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Perhaps a lesson

Posted on 22 Nov 2010 @ 11:51am by Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,036 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Lounge
Timeline: Current

Stadi sat in the lounge half watching those around her and half reading the latest research paper on the Eliok people from the Archaeology Journal. She sipped her chai and continued to read the PADD in front of her.

Don needed to eat and decided to go to the lounge in stead of eating in his office as he had been for the last few days. After getting spaghetti bolognaise and a glass of water with lemon, he walked to a table to sit down, but spotted the new archaeologist. He had only received her file about an hour ago, and had expected her to report after lunch some time. But this was as good a time as any to meet her.

He approached her. "May I join you?" he asked.

Stadi looked up at him and smiled. "Yes, of course." She wanted for him to sit before she introduced herself. "I'm Stadi Andrus."

"I know... and I am not Betazoid," he joked and then smiled. "I am Don Killian, the XO." he said and took a sip of the water.

She laughed, "I could tell by your eyes that you weren't." She teased back putting the PADD down. "And I know who you are as well. I believe we have an appointment this afternoon?"

Don laughed. "I am sure you would have sensed me long ago...." he commented. "And yes, we do, but we could talk now then we can skip the afternoon appointment, if that is okay with you?" he asked now starting to eat. "I apologize for eating , I am hungry," he said.

"There is that too." She smiled. "No, no...go ahead and eat. I just came here for some chai before we met."

"Good..... I like chai latte..." he remarked. "Have you been assigned quarters yet?" he asked. In spite of eating, he seemed really interested in her answers.

"I have, I haven't had time to unpack yet. My lab is the same disarray as my quarters. It will take me a couple of weeks to get everything set up properly and start up with my research again."

"Yeah... it can take a while to settle," he mused. "Have you met the Science Chief yet?"

"Not yet. He seems allusive as some of the ancient races I research." She laughed and blushed.

Smiling at the charming blush, Don leaned back in his chair and wiped his mouth, wondering why she blushed, but didn't want to embarrass her more. "What made you decide on archaeology?" he asked.

"It's in my blood. My mother couldn't be bothered to stay home with three small sons while my father dug up ancient civilizations. I was born on a dig site. My older brothers were always off on some adventure and I tagged along. There wasn't a pyramid or temple or tomb the four of us didn't explore."

"That is an awesome way to grow up. I grew up on marine bases," he chuckled. "Not so interesting..." he said with a crooked smile. "I hope your assignment on the Achilles will be an adventure for you.." he smiled.

"I bet you heard a lot of stories while there." She said leaning in closer.

Don chuckled, noticing her sparkling eyes. ~Stop it~ he thought to himself. "I heard a lot of things I was not supposed to hear, but I was not really interested. I was focused on my sport and irritating my father..." he said.

Stadi's mind had been open and she heard his thoughts about her eyes slip into her mind, she blushed slightly at the notice they caused, hoping that she was able to cover the blush she asked:"Your sport? What sport would that be?"

"Dressage, an equestrian sport. It is my passion," Don said fondly. "I also do rock climbing seriously, but horses come first," he said, smiling charmingly.

"I ride too! I have a horse stabled in France, I named him Windrider." Stadi said returning the smile. "I even had a program created so I could ride him when I am not actually on Earth. He is the fastest horse I have ever ridden...and one of my best friends." She laughed at herself. "I haven't ridden like you though, I take Windrider out, point him in a direction and run him until neither one can stand it anymore. My favourite place to ride is in Alberta, Canada on Earth, the prairies there...and the mountains..."

Don smile broadened. "So you like the wide open spaces....Well I do that to my horses as well at times," he said. "I take them jumping, and letting them gallop as well, but perhaps in a more controlled environment...." he chuckled. Don rode in high level compitition and he bought his holograghic horses from the Federation Equistre Internationale. FEI) These hologramms were sophisticated and the programming could not be changed by the owner, so the horse would imitate a real horse as closely as possible. Injury could put the horse out of training and competition as a real one would be, so Don was careful in just how he did relax them.

"Windrider is an old racing horse...he sees water and jumps. The first time that happened I nearly fell off the horse. I was not expecting that at all!"

"You need to learn how to jump then..." Don said a grin on his face. "I can teach you, but my riding is based on the English style..." he offered.

"I would love to learn, next thing I know Windrider start jumping fences and fallen logs!"

"Yes and you might just be able to stay on without too much effort..." he laughed. "Windrider possibly could do everything very well, you just need to learn to go with him," he added. Don looked at the chronometer and started to get up. "I have to get going, please let me know if there is anyting you need....." he said with a half disappointed smile. "Was nice talking to you and we will make a time for training.." he added

"Of course." Replied Stadi returning his smile. "I'll come see you later when you are free."


Cmdr Don Killian

Lt. (JG) Stadi Andrus


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