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A Captain's Duty

Posted on 21 Nov 2010 @ 9:47pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

773 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current

While events unfolded on the surface Da`nal stepped into his ready room. Undoubtedly the least enjoyable task as a Captain was contacting the familly of those who where lost under his command. Lt. Hemmingways parents where not alive but Tika had insisted on contacting those family members that were alive. The woman's sense of duty was impeccable.

However there was a portion of Hemmingway's will that she had requested he handle personally. And so he sat at the desk and opened a channel to Deep Space 5.

[Deep Space 5]

Jana sat at her desk in her office and was going over her latest research findings when her consoled beeped. She turned it on. Someone she didn't recognize was looking back at her. "Can I help you sir?" She asked putting down the PADD in her hand.

His screen filled with the face of the officer. "Lt. Kasikova. I'm Captain Da`nal of the USS Achilles."

"Is something the matter?" The last time anyone other than Melanie had contacted her from the ship Mel was stationed on was when she had fallen into the coma.

"I'm afraid so. Melanie fell in the line of duty. Those responsible for her death are known and will soon be brought to justice."

Jana nodded when she really wanted to do nothing but scream. She wanted Ben, she needed to be with him. "Why...why have I been contacted? Is it not protocol for the family to be contacted? I was simply her friend."

"You are correct that normally only family is contacted but there was a provision in her will that pretained to you."

"Me? What could Melanie had wanted from me to do?" She asked almost to herself.

"Lt. Hemmingway...Melanie, had an embryo in stasis on the station from when she was stationed there. We were en route there to retrieve it when our orders were altered. It was her request that that embryo be turned over to you your custody and the child be raised by you."

"Excuse me?" Jana went pale. She had always wanted a child but she had never thought she would be given custody of one. "She wanted me to raise her child?" She asked. Jana was in shock, she couldn't believe that Melanie trusted her enough to raise her child. "Is there an explanation as to why she did this?" Jana asked quietely.

To ask someone to raise and look after ones child was a great honor. He wasn't sure if her reaction was mere surprise or if she was balking at the idea. "Her reasons were her own, but there was a video file encoded for your eyes only. Perhaps your answers are there. I will transmit it to you along with the custody document. Obviously she honored you and held you in high regard to make such a request."

Jana looked down at her folded hands for a moment before returning her gaze to the screen. "I believe you have misunderstood me Captain. I am deeply honoured that she has requested me to take care of her child. I am simply shocked is all. I am not sure I understand fully yet. Perhaps her video will explain it further to me." Tears welled up in her eyes and she had blink them way.

"I thought that might be the case." He could see her reaction as she attempted to hold it back. "Lieutenant, do not weep for her. She knew the risks that come with this job. She has served under my command twice. In both battle and peace and I can say without a doubt that she met her end fighting and with honor. I will tell you the same as I told her when she was dealing with a loss; celebrate her memory. Gather her old comrads there on the station and celebrate her life...I'm sure it is what she would have wanted."

"I promise you...that she will be honoured. Her child will know who their mother and father were. I will make sure of it. Let me know if there is anything else I can do."

"No Lieutenant. Oh give Commander Davies my regards."

"I will pass it along when I see him next. Goodbye Captain...and thank you for everything you did for Melanie. I really appreciate it." A sad smile came across her face and she turned off the console. Her best friend was gone, part of her would live on though, through the embryo that was in status. Jana could be happy about that. She needed to see Ben.


Captain Da`nal

Lt. Jana Kasikova


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