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The Truth Revealed

Posted on 17 Oct 2010 @ 11:42am by

449 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Docking bay west 9


Silonez woke up, Wandella was laying next to him still asleep. He grabbed his black coveralls and made his way too the control room, he looked at the sensor readouts only to discover they had a visitor, the Gorn from the bar. Taking a chance silonez lowered the boarding ramp and walked out of the ship, "I assume your here to show us to the merchandise?"

He let out a series of hisses "No, I was supposed to kill you, but you seem to know my peoples customs so I'm grateful."

"Who told him about us?"

"He has contacts in starfleet and the Klingon empire."

Silonez paused before he spoke again, "so what can we do about this situation?"

"You must leave and I must come with you, its a trap you will be in, and he will take your female and sell her to slavers."

Silonez was between a rock and a hardplace, "Whats your name?"

"Ssssarrissson." the tall gorn half hissed

"Sarrison since you came to me about this looks like I can trust you, I guess we're going to have to make a break for it."

"Oh, what the frack?" Wandella cursed as she stumbled, still naked, to the sound of Silonez's voice. She saw the Gorn from earlier standing there and sighed, "Okay, look, this is not that kind of party."

"I'd get dressed our cover has been blown." Silonez said with some urgency.

The Gorn spoke next "I have a mate."

"Vell, shit!" Wandella sighed, going to dress, ~Good times never last long do they?~

"What did the female ssay?" Sarison said

"its a saying when things go from bad to time to run and fight another day." Silonez said as he powered up the ship "Sarison can you put the fusion reactor to standby."

"Itss done."

Wandella, now dressed back in her Vesper costume from earlier, stepped back out to join the boys, "So, guess it is time for Wandella to fly us all out of danger, no?"

"Yeah, soon as were back in space set a course for the rendezvous, I'm going to get in contact with the Achilles on a prearranged signal and see about the information our new friend just provided."

"Yes, it might be good to know who else we're going to bump into." Wandella replied, "It might just turn into that type of party after all."

"No Kidding, I wouldn't mind some shore leave when this is over, a nice beach and very few people."

"Clothing optional." Wandella added.

"Definitely" Silonez said

"I like the way you think." Wandella giggled, moving the Ferengi P.O.S. as quickly as she could through the atmosphere.



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