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Twisted Relations

Posted on 15 Dec 2010 @ 10:41am by Captain Reva Madhava & Captain Antonio Vazquez

2,595 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Antonio Vazquez's Quarters
Timeline: After Reva's Counseling session and discussion with Stadi

(OOC: This gets a little steamy, but nothing terrible. Lots of character development, though.)


Still spoiling for a fight, Reva and her dark cloud of emotions sought out the one person she hoped might ease her irritation: the Instructor, Lieutenant Vazquez. Just a few days ago, though it felt more like months, Reva had gotten him to agree to teach her a few new things. Coming off her abduction from the ship and sale at auction, those new things seemed mighty important to learn.

"Instructor?" Reva found the man in his quarters and greeted him as she entered. Everything about her demeanor showed confusion: some movements displayed anger; others were submissive. Reva had a bone to pick with him but also wanted something from him. "I trust you've been well...." Her jaw clenched.

Antonio looked up from the padd in his hand as the door opened. "Reva...?" he hadn't expected her, and not moving from where he stood, his eyes followed her, taking in her body language. "I was planning on seeing you, to see how you were doing.", he stated matter of factly. And as much as he tried to hide it, the guilt showed in his eyes.

Guilt: she could feel it coming off him and nearly grinned, knowing it would make him easier to manipulate. "Were you, now? And just when did you think you'd do that? Tomorrow, maybe? Or the following day?" Reva was feeling, and being, adversarial.

Forcing himself to turn away from her gaze, he laid the PADD down on the glass top coffee table, positioning himself on the opposite side of it, away from her. "After I showered," he looked back up at her, angling his head, "I just went off duty..." he stopped, his eyes following the way she continued to move towards him. "Reva", he frowned "I want you to stop right there."

She arched a brow, put both hands on her hips and stood still, very close to pouting as she considered him. Then, jabbing a finger in his direction, she let him have it: "It was your fault! If you hadn't dragged me to sickbay, I would have been fine! I could have controlled him and the Doctor wouldn't have died!" It wasn't an absolutely true statement but she couldn't reach him physically, so she'd hit him in another way.

"You KNOW as well as I, you are 'required' to be up to date on your injections!" he countered, harsher than he intended, and he watched her, not wanting to hurt her. And he turned away, rubbing his forehead.

Furious, even as she was getting just what she wanted: a fight, Reva stepped closer and grabbed his arm. "Don't you dare turn away! A day wouldn't have mattered to Starfleet; it now matters to me," she growled at him; it was her low-key way of yelling. "I had no control over that man, no way to stop him." That idea scared her more than she cared to admit.

He grabbed the hand that held him, turning sharply back to face her. "I know that!" he glared back seeing the fear in her eyes, and he quickly grabbed the sides of her face, forcing her to let go. "Don't you think I know that?!, he demanded, his eyes now searching hers. "You were scared... so was I!", he admitted. "So was I..." he repeated. And realizing what was happening, he released his grip. Unnerved, he started backing away...

This was a dance they had played at since meeting on the Montague: advancing close then backing away before anything could happen. Sick of it, and looking for a physical release of the emotions she felt, Reva didn't let him back away. She grabbed him and kissed him, harder than she intended, before he could react.

He hesitated for only a moment before his lips held onto hers. And as one arm went around her waist, he pulled her to him as he kissed her back, releasing her, only to capture her mouth again in a deeper kiss, as he wanted her, wanted to use her for his own release of the guilt, and frustration, and fear of when he believed they had lost her, of when he had lost her....

His desire mingled with hers, poured fuel on her fire. She pulled at his tunic and kissed him back, nearly biting him in her passion. "Take me, use me, show me," she urged him between kisses, "Do it!"

Still pressing against her, aroused even more by her demands, he reached down grabbing the bottom of his tunic, assisting her in removing it, never taking his hungry eyes off of her as he leaned in, taking small steps, forcing her to to take small steps backwards along with him, his hands moving around her waist, feeling her soft skin as he moved them upwards, caressing her breast as he lifted her tunic up and over her head.

Where her shirt went, she hadn't a clue, though she had helped him remove it from her. It was up, off and gone and his hands were on her skin: a thing she'd wanted for months. Was this a tease, she wondered. How far would he let her go before he stopped her? Her fingers grazed over his skin, followed the lines of his muscles down his side and back. She pulled at the button on his pants, unzipped them then grunted as her back hit the wall behind her and her hand was trapped between their bodies, touching bare skin on both bellies. Meeting his eyes, she felt doubt chill her desire. She wanted this - she wanted him - but like this? In the heat of anger and fear and regret? Would he regret this implusive act? She wouldn't; she was halfway to being in love with her idea of him.... "Antonio," she whispered his name, "I've... I've never...." At the last second, she changed her mind about telling him of her inexperience; it was information he didn't need. "Oh... Gods, I want you." She kissed him and did her best to silence the voice of doubt in her head.

Caressing her neck with both hands, he leaned over her, covering her lips with his, he kissed her back, feeling the heat between them as he pressed in on her, encouraging her hand to finish what it started. His stomach muscles jumped at her touch, unsettling him. But, he wanted her more than he ever had before, and ignoring all reasoning, he kissed her harder, opening his mouth invitingly, reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra.

Arching her back, she let him strip the gauzy thing off her then accepted both of his invitations. She kissed him and their tongues touched; her fingers slipped lower, touched hard muscle. Part of her, though, was tuned to the space around them: she was waiting, anticipating, an interruption. Would it be his commbadge? Hers? Had he locked the door? It was a pattern she'd come to expect: just as sex was about to happen, there'd be something that stopped her and her partner. With her mentor, other teachers had stopped them; with her Academy tutor, a friend had unwittingly interrupted... She wanted Antonio more than either of those two. Knowing her own luck, Reva kicked her shoes off and, stealing a glance at the door, begged him, "Please don't leave me wanting."

"Why would I do that?" he responded back in short breaths, gazing down at her, his eyes roaming her soft and beautifully firm body. His breathing labored as his hands and his mouth traveled down from her neck to her breast. He felt her body react and he twitched in response, his lips and his tongue traveled back up, while his hands continued to caress her skin as they moved downwards. After undoing the buttons of her pants, the zipper forced apart, his hands moved over her hips continuing to caress her skin as they slid her pants down and over them.

Her hands caressed his shoulders and neck; she touched his earlobe, twined her fingers in his hair and gasped as his teeth grazed her skin. Suddenly caught between her passion and desire for him and her fear that they'd be stopped, she sardonically smiled down at him, a look that made her look older, and said, "It's happened before, luv."

He heard her, but so intent on exploring her body, her words and her tone didn't register at first. It took a moment... His heart began beating in his ears as he peered up at her, her expression shook him, unnerved him, and a warning shot through him, coming from deep within his psyche as if from some long forgotten memory. He curled his hands around the back of her knees, quickly pulling her legs up around his waist as he slammed her back harder against the wall. And holding her up with his legs, he moved an arm behind her, placing one hand on the small of her back, gripping the back of her head with the other as he held her against him, controlling her movement. "Even when you need someone to lean on, need comforting, it's all about control..", his lips barely touched hers,, "Isn't it, Reva!"

She gasped as his sudden moves crushed her between his body and the wall; his fingers in her hair pulled her head back and she squirmed, confused. Her earlier anger was forgotten. Reva had fantasized about this, about being naked in Antonio's arms, open and vulnerable to him. But this, this hurt and wasn't much like her fantasy. To make matters worse, she suddenly had an image of her mother in her head. "Control? Lieu... Inst... Antonio?" She pushed at his shoulders, no longer being sensual or sexy with her touches. "Are you... Do you think I'm controlling you? Or... What are you saying?" She felt his anger ramping up and it added to her confusion.

Was she?! he looked at her pointingly...

And her jaw dropped as she got his point.

"What am I saying?!" his voice shook with anger, "What are you doing, Reva?! What is it you want from me?!", he searched her eyes, unsure himself of what it was he was asking her.

What had she wanted from him? She knew: she'd wanted a safe place to vent her fears, to seek comfort. Right now, she didn't feel so safe anymore. Indeed, she was a little scared of him and starting to get angry again. "I... I don't know, Antonio. But let me go now. We're...." her heart stopped, broke a little, "We're done here."

Shaken, he looked away from her as he stepped back from the wall, releasing his hold on her, and feeling the unsteadiness of her legs against him as she tried to stand, he put his arms back around her. Confused as well as her on what had just happened, he continued to hold her tightly to his chest even when she had her footing. And with her body tense in his arms, he rested his chin on her head. "I told you to stay away from me..." he said low, not understanding himself the meaning of it. His eyes looked around the room as if he was searching for the answer.

The anger he'd shown was uncharacteristic for him - Reva knew that. This Antonio: the one concerned about her, who was gentle, was the one she knew. Something had happened a moment ago but she didn't understand what yet. "Did you forget already? I changed ships, even managed to get myself kidnapped, all to stay away from you...," she joked lamely. Neither had been her choice, but if she didn't crack a joke, she'd end up crying.

Releasing her slowly, he looked down at her face; reminding himsef again how very young she really was, and her eyes showed a vulnerability and a need he had never seen in them before. He caressed her face, lightly brushing his lips across hers, before he reluctantly pulled away,  "I'm sorry, Reva.  I...can't be the one to comfort you." he said, his eyes roaming over her nude body one more time before he turned around to look for her clothes.  "I'm sorry for tonight, I didn't mean to hurt you..", he added as he snatched up her bra, reaching for her shirt.

The raw desire in his eyes as they raked over her had the color rising to her cheeks. Her gaze didn't have as much bare skin to cover: he still, though barely, had pants on; she had socks. Quickly, she pulled on her pants, bra and tunic and put her shoes on. Tying her long hair into a bun, she avoided looking at him till she was at his door. The whole while, Reva mentally reeled from what had happened. What *had* happened? She started to ease his guilt, "You didn't hurt me, Antonio...." He hadn't: she had set herself up for this. She was crazy, sick in the heart: she believed herself to be in love with the one man who only wanted her to leave him alone. She sighed and tugged at the bottom edge of her uniform. Then, she met his eyes, smirked, and commented, "Not many men would have the strength to kick a naked woman - let alone a willing, naked Orion - out of his quarters. It's that strength that keeps bringing me back like a moth to flame, Antonio."

"You're going to get burned.." he replied. Feeling very disturbed and confused at his own behavior, he leaned against a wall, rubbing a hand down his face, "Tell me you have learned from this, Reva."

"Don't you think I already know I'll get burned?" She touched his arm, moved closer to put her fingertips on his cheek. "I'll walk away if that's what you really want, Antonio," she challenged him and quirked a brow, "Just remember: I'm part-Betazoid; it's tough to lie to me."

The skin under his eyes crinkled into stress lines and he frowned as he stared back at her, "Walk away Reva", he moved a hand up, wrapping his fingers around hers, "Take care of yourself."

He was saying 'go away', but his emotions... she could feel how torn he was and that he thought he was protecting her by denying himself. Anger seeped back into Reva's expression and voice, "I have learned something from this, Antonio. I've learned that you're a master at self-denial. You should work at accepting what's offered. Being a martyr isn't any fun from what I've heard."

"Okay..." he nodded, his facial muscles working, "Now I'm a martyr". He released her hand, "Why should I expect you to do anything any differently you always have."

"'How I always have'?" Her jaw muscle tensed at his implication. "Just how have I always done things?" She knew, or thought she knew, what he meant: he'd made a comment about control earlier - her controlling him. The oblique accusation wounded her, enraged her, and she responded in the worst way possible: "You win, Instructor." She yanked herself away from him and out his door.

Antonio stared at the door for a moment, turning away as he again rubbed a stressed hand down his face. It was for the best, he told himself as he headed for the shower, wishing he could of comforted her...

...wanting to trust her.


Lieutenantjg Antonio Vazquez
Weapons Specialist
USS Achilles


Ensign Reva Madhava
USS Achilles


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