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Subspace Date

Posted on 22 Nov 2010 @ 6:23am by

1,674 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: A turbo lift
Timeline: Started when the saucer was separated to current


After eating in the lounge and having a quick word with the bar tender, Dnn went back to his quarters. Work was work, but that didn't mean he was pleased with the fact that work interfered with his date. After a shower and a few undecided minutes in front of his console, he contacted the Saucer section ops officer to open a comm channel directly to Lt Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil.

It was still only on audio to her personally, and when it was opened he spoke. "We have a date Commander...." he said with some mirth in his voice. Well he hoped it sounded as he meant it, jokingly, not as he had felt, a little nervous. Probably because of the events of the day. Nothing more.

Tika had literally just entered her quarters. The away team had just gotten back from the Ballard and destruction was set for the following morning. Immediately, her excitement got the better of her at the sound of the voice, but she tried to keep her composure. "Just a minute!" She said, running into the living room and taking off her uniform jacket. She may not have had time to dress as nicely as she'd liked, but she would at least be comfortable.

She let her long hair loose and unbuttoned the top of the gold department shirt. She then moved quickly and sat behind the desk, activating the viewscreen. "I'm glad to see you didn't forget about me.." She said in a low voice, her Hindi accent sounding.

Don smiled quite happily when he saw her face in the screen, but then grinned to hide his own excitement. "How could I...... you have been on my mind," he said simply. "....since we met.." This was not the way he had usually dealt with women. She was different. "Ever had a subspace date?" he asked, with a charming crooked smile.

"I can't say a have." She said with a flirtatious grin. "I generally like to be near my dates.."

Don leaned back in his chair, watching her. "Yeah.... that is the general idea..." he agreed. "We will have to do the best we can..... " he said and pushed the console further away from him, getting up at the same time. "Yu see I would have had candles on the table.." he said moving to the replicator, making sure he remains in the line of view.

He got two candles from the replicator and placed them on the table in front of the console. "I also would have had wine ready, but you would have to get it on your side..." he grinned. "Or whatever you would like to have..."

"Wine should be nice." She said, walking over to the replicator and ordering her choice. She brought it back to the desk and sat down with a grin.

Don's eyes followed her as she walked, every curve of her body, every graceful movement she made.... he blinked when she sat down again and cleared his throat as she sat down. What was going on with him? He raised his glass towards the console. "A toast to the most unusual date with an extraordinary woman," he said, regaining at least some of his charm.

He really liked her, she could tell. It made her feel powerful... "She held her glass up, and put it to her lips, but didn't drink. How's your part of the mission going so far?" She asked.

"I think a bit less interesting than yours..." he chuckled. "You seem to be doing well that side," he said, not trying to compliment her, but she was performing well. "Tell me some non mission related news... he said. "So we can get away from *work* for a while."

She smiled. "Well...before I left, I had a nice talk with Lieutenant Kirstere...she's...interesting."

Don remembered her, who can not? "What do you mean by interesting?" he asked with a smile as he sipped his wine.

"I don't know...she's just....not very Starfleet...more Klingon if you ask me." Tika said smiling.

"You mean she wanted a combat with a bat'leth?" He asked with a straight face.

"Not quite, but I wouldn't put it past her. You saw how she was in our briefing...pulling out a knife." Tika said. "But I think perhaps it would be better if we used this get to know one another...." Her grin turned from it's kind glow to a more mischievous tempting one.

"Exactly what I was hoping," Don said, returning her smile, getting bit lost there for a while. This woman made his head turn and he was glad he was sitting down. He was not used to feel this way, but he plunged forward anyway. "So tell me about Tika....." he encouraged. "What do you do to relax?" ~Lame question...~ he thought.

"Anything fun." She said simply. "I love doing exciting things like rock climbing."

Don grinned widely. "One of my favorites too," he said. He stopped himself from telling her that he took rock climbing rather seriously. No need to tell her everything on the first date. "I am pretty much the same. Been climbing anything and everything, even to my mom's window on the third floor when I was eight....," he said. "In my jodpurs and boots," he chuckled, remembering he day.

She laughed rather fakely at that. "Really?" Tika asked as she folded her well toned legs. "I've also always loved to party....but Starfleet gets in the way of that a bit now..."

Don saw her disbelief and laughed. "You don't believe me?" he asked with a quirked brow. "Then you haven't seen marine barracks. They are *made* for climbing..." he explained. "Well..... Starfleet has the tendency to creep in everywhere," he remarked, referring to her remark about Starfleet. "But if there is a will, there is a way...."

"What does that mean, exactly?" Tika asked.

Don smiled. "That one can be creative to make time to have fun in spite of work demands...." he said sipping his wine. "Hungry?" he asked. "I would have cooked something..." he left hanging, with a hint of mirth.

"You cook?" She asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Well, I can cook toast..." he said laughing as he got up, teasing. "Nah....." He admiited. "I am not really all that handy in the kitchen, more camping and survival food, open fire and so on.. " he chatted. "I don't rally know Indian food, apart from curry... would you like to make a recommendation?" he asked.

Tika began to reply when there was a loud beep. It was the com channel.

"Commander Phoenix-Patil, please report to the Bridge.." A voice blared.

Tika frowned and looked at the screen. "All work and no play...."

"Then we will have to continue this when you are back here...." Don said. "I would prefer that anyway..."

[After Tika is back]

That didn't take too long though for a moment arose. After her arrival and the saucer section was reunited with the rest of the ship, he Don only saw her briefly and on the bridge and on duty. There had been no time for anything personal and both officers were professional enough to put duty before personal preference. With his head somewhere between the Lucuran and a maintenance schedule, he stepped into the turbo lift.

The turbolift descended a few levels, then stopped. Tika stood in the doorway as they opened and noticed Don. She grinned and stepped inside, her hips swinging flirtatiously even before she knew what she was doing. "Hii.." She said sweetly as the doors closed.

Don eyes traveled from her long shapely legs a little slowly upwards to meet her eyes. He gave her a sheepish, but charming grin. "Hi.... sorry... I couldn't help but stare..." he said honestly. "Couldn't do that before... " he said. He didn't expect her to step into the turbo life and it had caught him by surprise, but he regained his inner confidence quickly. "It is good seeing you..." he said warmly.

Tika stared at him for a long while, several things rushing through her head. "Computer, halt turbolift..." It complied with her command, stopping the turbolift dead. She took the opportunity to walk quickly over to him and press her soft lips to his. She pulled back after a while. "We both know what we want, Commander...lets cut the small talk..."

Don didn't answer... verbally that was.. His hand took the back of her neck and after a few moments he pulled her gently but firmly to him and when their lips met, he kissed her, first tenderly and then thoroughly. By the time he got some of his faculties working, his other arm was around her, holding her against him an a firm embrace. "Yes.." he said at long last. Thoughts of being in trouble for this kind of behaviour flashed through his mind. "What.. the hell..." he said softly before kissing her again.

Her hands instinctively reached for the zipper of his uniform jacket before she could stop them. Several things were running through her mind. Some of those things were of duty and discipline and setting examples...but most, quite honestly, were of lust and desire, and her ability to resist any sort of gratification for long was never a quality she had in abundance.

"Shit.. " Don said somewhere between eating the inside of her mouth and kissing her neck. He didn't bother much about her jacket, more about the buckle of her pants. Once he had that open, he started with his own, not loosing the connection with her mouth.

It was not long afterwards when Don pressed the button to resume the turbolift. He pulled his hand through his hair and after a meaningful glance to Tika, he wiped the grin from his face before he stepped oh so professionally onto deck 7.

"I'll see you a bit later, Commander." She said just as professionally."

LtCmdr. Tika Phoenix-Patil

Cmdr DOn Killian


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