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Venting frustaitions

Posted on 11 May 2009 @ 2:37pm by

418 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Shooting range
Timeline: current

Janis sat at the small work bench at the back of the shooting range, she was adjusting the sights on a rifle that had arrived as part of the intelligence stores, she'd been down there by herself for the last two hours all the weapons were her responsibility since there was no infiltration officer, and Silonez was busy with matters outside the section.

As she inspected her work she walked over to her stall on the range she lifted the rifle and took aim at the target and quickly squeezed the trigger, =Rifle is sighted correctly= the computer spoke. Janis put the rifle into the case, all four rifles were properly adjusted she loaded them onto a cargo cart and began to make her way back to the office.

As she made her way down he hall too the office, she had to think back on the first day, not exactly typical, but then again she had seen her share of strange things while in Starfleet. Janis entered the office no sign of Silonez, so she packed the weapons into the storage room and did a final inventory before calling it a day, accept for one side arm that she concluded Silonez still had all items in the inventory were accounted for, and all other equipment was accounted for as well.

Before she called it a day Janis went over too the encryptions room and sat at the station briefly, normally she'd be here 24 hours straight during patrol duties along hostile boarders, during her stint where she first met Silonez aboard USS Seattle they spent three consecutive days listening, and analyzing communication intercepts. She even remembers meeting Silonez just before they left for the Freedom she went to meet him at his apartment in Virginia and found him passed out drunk on a couch, she felt sorry for her friend, but he needed too get back to duty, and that meant getting him on the transport to deep space five.

Her own personal life was never that good, she hadn't spoken to he family in three years, she left that behind along with a lot of other things, she was dedicated to duty even though she wasn't an officer she did her job.
As she stood and got ready to leave she saw Silonez come in and sit at his desk, not too long after that she saw the CMO come in, ~Time to leave~ she thought as she left the office.

Wo1 Janis Corice
Encryptions officer


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