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The Beginning of the end - Part 1

Posted on 13 Oct 2010 @ 10:57am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus & Captain Reva Madhava

1,351 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Timeline: MD 3 - up to 1500

[Kyari Henchman's ship]

Treyvan finally emerged from the far side of the asteroid belt. He had taken it slow taking a winding path so knew he hadn't been followed. However he needed to get rid of this ship and get something else. The chances were just too high that if he tried to return home with his current transportation he would be spotted by Federation sensors. Not to mention that if he returned to Altar 3 with 2 Fleeters the Minister would see to his demise as he had the others.

~Where to go ...~ he thought. Looking in on his passangers he had an idea. Both were sleeping soundly but that wouldn't last.

The Orion would make a nice bargaining chip with a few Ferengi he knew...come to think of it they might want a Betaziod too. Berath 5 was close and had just the people he needed. If his Ferengi contacts weren't interested, he wouldn't have a hard time finding someone that would. He'd have to change their outfits but he wouldn't mind that task at all.

After setting a course and making a few inquiries he set the auto pilot and rose to see what clothing, or lack there of, he could find in the replicator files.

[En route to Berath 5]

Wandella, having decided to trust Ericson after a little bit of persuasion, had taken the helm of the Ferengi ship, deciding what alterations she would make to her appearance before they made planetfall, "Can't be recognized after all." She said to herself as she course corrected the ship, "Damn Ferengi nav computers, worthless."

"Yeah there not the best, we'll have make do though." Silonez commented as he put his hand on her shoulder.

[Berath 5]

Treyvan was approaching the planet and was finishing up putting the final touches on his passengers' attire. Standing he admired his work... ~I just might have to keep you two for myself,~ he thought. Both women were now scantily dressed, bound and gagged. No sooner had he returned them to their compartment than the computer beeped indicating he had a reply to his proposal. Then another, and another.

Leaning back in his chair he grinned as he turned to his captives as they began to move. "You two are quite the prize it seems. Guess we are going to have ourselves a little auction..."

Just barely awake, Reva wondered how many Aldebaran whiskeys she'd downed the night before. Her tongue felt coated in cotton; her brain was slow to get going. Moving slowly, she lifted a hand to her eyes and quickly realized that there was a set of manacles around her wrists... that realization snapped her back to the present: the Achilles and being beamed off of it, a dimly lit closet of a compartment. The cotton in her mouth really was cotton - a gag. She sat up and saw she was no longer in uniform: instead, she was dressed, barely, in outfit that she could only describe as "Orion slave girl chic". Fear and revulsion rippled through her; had he just said 'auction'? An auction of them: her and the doctor? Panic clutched her: without her commbadge and uniform, who would ever believe she was a Starfleet officer?

~Reva...I'm here with you, stay calm.~ Melanie said sensing the other woman's fear. Melanie kept her breathing slow and even and her eyes closed to keep up the charade that she was still unconscious. ~We cannot be allowed to be separated.~

~Stay calm? Are you crazy? In case you haven't noticed, we've been kidnapped, bound, gagged, and stripped of our uniforms! Maybe that's okay with you, but I look the part of an Orion slave....~ Reva stopped her mental rant. Both of them were in the same danger - that of being being put in a position where no one would ever bother finding out who they really were and of being someone's prisoner.

~I know do I. We have to keep calm heads if we are going to get out of here.~

~Calm heads... Yeah. Calm heads, active bodies...,~ Reva agreed and quietly began working to find a weakness in the gag and manacles.

Entering the planet's atmosphere he headed for Port Mosler. Just the place for a transaction such as this. Very few authorities and those that were around could easily be distracted by a slip of latinum or two.

[Berath 5]

After landing he secured the ship and headed off to meet the various contacts he had heard from and make the needed arrangements and to report in to the Minister.

[Some time Later]

The Minister had been both pleased and furious, he had, in no small way, made it abundantly clear that he was to dispose of the Fleeters immediately. And while he knew what he meant he hadn't specified the MEANS of their disposal. His arrangement had been made and the auction was set and now he returned to get his 'merchandise'.

The waiting had been terrible for Reva: it had given her time to imagine all sorts of outcomes, none good. It had also given her time to prepare various tirades against Antonio (for depriving her of her best defense: her pheromones); the Captain (for leaving the Saucer section (a) alone and (b) in the command of that incompetent Lieutenant Commander); the Lieutenant Commander (ostensibly for being incompetent, but really, her complaint was merely that the LC was the one in charge at the time Reva was snatched away); and ...Reva had other tirades, but they were lesser. What seemed like hours ago, the lithe Orion had twisted about and managed to bring her manacled hands to her front. She'd removed her gag but found any other escape attempts futile. Despite her desire not to be a victim, what she hadn't done was compose a plan for getting out of this mess. She couldn't see that far. The Doctor, however,... had.

Melanie was determined to get them out of the situation...even if it meant the death of someone...hopefully not her but at this point she really didn't care. She sat up and opened her eyes to get her barings. Melanie say her target and began screaming in the man's mind. She saw him double over and quieted her own mind momentarily to recover before starting the assault again. "I'll continue until you unlock this door and let us out." She whispered just loud enough for the man to hear.

Pulling his hands away from his head he lifted himself to his feet. He rushed for the put her out again but he didn't make it 2 steps before he sreamed in pain as he gripped his head.

Melanie started her assault again and she watched with a smile on her face when she realised that he was taking it seriously.

The pain in his head and body subsided and he had the feeling she meant the threat. "OK OK...." Treyvan got up slowlyhis hands visible.

Slowly his hand moved down to type in the release code. As he hand darted past the keypad and slammed into the panel activating the disposal sequence. While in space the content would be ejected. With in a planets atmoshpere...anything to be 'disposed of' was incinerated.

Now it was her turn to scream...he stood there and watched, the glint of sweet revenge in his eyes as the energy consumed her.

Melanie realised what was happening too late. Her mind touched Reva's slightly, as if to apologise for not getting them out of there before she was incinerated. Her last thought was of Talar...and she was coming home to him.

Hemmingway's assault on their captor and his response had happened so fast, Reva barely registered what was happening. Mel's scream and the sudden acrid smell of burnt flesh and bone penetrated into Reva's compartment; the brush of Mel's thoughts on hers drove home the terror. Reva screamed and cowered against the back of the compartment. As the heat and stench abated, Reva turned fear-filled eyes on her captor. Was that her fate, too?



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