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Reporting for Duty

Posted on 07 Dec 2010 @ 4:39pm by Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

1,174 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Mercer Colony and USS Achilles
Timeline: Current

Teresa had left a crying Victoria in the room, for the nanny to deal with. Teresa felt bad for both the nanny and Victoria. She it hurt her to leave Victoria on the planet, but she wanted to check in before bringing her family up. She felt too that Victoria ought to spend some time planet side, before she shipped out, there was no telling when they might get a chance to be on a planet for awhile.

Teresa approached the desk in the lobby and the desk clerk looked up, "Ah... yes, Miss Wendsar. How might I assist you?"

"Could you direct me to the public comm unit?"

"Certainly, right this way." The clerk said as he came out from behind the desk. "How was your meal?"

Teresa followed the clerk, "It was delicious. Victoria wanted grilled cheese, and I thought the chef was going to have a fit. The cook came to our table and asked how to make grilled cheese, and returned to the kitchen. My daughter said that it was the best grilled cheese she'd ever eaten. I believe it was made with the local cheese."

The clerk laughed, "Knowing the chef, it will probably wind up on the menu. Here we go. Just punch in the code for your ship and the computer will do the rest. If I maybe of further assistance, just let me know."

"Thankyou, that will be all for now."

The clerk nodded and turned and left.

Teresa punched in the code for the Achilles and awaited the computer's confirmation. Upon recieving it, Teresa said. "Computer open a link to the USS Achilles."

The communications officer on duty got the request and opened the channel. "Achilles responding, crewman Lund here, how can I help you?" he asked.

"Just a second, I will see if he is avaliable," Lund said and muted the chanel.

=^= Lund to Commander Killian, Lieutenant Teresa Wendsar, from the Mecer Colony is requesting to speak with you," he said.

Don was in the holodeck schooling Stagar, his youngest horse. He had bought him as a 3 and a half year old Thoroughbred/Fresian mix from the Federation Equestre Internationale a few months ago and was preparing him for his first competition. Bringing the young gelding to a halt, he tapped his badge.

=^=Patch it through to my quarters, give me a few minutes,=^= Don said and swung off the hourse and saved the programme according to it's built in protocols. A few minutes later he sat in front of his console, still in his riding gear.

"Lieutenant Wendsar," Don greeted the doctor. He had received notification of her transfer. "What can I do for you?" he asked as her face appeared on his screen.

Teresa looked surprised when she saw the Commander's attire, but hid it quickly, "Yes, Sir. I wish to request permission to come aboard and report for duty, Sir. I have my transfer orders with me, Sir." Teresa glanced back as she heard the turbolift doors open at the hotel and saw Nancy and Victoria get off the turbolift. She waved at them, and turned back to the commander. "I appologize about the distraction, Sir." As Victoria ran and grabbed her legs.

Don glanced at the two in the background and then back at her. "Not a problem at all," he said. "You have permission," Don said and tapped his padd to confirm that. "Report to the CMO and the counselor and once you are settled in, come tell me how you are doing," Don said with a warm smile. "Welcome to the Achilles, Lieutenant," he said.

"Thank you, Sir. I will do that. How long are we here? Does my family have time to enjoy the planet, Sir?"

"You still have time to enjoy real sunshine," Don said. "You will be on duty one shift, on board for another and the third shift you will be on leave," he informed her.

"Thankyou, Sir. Lt. Wendsar out."

Teresa bent down and gathered Victoria in her arms and picked her up. "Did you hear that, sweetie? We will at leaat get one day together on the planet, then we have to leave."

Victoria nodded, "Will I get to go with you, or do I have to stay here?"

"Oh sweetie, you get to come with me. I just have to go check in, and spend sometime at work. We'll come down here and play, then we ship out together. Do you want to go to the ship, now with mommy, or do you want to stay down here with Nancy and I meet you down here?"

Victoria was suffering a bad case of seperation anxiety. She feared her mother would leave without her, "No, mommy, I want to go with you, please."

"Ok, hon, you may go with me. I'm sorry Nancy, if I had any other way, I'd say stay, but I have to check in and I can't take Victoria with me. You'll have to come up as well. Once I've checked in, I can get the holodeck up and running with a program and then you can have sometime off, before we ship out. You deserve it."

Nancy smiled, "That's ok, I knew what I was signing up for, when I signed on. I'll take care of Vicki when you need me to."

Teresa hugged Nancy, "I appreciate it, but you need time to yourself every now and then, so take the break while you can. Let's get moving to the transporter station, and not keep the Achilles waiting. The sooner I get checked in, the sooner we can all go on holiday."

Teresa headed over to the desk, "Looks like we will be checking out early. Can the bellhop assist us to the transporter station?"

The desk clerk looked up, "Certainly, but I fear there will be no refunds."

Teresa nodded, "That's ok, we do understand. We were able to freshen up and get in a nap. That was important."

The desk clerk handed her a PADD to sign, "I am glad your stay was a good one then. We hope that you and your family will be repeat customers."

Teresa took the PADD and looked over the bill. Seeing no problems with the bill, she added a tip for both the bell hop and the clerk and then signed it. She took out her credit card and handed it to the desk clerk, along with the PADD with the new total.

The clerk took the PADD and credit card. He ran the card, once it came back approved, he handed it back to her and called the bell hop. "We hope to see you again, soon." To the bell hop, "Please assist the Wendsars to the transporter station."

Once they'd gathered their luggage they headed to the transporter station, and beamed up to the ship. Teresa and her family were directed to their quarters, where Teresa left them to settle in, while she reported in.


Commander Don Killian

Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar
Medical Officer.


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