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Challenging the Captain ... .again

Posted on 05 Oct 2010 @ 11:30am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

359 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Auxilly ready room
Timeline: back post

OOC: DOn will most defintely speak to Da'nal again.....

Continuing his instructions to the rest of the crew on the bridge. “The rumor mill is to continue and is to now expand to include is sabotage of the ships power and sensors and his kidnapping of our Helm officer, and NO ONE is to mention these orders to anyone, do I make myself clear?â€

"Aye sir." The Marines from the away team looked to each other with a sutble grin..a free pass on passing scuttlebutt...oh man was it about to get REAL deep down ing enlisted country

"Understood," Don said. He absolutely detested the situation.

“Good. Mr. Ravenor, take the helm and resume our course to Altar 4.â€

"Captain, may I have a word," Don asked stepping towards Da'nal. He would not be fullfilling his duties if he did not raise his concerns.

Da`nal said nothing but nodded and turned back to his office.

[Ready room]

Once the door had closed he stopped before the desk and turned. "You have 'concerns'?

Don gripped his hands behind his back to keep them there, before they get him into trouble. "I just want to know Captain, if anything goes wrong on this mission, and you know very well know it could, are you confident that this mission will be completed and the crew, including Kistere and Silonez will be safe?" he asked tightly.

Da`nal crossed his arms. Of course he was concerned for the safety of his crew what Captain wasn't, but they had their orders and they had a duty to preform. "There are no guarantees Commander, as you well know. The profession they have chosen is not without risk and in this case are risks, but no more than on any other mission. They have a duty to preform as do we. If they fail they will will return unsuccessful. If they die, they will die doing their duty.

"Am I hopeful for their safe return...yes. But that concern in reduced by the knowledge that they are up to the task. Even though I find this sort of....disception distasteful, we all have our orders."


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