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Posted on 24 Oct 2010 @ 9:34am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,223 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD: 3, 1530

Tika'd just come back from her quarters where she'd attempted to take a moment to calm herself to no avail. She was still very upset about the mission and now had to turn in her report to Da'nal. She rang the chime to the office she'd occupied just an hour ago and waited rather impatiently for a response.

Da`nal had been invited by the Larucan Chancellor for dinner on the planet, but when informed of his missing crew he was going to cancel but thought better of it. Perhaps with him on the planet the crew could run detailed sans of the planet to eliminate the Laruc as the abductors. He didn't need to be here at that moment but he wanted to looked things over for himself now that the ship was whole again. He had noticed a few things out of place, but that was to be expected after being tossed about like they had been. Looking up at the sound of the chime he called out him an even tone. "Come. "

The doors parted and his Second stood there. From her expression, she as still bothered by the events of the day. "Come in Commander. I assume you are her to present your report in person rather than submitting it via the computer."

Tika walked in, her curvaceous hips swaying angrily as she approached his desk. She set the PADD down in front of him and put her hands firmly on her hips. "I wish to lead the investigation to find those bastards as soon as possible....sir." She forced that last word out in a half futile attempt to discard her emotions.

Sliding the PADD to the side he spoke as he indicated for her to sit in the seat opposite him. "First things first. While I have been informed of what...happened, I want to hear your report on 'how' it happened."

She sat, despite her desire to stand. "We followed the remnants of their warp signature to the asteroid field. The sensor distortion and interference was so severe we couldn't see one hundred meters in front of us, let alone detect the ship that was hiding near the base that was rigged to explode. We approached and Lieutenant Hemingway and Ensign Madhava were beamed off. We pursued the vessel, but the base exploded and disabled us. It goes without saying they escaped..."

"Well none of those events were things you could control. The makeup of the asteroid belts is the very reason the terrorist chose them for their bases. As to Lt. Hemminway and Ens. Madhava, there may be a way to find them. During your absence event unfolded that you are unaware of..." Tapping his comm, =^= Ensign Aiona, Report to the Ready Room. =^=

Aiona was sitting in her quarters eating a handful of hirat.

"You'd better take that," the voice on her long-distance transceiver reminded her.

"I know, I know. I'll call you later."

She tapped her com badge, "I'm on my way."

While they wait on her arrival Da`nal continue the impromptu debrief. "What were you able to discover from the Ballard's Saucer section?"

"We found no new information, Captain. Everything we recovered seemed to suggest some sort of cover up..." Tika said, her arms now folded tightly across her chest.

"That's interesting. Because the Larucan Chancellor met us while en route and I was about to hear his side of things when you returned. But the base and ship that were destroyed was a known Larucan make and the base's location was known to be used by Larucan terrorists prior to the treaty negotiations."

"I think it would be best if we took nothing that appears here to be as simple as it seems to be." Tika said, still rather stressed out. "There's too much we just don't know....or at least there could be."

"We seem to have to put up with a lot of things not appearing to be what it seems lately."

As if on cue the door chimed. "Enter"

The doors slid apart to reveal Ensign Aiona, still chewing on a hirat. She raised a hand in greeting and then slid inside.

"Ensign. I assume you are in contact with Commander Silonez?"

"Absolutely, I am."

"Good. Contact him...discreetly. Let him know where we are and see if he can find anything on what happened to Lt. Hemmingway and Ens. Madhava."

"Done and done." She stepped back a bit, wondering if this simple command was the reason she'd been pulled away from a conversation with her mate, but then noting the rising level of anger in the ship's second officer, realized there was more to this game.

Tika's anger seemed to be fueled even more with the mention of the man's name. She wasn't the forgiving type, and she didn't like him... "Wait....what?" She said, confused and almost tired looking.

Raising a hand to stem her reaction. "Mr. Silonez has been action under have I. His orders were to play the disgraced officer. Mine...", his irritation obvious, "...was to remain silent as long as possible. As it stands only a handful know as of this morning."

She nodded slowly. "To what end is he doing this?"

He shook his head. "I am not at liberty to say. However Starfleet Intelligence felt it was needed to get someone on the 'inside' to find out what was going on. I can only assume that the attack on the Ballard forced them to accelerate their plans and that is why the co-opted Silonez."

She sighed loudly. This whole business seemed like just a big mess. "I understand." She said lowly, the usual sensuality in her voice present. "I suppose my only question now is, when can I get back out there...."

She wanted to restore her credibility with herself after this failure. She wouldn't have anyone cleaning up her messes, especially Silonez. She wanted to recover the missing crew herself.

"I understand your desire to find our missing crew members. But you have no idea where to start looking. If you had you would have contacted us and pursued. I cannot allow part of the ship to go off on a pointless search. Let's see what Silonez can find, if he fails to turn up assured WE WILL find them."

"Now the senior staff is set to meet the Larucan Chancellor tomorrow morning. Get some rest, also there is a combat training program being worked up. I have yet to see any proposals yet but get with Don if you have any questions."

"Understood..." She said simply. She could really use the rest he was suggesting.

He looked at her as she stood and turned to leave. "Commander."

"Captain..." She said, once again staring off into space for a while, then preparing to leave.

"Why don't you stop by a seem to need to 'blow off some steam."

She thought for only a second, decided whether she should do that, or just go to bed early. "Perhaps I will.." She said and she walked quickly from the room.

After the Commander had left he looked over to the Ensign waiting quietly. "Thank you for remain. Has he reported and progress?"


Captain Da`nal

Lt. Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil

Ensign Crystal Aiona


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