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The Hardest Thing

Posted on 22 Nov 2010 @ 11:30am by

528 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Tika's QUarters
Timeline: Current

Tika sat in her qarters, staring at the names of the family members she would have to contact. The Captain was goin to take the burden, but shwe insisted she do it. She was in command at the time and she was the one who needed to take the responsibility for it. It was amazing how mature she couold be sometimes, especially compared to the times when she isn't.

She got up, straigtening her uniform and walking over to her desk. She sat doiwn slowly, feelinbg nervousness creep up like an icy chill. As the terminal activated, she contacted the first person on the list. Her great Aunt. She'd read that they were especially close.

When the woman's face apeared on the screen, Tika nearly cut the conection right then. The butterflies nin her stomach started doing flips. She nearly thought she was going to vomit as she looked into the eyes of the graying woman.

"Can I help you?" The lady said, which surprised Tika, almost as if she'd forgotten she was talking to her.

"Yes...uhm," Tika stammered. "I'm Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil, Second Officer and Chief Operations Officer aboard the USS Achilles."

"Nice to meet you, Commander." The lady said, lifting an eyebrow. She expecting something bad had happened with Melanie. "How can I help you?" She asked kindly.

Tika took a big sigh, trying to release the tension she felt. "I'm afraid that I must inform you that in the Achilles' last mission, Melanie was killed. The culprits have been captured and are in custody..."

There was a long silence that was both pregnant with thought and meaning, and compleately void. Tika wanted to say something...anything to the woman to comfort her, but there was nothing she could say..

"Thank you for informing me, Commander..." The woman said after a long while. "May I ask why it was you instead of the Captain of the Achilles who called?"

Tika sat there in quite for a while, the answer sticking to her toungue like it was glue. She knew that the answer itself hurt her more than anyone else could imagine. After I while, she finally answered gently and slowly. "I was in Command when she was ubducted....It's my fault, ma'am."

The old woman's brow furrowed. "I'm sure it isn't, dear....just because you were in command doesn't make you-"

"I'm very sorry for your loss, ma'am..." Tika cut her off, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes. "My prayers are with you and your family....Achilles out."

She cut the transmission, breaking down immediately. She cried harder than she had in a very long time. She curled into a ball in her chair, wishing to God that she could only turn back time....and even if she did, what could she do to prevent this....

She cried for nearly an hour, but after it all, she cleaned herself up and decided it was time to continue her work. She needed to call the rest of the family....she had to, no matter how hard it matter how many tears she cried....

Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil
USS Achilles


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