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Crashing the party

Posted on 06 Dec 2010 @ 5:36pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,209 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Intel conferance room
Timeline: Day 2 - Shortly after entering orbit


In the last forty eight hours since the Achilles had largely attempted to return to normal, accept for down in the intelligence department, the first reports of refugees leaving the romulan system had begun to flood in, Silonez was looking at each individual report as if there was something of value, the most disturbing report was from the USS Collings, who had reported that some major riots had broken out in several Romulan cites, and that many colonies were streached to the limit and were being forced to turn refugees away.

Another report from USS Monterey said that a small flotilla of civilian and military ships had been forced away from the main shipping lanes by the klingons and that only ships with casualties were being allowed in to klingon space, and then promptly sent to starbase 334. USS Allman was escourting a Romulan warbird to starbase 60, reports indicated the ship was over capacity by two thousand or more.a
Then two more reports came to his sttention, USS Serenity had been doing a surrvey of the Wyn Cluster on the far side of Romulan space near the Typhon expanse when she missed her scheduled check in presumed missing, and USS Ottawa was found disabled ten light years away by unknown attackers. Things were looking bleek as he prepared his briefing, despite looking disheveled and sleep deprived Silonez was feeling at the top of his game, and was ready for anything.

[Corridor leading to the Conference Room]

Da`nal and Don walked as they discussed the recent simulation. Da`nal had thought back to Commodore Soran's comments when his command was transferred to the Achilles, but he was not one to second guess himself once he made a decision. The Commodore had wanted to assign a more combat oriented crew. The Freedom had been a diplomatic vessel though the missions the Freedom had under taken were far from diplomatic.

"...Of course there is a difference from ship to ship combat and ground fighting. When it comes to ship to ship this crew is second to none. You are right that ground combat is what the Marines are for. but I don't want to have to rely totally on the Marines."

Don thougtht about it. "It is a big change for the crew. Most of them had never done anything like this before, and in the end they worked together and pulled it off.." he commented.

He nodded as the walked. "Correct again they did come together and win but barely. The losses were too high and if Captain Longwinter hadn't joined them...which is another issue to be addressed...their victory would have likely been a defeat."

"Exactly.... in fact, it might have been better had they lost. That could have helped them to see a clear picture of where they are at....they are not used to this.."

"I will deal with the Captain but while on shore leave I want the training to continue. Whatever shift is on duty WILL be training."

"It will be done," Don said. He was not happy with their performance and could see the need for training.

As Don acknowledge they entered the conference room. "What do you have for us Commander?"

"Looks like the news about the Romulan star going nova leaked out from the normal media controls, most of the normal information sources report mass chaos and rioting, and theres' a report of military ships going missing." Silonez paused as he switched modes "USS Bishop intercepted a report from the klingon commands near their boarder that civilian space craft have been crossing the boarder overflowing with refugees, its only a matter of time before we have sightings along the neutral zone."

It was only a matter of time before the news like this escaped official channels. Someone concerned for their family or something along those lines was usually the source of such leaks. "I assume this was a general notification sent out along the border?"

"There was only a veiled advisory to handle each situation specific to the needs of the refugees, Commodore Horton didn't want to make it sound as if we're arbitrarily opening the gates to refugees enmasse." Silonez reported, "one thing that has me concerned though is the slowed response from the Romulan military and the Talshiar to this crisis."

"Da`nal stood behind the chair hold on to the top of the chairs back. "Is there any indication that either is preparing for a move to grab power?"

"Those reports are more confusing than anything else, there was a report that the reunificationist movement has seized control of two colonies near the neutral zone and a third uprising was rather violently put down by the military." silonez stopped as he called up a display "The most bizzare report is this wedge area starting along this latteral line from the Wyn cluster down ward to where the Typhon expanse meets the neutral zone its like all communication has ceased to exist."

"Any idea's?"

"The short list, Borg, Civil unrest, regional black out, unknown invaders, military coup, who knows for every question there's three more questions to answer, the closest ship is missing so we're blind here."

The last thing he wanted right now was another headache, but the Romulans seemed to always find a way to make his life difficult. If it was the TalShiar or the Romulan military he did know someone that might know. As much as he disliked the idea perhaps a call to Isha was in order. "I know of someone that might know what is going on on the Romulan side of things. I will be departing shortly on personal business but if anything happens I want to know."

"And we are supposed to do what?" Don thought out load. "Sit here and wait so that whatever happens there will cause a major shift in the balance of power in this quadrant. Do we know if the Klingon Empire know yet?"

"They more than know, but they've taken it upon themselves to fire upon ships that cross the common boarder without premssion, there was a report that ships are being redirected to nearby starbases if they ask, but most of those ships were unarmed or very lightly armed." Silonez paused as he changed map views, "This is the one that doesn't make sense, he Earth outposts along the neutral zone here reported that all non-romulan freighter traffic is being turned away or hijacked."

There wasn't anything that the Achilles could do about what was happening near the outpost. Beside Starfleet would naturally assign a ship or ships to investigate those matters. This area was going to be filling up with refugee traffic, and fast. "Don get with the Starfleet depot here and the Colony administration. Offer any assistance they may need.

"Will do Captain," Don replied, making a note on his Padd.

"Mr. Eircson keep an eye on thing, but don't work yourself ragged. The last time you worked yourself to near exhaustion." After getting a nod of acknowledgement he continued. "Good, after this Ayren and I will be heading out...Don the ship is yours."

"Acknowledged," Don said.


Captain Da`nal

Commander Don Killian

Lt Commander Silonez Ericson


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