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To plead their case...or at least try

Posted on 05 Oct 2010 @ 11:34am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

703 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Altar 4 - Larucian Homeworld
Timeline: MD 3 - 1000 / 1300

Chancellor Rolkash was fuming in the capital city's spaceport. Naturally the section used for state business had more ammenities that that was by the regular travel. Needless to say the delays were maddening just the same. Little did he know that the difficulites were not the malfunction they seemed...but engineered.

Jwento stood near the window, but not infront in order to remain unseen. Rolkash saw this an smiled slightly, ~old habits die hard indeed~, he thought to himself. His aid entered teh waiting area with a try and Rolkash sat. "Come Jwen, eat something."

Stepping away from teh window he joined his old comrad at the table. "Anything is better than all this waiting. I must say though...the food now is much better than what we used to eat."

Rolkash grinned again as he gestured with his fork. "When we did eat..."

"That too."

The Chancellor's aid stood back watching the exchange, when he intergected. "Excuse me sir's, but Minister Jwento? Were you able to tell if the trasmission had been forged?"

In a frustrated gesture Jwento dropped his napkin to the table. "No. But we were able to prove it was Yarin's voice."

"Cristos, sit if you are going to join our discussion then join us," Rolkask chimed in.

Rolkash's suspicions were aroused but he then recalled he hadn't been present during the previous discussion.

"Thank you sir." Taking a seat he continued to press for information. "Do you think Yarin is still alive then?"

"Hard to say. if he is there's no telling what they've done to him." Jwento looked at he Chancellor, he was getting that odd feeling he used to get when something just wasn't right. "There is a way we could find out", Jwento baited.

Rolkash almost choked at the suggestion, such discussions were only held in the strictest privacy.

Cristos face wave unmoved yet his mind was moving rapidly. His 'employer' would pay him handsomely for such information. "How," he asked inquisitively?

The Chancellor was about to cut off the discussion when there the door opened. The security agent bowed respectfully, "Excuse the interuption; Chancellor, your ship is ready."

Standing from the table, "About Time! Lets go."

[Larucian ship of State - Chancellor's quarters]

"...and just what the hell were you thinking? Even mentioning the existance of our informants..."

"I had a gut feeling....I was testing Cristos."


"Only a tightening of Kyari security would cause a delay in the next report; and that would only happen if they have a reason. I ordered the security detail to monitor all communications. If someone sends a message we'll know. If haer done."

"Accept to put our agents in jepordy."

"Come on...none of our agents are that high in the government; but they are high enought to notice an increase in security."

"Well I learned long ago not to ignore your 'gut feeling'. If your right..."

"If I'm right; I will deal with Cristos."

=*= Chancellor, we've left orbit and the USS Achilles is on the the opposite side of the sun, following our planets orbital path. =*=

"Very, well Captain, set an intecept course."

=*= Yes Chancellor. Estimated intercept in 3 hours. =*=

[USS Achilles - 1300]

The Captain and XO had re turned to the Battle bridge a while ago and thing were settled as the cruised towards Altar 4. The man standing in for the security chief call out to the Captain as he sat in his chair. "Sir, Long range sensors show a ship from Altar 4 on an intercept course."

"Can you identify the ship?"

"Not as yet sir, but the make is similar to the cruiser we encountered earlier."

"Well we aren't going to take any chances. Red Alert."

James was still sat at the Helm station, his console lit up as the ship went to battle stations forcing him to jab at the control with removed the red from the station, he hated it, and it annoyed him so it was gone. "All engines ready Captain" he said over his shoulder starting a scan of the area to look for any possible dangers to a ship in combat mode as well as anywhere he could use to hide of throw off an attacking ship.


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