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Hmm...Isn't THAT Special

Posted on 11 Oct 2010 @ 5:09pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,086 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Timeline: MD: 3, 1500

Lance stood in the back of the room as the Master Chief laid out his view of the cre and his plan. Being the Captain's Yoeman for as long as he had he had learned quite a bit about how the Captain wanted things done. While most of what the Chief said made sense the bit about officer getting the easy ride made no sense what-so-ever.

The more the guy talked the more it seemed the guy just didn't like officers in general. He would be able to find out the real story, if there was a different aspect, straight from the Captain. He ginned, and he'd be able to get the information without have to throw anyone under the bus as it were.

As the meeting broke he made his way out with the others and head up to the bridge to see if the was anything the Captain needed.


He strode into the ready room, as his access allowed him to, but the Captain was out. No matter he activated the terminal and proceeded to check the database for any log, reports or other matters that needed to be prioritized. He down loaded several items to padds as was customary and had everything laid out for the Captain when he returned.

Just as he logged out and the terminal was sinking back into the desk surface the ready room doors opened. Looking up he saw the Captain entering with several individuals that were obviously not members of the crew.

Per the Chief's instructions he came sharply to attentions at saluted the Captain.

Da`nal looked at his yeoman questioningly for a moment as he returned the salute.

"Pardon, my sir. I was just see if there was anything I need to see to."

"No explanation needed Mr. Nelson. You're just doing your duty as always." Looking back to his guests. "Chancellor this is my Yeoman, Chief Petty Officer Nelson. He makes sure I don't trip over myself with all the tasks that a Starship Captain has to see to."

The Chancellor grinned. "My aids have a similar function, and I too would be lost without them."

Da`nal returned his gaze to his yeoman and nodded. "Well I believe we can let Mr. Nelson return to his duties. We can take our meeting to the Observation Lounge."

Motioning the Dignatary, his entourage and the the security detail the began to back out of the ready room. As they did Da`nal leaned to his XO, he whispered. "Don, check and see what that was all about."

Don nodded and unobtrusively stayed behind as the rest filed out of the room. When the doors closed it was apparent that Lance and Don were the only ones left in the ready room. Don turned to the man and inclined his head to the side questioningly, asking him to explain without actually asking a question verbally.

"Chief's orders sir."

"What are those orders?" Don asked.

He shrugged slighty. "The Chief wants salutes from all unlisted to all officers. I know its not my place sir, but Starfleet hasn't required salutes in...well forever."

Don nodded slowly. "That is true. Chief," he agreed thoughtfully. "That type of salute was really grounded in the western military on earth. Even the Russians and easters countries saluted differently and every planetary system incorporated into starfleet had very varied forms and some didn't have them at all, like Betazed. To some, holding your hand to your head like hat was strange and offensive even. Can you imagine a Vulcan doing tat illogical move? That is why they dropped that salute," Don said, thinking out load more than anything. "I will have to speak to the Captain and the COB. Follow orders however." He remained silent for a few moments. "Are you sure that was the only issue here? When we came in I had the impression you were here for another reason...." he asked, less chatty and more direct.

What the XO meant was clear, but he answered him honestly. "No sir, does making sure the Captain doesn't trip over paperwork. But ahh as a heads up the Chief will be sending in his training program for approval." There was a bit of a hesitation as Lance thought if he should go any further.

"Go ahead Chief, I can see you have something on your mind..." Don said and sat on the side of Danal's desk.

"Permission to speak freely?"

"You have it."

"Well I'm heistant to say. Especially since I've only me the man once but first impressions...I get the feeling he doesn't care for officers too much."

Don chuckled. "Interesting observation," Don said although he thought the man was stating it mildly. He couldn't express his own opinion here. "Maybe we need to teach him people skills," he said with a grin.

Lance grinned in return, wondering just what the XO had in mind. "Oh he did say that the officers were getting the 'easier' part of the combat training he was planning. I did find it odd that the Marines weren't represented at his briefing...what with them being the combat arm of Starfleet since the Dominion War."

Don was joking, but at the same time he was serious. "Perhapa he thought that the marines had no need, only the officers and I think we need to *convince* him that officers are every bit as combat ready as anyone else," he said. "And you can help me....." he said with a plan forming in his mind.


"You can help me plan," Don mused, but realized he needed to be clearer. "You will be in his briefings, right? So, just let me know what he is planning for the combat training... keep me informed," Don said with a grin. "It is not about being unfair to the non-comms, it is about showing him that officers can hold their own...."

He knew what the XO was getting at but the Chief would have to bring his plans to the XO for approval anyway. Unless he just wanted advance notice in order to be ready. Nodding, his only reply was, "Understood."

"I am glad that you do..." Don said and turned to go. "As you were...." he said before exiting the Captain's ready room.

Lance didn't know what the XO had up his sleeve....but he was sure it wouldn't disappoint.


Captain Da`nal

Larucan Chancellor

CPO Lance Nelson
Yeoman - NPC

Commander Don Killian


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