have I got to celebrate?~

She walked and walked for ten, then twenty, then thirty minutes, then an hour, then two, finally ending up in front of Melanie's office, as she always did. Standing there in front of Melanie's office, knowing someone else was in it now, was too much for Wandella to take for long, so, as she always did, she leaned her palm against the door and closed her eyes, whispering a silent prayer for Melanie's soul and begging forgiveness from her for letting her die.

Finishing as quickly as she could Wandella sprinted from Melanie's office to the conference room, sitting on the table, as she had for the past few nights, contemplating the picture of 'Achilles' that adorned the wall above Da'nal's chair. Even if nothing else could that picture always made her laugh, at least a little, because the designer who had done the interior for this conference room wasn't a human, and had no idea who the frack Achilles was, let alone what he looked like. So, as near as Wandella could figure, this artist went home, googled 'Achilles' and came up with this picture and painted it. So now, every time Da'nal tried to hold a briefing and tried to handle serious business, Wandella had to fight the urge to laugh as she stared up at the image of....Brad Pitt.

Wandella managed a small chuckle as she continued to look up at Brad's overly pretty countenance, wondering if she should ever tell Da'nal about the frack up. ~Nah, then he'd get rid of the picture.~ Wandella thought, continuing grimly, ~Then I might never laugh again......~ That was the thought Wandella drifted off to sleep on, lying right there where she was.



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