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The New Boss

Posted on 11 Dec 2010 @ 5:59pm by Captain Reva Madhava

306 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Science Lab
Timeline: After Reva's Counseling session (not yet posted)

[Science Lab]

"...and that's it?"

"Well...," Reva frowned at her co-worker, a blonde human who seemed to think that Reva's recent kidnapping, sale at auction and return to the ship had ended rather anti-climatically. "It wasn't fun, you know. Maybe for you, it could have been...." Reva winced, knowing it wouldn't have been fun for anyone.

"I don't know...," Reva's fellow Ensign mused, "Having Lieutenant Commander Eircson as my knight in shining armor... yeah, that could be fun." She grinned impishly, which caused Reva to roll her eyes.

"I'm going to check with Eagan, see if there's anything he wants done before I schedule any shore leave activities," Reva told her and moved to the new CSO's office. "Lt. Eagan?"

Sean was pouring over more reports when Reva entered into the room,"Hello Reva. How can I help you?"

"Actually, I came to ask you that question, Lieutenant," she said, clutching the back of a chair and leaning forward toward his desk. "With shore leave coming up, I wouldn't want to leave any little tasks still undone."

"Well," Sean picked up a PaDD his desk. "Doctors Fraab and Bellas have things squared away on thier Hyperbonics Experiment, T'Lasn won't be going on leave and then there's my work on Silma Syndrome. It can wait. I don't think there's much to do, except enjoy your holiday." He then paused, "Unless you have something to add to the work load."

"No, no, I don't. Nope, not at all," Reva answered quickly. She wasn't about to add to her or her coworkers' workloads. "If there's nothing, then great! I'll have no trouble enjoying shore leave," she smiled broadly and headed for the door.

"Good, and make sure you bring a souvenier when you come back."


Lt. JG Sean Eagan
USS Achilles

Ensign Reva Madhava
USS Achilles


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