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Thugs, guns, and a bottle of champagne

Posted on 17 Oct 2010 @ 9:55am by

937 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Tanmor spaceport


The space port on Tanmor was little more than a landing control tower and a large number of covered shelters for small craft. The small trading vessel that Silonez and Wandella had commandeered blended in to the large number that were coming and going, and with a few strips of latinum to the official that was in charge remaining anonymous was the easy part. "This looks more like a trip to the outer parts of Rigel seven than some remote outpost."

"How did I know you were a Rigel Seven guy?" Wandella laughed, adjusting the hidden phaser she carried, "So, are we going to need aliases?"

"there aren't alot of ID scanners here, so having an alias does help, especially if we're going to deal with this arms dealer Sor'mec." Silonez picked up a pack "I'd like to avoid giving away too much info as well we don't know what we're going to encounter."

"Then I will be Vesper Lynde." Wandella announced happily, using the name of the very first Bond girl amused her to no end, "And who will you be?"

Silonez pondered the idea for a second, "John Clark" referring to a character from another series of twentieth century books, "Shall we go Ms. Lynde?" He said trying not to laugh to much.

"Oh, please, call me Vesper." Wandella laughed, offering her hand, "And we should try to look like a very happy couple."

Silonez decided to play the part as they started the walk to the nearby bar, he carefully placed his arm behind her wrapping his hand just above her waist, "Shall we?"

"Of course, John." 'Vesper' laughed, this was going to be fun if nothing else.

The cantina where they were supposed to meet the suspected arms dealer Sor'mec, a Vudar. He'd only met three in his whole life, and that seemed to be above average to his colleagues. Their lizard like appearance, and blueish green skin did make them stand out in a crowd, and this one did, in the back corner surrounded by three Orion women, and a Gorn was the man they had to meet.

Silonez with Wandella in tow walked over to the table, the Gorn stopped them. Silonez not being intimidated looked at the Gorn and handed him a strip of latinum, "Sor'mec I presume?"

The lizard looked up at him, "Who are you human?"

"My friends call me John, this is my associate Vesper." Silonez paused "and they liked the items you recently sold them through a Ferengi."

The lizard knew what this human was talking about, "Ahh, yes" he paused as he gestured for his entourage to leave "I assume they were satisfied with their purchase?"

"Very much so, and they want more of that merchandise." Silonez said

"It will take a day or two but I can get as many as they need, how soon do you depart from this place?"

"I have other business to conduct here, I'm docked at the west nine hangar if you need to find me." Silonez had a feeling that things might get complicated "is there a chance to inspect the merchandise before we finalize the sale?"

"Yes, I don't like selling defective supplies." Sor'nec said almost boasting.

"Until then." Silonez said as all three stood.

"Until then, safe journey." Sor'mec said

As the pair exited the bar Silonez looked at his tricorder he had open in his jacket pocket "The Gorn is following us so lets head over to the shops like we're tourists."

Wandella, full hot about having to stand there like window dressing, followed Silonez's lead, talking to him in a seething whisper, "Is there reason you treated Wandella like cargo back there?"

"Vudar females are not allowed to negotiate or conduct certain kinds of business, its a cultural thing I didn't realize until I saw what species he was." Silonez handed a metallic cloth scarf to Wandella as he caught a glimpse of the Gorn in the distance.

"Oh, so one of those species, then." Wandella sighed, her annoyance transferred from Silonez to the Vudar, "You'd think in the 24th century.. Never mind." She tried the scarf on and it did look lovely on her, "This I like though."

"Pick a few other things, and we'll move on." Silonez said something to the shop keeper in a bizzare language. The shop keeper smiled and summoned an apprentice. "I think the Gorn needs a new suit, shall we?"

"Of course, John." 'Vesper' played along, though she really did want to know just what the frack 007 was up to. However, she figured it would be best to just keep moving ahead and pretending to shop, well, not pretending, she was going to by God shop, and find out what he was up to later.

"Gorn clothing is refective of there employer, so we just got our selves a new employee." Silonez said as he followed wandella.

"So ve're buyink a Gorn?" Wandella sighed, her accent becoming especially thick in this moment of exasperation, "Vy can you never have normal pet?"

"We needed some time to get away, plus I don't think he's from the normal warrior caste so he goes where the money is." Silonez stopped he grabbed Wandella and looked at her, "Lets get back to the ship I don't feel like playing spy for a little bit."

"Ooooh, sounds filthy." Wandella smirked, "Let's go quick so you don't have chance to change your mind."

"Don't think that's going to happen" Silonez commented as the transporter engaged.

"Yeah, me either." Wandella giggled as they vanished in the blue shimmer.



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