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Doing the Right Thing

Posted on 10 May 2009 @ 11:12am by Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,102 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: New Zealand, Earth
Timeline: 2385

Melanie paced back and forth on the beach wondering how she was going to tell Talar that she had been asked to return to Starfleet. She was worried that he would be furious with her. ~Maybe he will come with me...~She thought to herself, but she wasn't going to get her hopes up. The two of them were so happy and now she was going to ruin it with one sentence. Melanie was disgusted with herself.

Talar looked out over the sand; the sky was darkening along the shore and the breeze was beginning to turn chilly. Melanie was pacing, her arms wrapped around hersrlf. Pensive, that was how he thought. Talar plucked the chequered rug from the seat. His fingers smushing the green and blue squares into folds as he trotted down the steps and onto the beach.

"Here," he said glancing at the gooseflesh on her bare arms, "It gets cold quickly at this time of year."

"Thank you." She responded quietly. Melanie hadn't been cold until he put the blanket around her shoulders. "Should we go in?"

He shifted the sand with his foot, "It thought you were intent on wearing a groove into the beach," he said.

"Not exactly." She smiled weakly. "I got a call today..." She started, how was she going to tell him when she had already given it all up to be with him? She didn't need to return to Starfleet. It had been a request a friend and mentor. Melanie was already feeling guilty because she was going to disappoint either Talar or her friend and mentor.

"Anyone I know?" he asked, not that it would be; he did not exactly socialise beyond the call of his work in small town located near the next inlet.

"No, not directly. I have spoken of her many times, Dr. Bailey Brashares. She has asked a favour of me."

Talar nodded, "I remember. Were you able to help?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders so that they were both gazing out to sea.

"Not yet...they need me back Talar." She said quickly, bracing herself against the anger that was sure to follow.

He stiffened. "When you say 'they'preceisely who do you mean, Melanie. Doctor Brashares is not a 'they'"

"Starfleet." She whispered.

"Starfleet." His echo was a whisper as his hands tightened on her shoulders. "Why do they need you?"

"Because I have battle training and first hand experience. We lost many doctors during the war and they are still playing catch up. That is why they need me. I was debating on what to do when you caught me here wearing a groove into the sand."

"And who won the debate?"

"It is a draw...either way I disappoint someone I love."

Shoving his hands in his pockets Talar walked the few paces to the shoreline where the waterlogged sand was soft and the sea lapped over the toes of his shoes. "So toss a coin, isn't that the expression."

Melanie watched him and she moved to join him. Looking up into his eyes she said; "Don't you see? It isn't as easy as that!"

"I don't see why it has to be more complicated," he said tightly. "You said it yourself - either way the result is the same."

"Because to disappoint you would cause my heart to break." Her eyes filled with tears and she started to walk away from him.

"That's your dilemma, not mine."

She turned around and stared at him in complete disbelief. She knew that he wouldn't react well to the news that Starfleet wanted, or rather needed her back. But to say that it was her dilemma alone...

"This affects both of us! Not just me...or you...but both! I toss a coin...heads I leave and tails I stay. Say it lands on heads...what then? Do we part our separate ways and throw away nine years we have shared together? Do you think I can simply walk away from you?"

"You leave. Simple! If it is a draw then both options are even - at least one of us is still able to follow a logical thought process- if you cannot deal with the consequences of upsetting yourself and crushing my own heart into the dirt then you are not drawn between your choices," he turned aside. "If you can, then walk away now."

"Is there even any point in me asking if you would come with me if I did decide that I should go?"

Talar did not turn. "You've already decided, Melanie," he said.

"Answer the bloody question Talar!"

"Why? So that I can be the one in the wrong?"

"You hide all your thoughts from me Talar...I need to know. Would you follow me as I have followed you?"

"I didn't force you to come here, and there has been no hindrance to you practicing your career here on Earth. Me pretending to be Vulcan here is one thing, sitting on a Federation starship is quite another and you know it."

She walked back to him, her arms around his shoulders and she rested her head against his shoulder blade. She comforted his mind. ~How easily you have forgotten nine years ago Talar, when you were walking away from me and I gave up everything that I knew to be with you. I will not leave if you will not follow. I will not destroy both our hearts.~ She projected.

"I've talked to you about mnhei'sahe, and this is one of those situations where the concept applies. Oh, don't tell me that its a Rihannsu concept that doesn't apply to Betazoids," he said before she could interrupt. "You already know what the right thing to do is regardless of the consequences ... all that remains to be done is for you to do it. I do not yet know what mnhei'saheM/i> demands of me."

~Then I will stay here.~

"Then you will be betraying yourself."

~To save two hearts I will. What would you rather have me do?~

"I'm not a romantic, Melanie; sometimes hearts are meant to be broken. If you don't go, it will eat at you. Go, and when I know what I must do, I'll let you know."

"I..." She turned to walk away, leaving her mind open and projecting her hurt and loss to him. He hid his thoughts and feelings from her...she had taught him well.


Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Freedom

Talar, NPC'd by Louise

Cross Posted to DS5


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