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Intel v Intel

Posted on 23 Sep 2010 @ 8:04pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

875 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Timeline: Back post - MD 2 2200

"Did you hear what happened at the senior staff meeting today?" an Ensign in blue asked his companion over a round of drinks.

"I know. Crazy. It's a good thing the Captain had his Bat'leth on him and was able to deflect Ericson's dagger," she answered, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You heard he had a Bat'leth? I thought he pulled his phasor and shot the knife right out of his hand."

"Really? Did you hear anything about an airlock?"

"Yes, but tell me yours first."

Ensign Aiona sat on a nearby bar stool, eavesdropping and sipping a beer. ~Well, I'll give them one thing,~ she thought to herself, ~They know how to keep it interesting around here. Space can be so dreadfully boring.~ She'd been trained to listen and that's just what she'd been doing. You get a good feel for a place hearing the conversations buzzing through the air. Listening in was also a descent way to determine how crazy the new Captain might be. A 7, at least, it seemed. A 10 if the airlock rumor had any truth to it, but Aiona doubted it; this was a Starfleet ship, after all.

She finished her beer and slipped down from the stool, glancing once around the bar on her way out. The run in between the Captain and her direct supervisor was the topic of every conversation. But Aiona didn't believe that things could happen without reason. If her XO was insane, now would be a good time to get that cleared up; Siris was only a few days travel away and could still pick her up to take her home. If her supervisor was a nut job, she might be looking at a promotion. Either way, best to steer completely clear of rumor. Best to go to the source.

Aiona pushed the chime on Silonez Ericson's door.

Silonez looked up from the schematics of the ship "Come in." He said with some hesitation, "Ensign what can I do for you?"

"I heard about the trouble in the meeting. I figured best to talk to you directly than to theorize on rumor." She stepped through the door, eyes locked on Silonez. "Any truth to it?" she asked simply, doors sliding shut behind her.

Silonez didn't hide the smile, "If I told you it was staged very carefully would you believe me?"

She laughed. "I'd have to believe you. For one it's the only logical explanation, and I do have a soft spot for logic. For another I'm a Betazoid and you couldn't lie to me if you tried." She leaned against the wall. "I do appreciate your honesty. I'll keep your secret, of course, but is there anything I can do to help?"

"In the office are a set of instructions on an engineering PaDD along with an isolinear rod, only the captain and myself, and now you, know about these instructions and what they do." he paused and took a drink "The Padd has a schematic lay out of the ships power control system, and the instructions are to create a power disruption for about six minutes."

Ainoa crossed her arms. "Is this the type of power disruption that is going to activate an alarm and necessitate a quick getaway through the Jefferies tubes?"

Silonez smiled "Thats where the isorod comes into play, it contains an unlock code that will confuse security systems then engage a site to site program back to the intel office, the program will load then engage when you take back the rod, it also has one bonus to it." Silonez reached into the smaller desk drawer "This is the transport armband that the program works with, and this is a Mark eight communicator, looks old but this has a point one light year range to get in contact with me."

"Technology never fails to evolve. I suppose if I'm caught you'll deny ever knowing me."

Silonez chuckled "No, the captain knows about this plan, how do you think I was able to go around and organize this and not get caught."

"No comment," replied Aiona, who had done just that countless times, "This sounds so much more legit than the work Starfleet usually sticks me with. Alright, when do you need the power disruption?"

"When we rendezvous with the agent that works in this area, I'll beam over in tandem with any away team, Star fleet thinks that one of the factions in this area had help attacking the Ballard, and I need a head start on the second officer." Silonez stood up and opened his wall safe, "Don't trust any of the crew when it comes to dealing with the locals and possibly the investigation, you'll need this." He handed Crystal a liquid black box, "Its an intelligence issue TR-110, two clips ammo, one has a less leathal round that can knock over anything including a gorn, if you need other ammo its in the intel replicator files, the flash bang rounds come in handy from time to time."

Aiona took the box. "I have a few tricks of my own as well, but I'm sure this will come in handy. When do we move?"

Lt Cmdr Silonez Ericson
CIO USS Achillies

Ens Crystal Aiona
Infiltration Specialist


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