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Justice is coming

Posted on 12 Nov 2010 @ 6:01pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Derek Longwinter

1,376 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Timeline: MD 4 1700 - Prior to "Swift, Silent...Deadly"

[Altar 3]

The Achilles entered orbit over Altar 3 and Logan turned from her station. "Captain, we are being hailed."

Da`nal sat in his command chair nodded and could sense his XO and the Captain standing behind him. His Second officer manning the XO station with Ayren close by to let him know if anything was up. He nodded to the young Trill and replied, "On Screen."

The screen shifted to from the serene image of the planet below them to the smug face of a Kyari bureaucrat. "Greetings Captain, may I offer my condolences to you over the resent losses to the Federation..."

Da`nal, showing no interest in the diplomatic niceties cut the woman off. "I am not concerned with your pleasantries. I am here to take Minister Heidell into custody."

"I'm sorry Captain but we can't just surrender..."

"I'm speaking to an underling! Your minister, representative of the Kyari people, has committed an act of aggression against the Federation. He and his accomplices had attacked two Federation starships, killed Starfleet officers and Federation citizens, as well as killed Larucan diplomats!"

Her face paled noticeably during the Captain's tirade and the image shifted to another individual. "Captain. Whatever 'evidence' you think you have I have no intention of surrendering myself to you or anyone. I am the Kyari head of state...I can't be arrest. I have diplomatic immunity."

"Diplomatic immunity does not extend to murder. Beam him out of there."

As the order was issued there was a momentary flash of concern on the ministers face, but when nothing happened the smug expression returned. "Like I said Captain..I'm not going anywhere", and with that he closed the channel.

Da`nal rose from his chair, his irritation was obvious in his tone. "Logan what happened.?!"

"Sir they seem to have placed some kind of transport inhibitors in and around the ministry complex. They have also activated a defensive shield over the area."

"Very well. Helm maintain our position over the Kyari capital." Turning to his senior officers. "Opinions?"

"That is clear non-compliance, Sir. I think we should do what we can to disable their defensive systems, to show them that we are serious," Don said.

"They will not capitulate," Ayren said. "He is very arrogant, " Ayren said. "He does not think we CAN or WILL actually make good on our plan to get him out," She said. "That is what I can sense, but I can be wrong."

"You say talking is not going to help?
Don asked to confirm what he was hearing the CDO saying.

"Nope, I don't think so, but it is only my sensing..." Ayren said.

"Then we have no choice than to go get him," Don nodded. He looked around to Tika. "What have you got?"

"I have the locations of the shield generators surrounding the building. We could blow them up, but the people near them would undoubtedly be there is a massive crowd gathering to see the Minister." Tika said from the XO station. She noticed that she'd yet to get a chance to sit at Ops...or get her department together at all before all this commotion started.

"That he enjoys.....lots of attention...." Ayren mused.

That gave Da`nal an idea. "Let's get him even more attention. Transmit the information we have to the civilian authorities and to the media. But I don't like the idea of collateral damage. We want to keep the Kyari populace on our side in this... a few phaser hits should weaken their defenses enough to get people through."

Da`nal looked to his Marine CO, "Captain I assume your Marines are ready?"

Turned his head from a tactical screen he had been looking at, already looking for deployment grids and sending some basic information a couple decks down to the already prepped and ready marines of 1st Platoon, First Force Reconnaissance Battalion. Looking over at the Captain, a half smirk half smile began to slowly creep across the usually stoic yet handsome face of the Marine Commander as he spoke " Sir, Force Recon isn't the elite of the Star Fleet Marine Corps for nothing sir. We are prepped for our orbital jump and just waiting for our deployment order sir, they won't know what hit them" The Marine Commander voice was steady, confident and calm, this is what he was good oat, this was all he knew and now that all the talking was done, it was finally time.

"Excellent, I want to send down two teams. One to get the Minister, the other take out the defensive systems. With the transport inhibitors in place we will have to beam everyone down outside their effective range...but that's a lot of ground to cover." He paused as considered other options.

"HHmm it would probably be safer to send everyone in shuttles; we lost enough people dealing with this PetaQ, plus it would give the teams on site support if needed. Two teams deploy from the shuttles. One to shut down that generators and disable the inhibitors; the other to secure the minister."

He knew that Tika still felt responsible an would probably be itching for some payback. "Captain, assign your Recon team to extract the minister. If you feel addition Marines are needed so be it. I will have an away team deal with the generators."

"Sir I don't think that is a smart idea" The marine captain decided he had to chime in. Not one to question his orders, he knew he had to say something " Sir, this is a hostile worlds and we are dropping right down behind enemy lines." The marine commander said with an intensely serious tone, pausing for a second, Derek eyes darting around to bridge to notice who was there " Sir, its not that I don't believe in my brothers and sisters in Star Fleet since I am sure there are many capable people in it but sir this mission requires a certain amount of surgical precision and expertise that not many have sir" Derek said plainly, though from a couple of the looks in the room, he wasn't one to want to cause any sort of pissing match between the fleet and the corps, there was enough of that to go around " Sir, I refuse to risk the lives of anyone else and if even one member of this crew dies because they are ill prepared for what is down on that planet, that is a failure on my part as the Marine Commanding Officer and as a Warrior, I am sure that you can understand that sir" Derek said resolutely, there was a certain conviction in his voice and the determined look on his face added a certain amount of credence to his words.

Da`nal could appreciate the man's counsel but he thought the risk over stated. "While I'm sure the minister has co-opted a close circle of security forces I doubt he has been able to turn the entire civilian and military authorities to his thirst for power and profit. The most one clings to power the more enemies they tend to make. In fact, i believe once the truth is known of his dishonor all but his closest cadre of support will abandon him. Especially with a Federation prepared to take him by force. That is a gamble...but reasonable one in my opinion. Either way the riskier mission is the extraction, and that is why it is your assignment. We will weaken the defenses from orbit to allow for a minimal orbital drop to eliminate any threat to the landing parties."

Turning to his First and Second officers, Tika had remained surprisingly quiet. "Anything else?"

"If the second officer would like to take the team down, I would coordinate from here, otherwise, I am good to go," Don said. He knew that it was preferable not to have two command team members on the same team, but he would let her have a choice to join the away team even if she didn't want to lead it.


Captain Da`nal

Commander Donovan Killian

Captain Derek Longwinter
Marine CO

Ayren Kelan
CDO/Counselor - NPC by Sharon

Planetary NPC - played by Chris


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