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Posted on 23 Sep 2010 @ 4:23pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

421 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Intelligence office
Timeline: Back Post - MD 2 -2100

Silonez was cleaning out his desk, his side arm and tricorder were on the desk top, his field bag was sitting next to the desk a phaser rifle was visable along with a non-standard issue starfleet uniform. He was just about finished when he saw the Captain standing at the door.

The saucer had seperated and the investigation was in full swing as the main portion of the Achilles head towards the fisrt to the Larucian homeworld. It was late and to say it had been a long day was an understatement.

As Silonez turned he spoke. "Don't worry, I had myself beamed over...know one will know I was here." A smirk formed on his face and he continued. "A bit over the top with the knife don't you think?"

"Only alittle, I had to make myself look more dangerous than everyone thinks." Silonez dropped another throwing knife holster in his bag.

"So do you have everything you need?"

"Depends on whose piloting the shuttle craft." Silonez said with a smirk.

"Well we are keeping an eye out for your Ferengi contact. If I timed our depature properly we should come across his ship and then you can be...taken off our hands."

"Well lets hope Tika shaking the tree hasn't put him at risk, or Admiral Morgan is going to blow a gasket then we're all working under the clock." Silonez commneted

"Agreed...." He recalled the conversation with the Admiral that had ordered him to remain silent and keep his staff in the dark, at least until Silonez was in place. "...All I can say is this had better work."

"Lets get it going and we'll be sure." Silonez said with some confidence.

"Fair enough...once we interecept your contact we will beam you over. To take you off of our hands so to speak."

"I've got a transporter program ready when we arrive, just make sure security is destracted for the transport cycle."

"Not to worry, but I want you to take this with you...just in case." Extending his hand he held out the newest emergency transporter. "As long as we are inrange it'll beam you straight to the bridge."

Silonez took the device and pocketed it, "Here we go" he said with some irony.

"Oh one last thing...has your betazoid staff member been taken care of?

"I'll talk to her." Silonez said.

Da`nal grinned. "Good; just be ready...Computer beam me back to my quarters."


Capt. Da`nal

Silonez Ericson
CIO (suspended)


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