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Cooling things down a bit

Posted on 27 Sep 2010 @ 12:44pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,848 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Auxillery Ready Room and Battle Bridge
Timeline: MD 3 - 0800

Don waited to when he saw that there was no one with Da'nal in his ready room, except perhaps Ayren, he crossed the floor and press the chime to start another conversation they should have.

They were taking their time why proceding to Altar 4. He needed to give His Second officer time to get some answers before they got to 'indepth' with the Larucian leadership. At the chime he turned his head to the door slightly, "Come." The door opened and Don stepped in.

Once inside, Don regarded him carefully. He seemed to have supported the way the COB had dealt with the crew, so Don wasn't too sure how Danal realy viewed the situation. "Can we talk... Sir?"

"Always....Whats on your mind?"

"It is about our new COB.... he seems to pis.... peeve a lot of people off very quickly....." Don corrected himself quickly, although he agreed more with the fist expression.

"So I noticed. His manner is rather...authoritive. But the previous incident was just as I said then; he was following my orders when he called the staff to attention."

"I understand that discipline is part of his job, but it is not the *what*, it is the *how*," Don explained where he was coming from. "He is not the first COB I had served with... ok, so me were worse," he admitted. "But they never fully gained the trust of the crew. Those who did, gained the respect of the crew, before they *disciplined*" he added

Da`nal thought back to the previous COB he had dealed with. An damn prankster and border-line saboteur that guy was. The fool had installed broken into get into the Captain's ready room and install holo emitters. He had covered his tracks well and had managed to get them damn near impossible to remove. You couldn't have a conversation in that room at all without the scenery changing or some other type of chaos breaking loose. The last had been well...she handled problems in a different manner all together. As a matter a fact he was sure that Charg and her had had a 'thing' before he left the Aldebaran. The current Chief of the Boat was his now...on his ship and a wry grin began to form on his face, after all personnel matters fell under the XO's jusristiction. ~This should be intersting...~

Tapping his badge, =^= "Master Chief Sharpe, Report to my ready room"=^=

=^= On my way Sir. =^= Came the responce from the COB.

~This would be interesting~ Don thought.

While the waited for his arrival Da`nal looked to his XO. Their had been a straighn in his manner since there last discussion. No doubt because he was having to keep him...and the rest of the crew in the dark. Hopefully that will be cleared up soon. "Other than the 'objections' during the staff meeting earlier has the been any other incidents?"

"There had been no official complaints lodged, it is just general," Don said thoughtfully. "Frankly, he had only been on the ship for a very short time... I would like to prevent problems.." he continued.

"Sensible precaution. Not everyone is accustomed to such a firm hand. For the majority of the crew I think he can be a trimendous asset. Especially given the class of vessel we are have now. This is a ship that needs to be ready for combat at a moments notice and I think he is just the man to whip everyone into shape.

"I also see where you and the rest of the senior officers are coming from. You simply want the respect you are due....As does he."

Don nodded in agreement. It sometimes still amazed him at how reasonable this Klingon could be, more so than a lot of human captains he had encountered. He had not thought that he would last this long with this man, but somehow he had not been brigged yet.

"I do agree, Captain. We need a firm hand, but not an iron hand. He can be an asset, and I think that it could have a positive outcome in the long run, but if he is too strict, it might have the opposite effect," Don commented.

Master Chief Petty Officer Raymond Sharpe marched in with a military persision of a seasoned drill instructor. He walked up to the captain`s desk, and gave him a salute that would make an Admiral jelouse. " Chief of the Boat reporting, as ordered Sir! " He bellowed.

Da`nal respectfully acknowledged the salute and indicated the seat next to the XO. "Have a seat Chief."

The Chief sat in the chair very gingerly, but still with perfect posture.

"First let me say that as a Klingon I can appreciate the firm hand and disciplined nature for how you have handled things thus far."

" Thank you for that compliment sir. " Said the Chief.

"However this is not a Klingon ship and such a firm grip can be have the opposite effect on the crew. Most noted this has been brought to my attention by those on the senior staff and why there have been no official complaint I would hate to see one of my officer bring charges against you. So to keep this from ever happening I want you to...tone things down a bit...where the officcers are concerned.

The point they are making is valid and this basicall boils down to an issue of respect. You want their just as they want yours. I also know that personal respect, like trust must be earned, but it is possible to respect the rank and not the person. As such I want you to give each officer the respect their rank deserves.

"Don't get me wrong. This is not disciplinary action nor am I 'dressing you down' on the contrary the XO and I want to keep anything like that from happening."

" Permission to speak sir. " The Cob said. And without waiting for permission. " I realize I can be hard sometimes sir. I am that way pourposly. I want this ship, and crew, to simply be the best in the fleet. I think you, as a Commanding Officer deserve it. And it's my job to make sure that happens. The job of a Chief of the Boat is more than just a rank. I am supposed to play the hard nose. I am supposed to make sure you get the best. Now, IF you want me to tone it down, I will. But remember, all I was doing was trying to do my job. " He said to his Captain, and Exectutive Officer.

"Now Chief, there is a task I think you would be a perfectly fir for."

" Just say the word. " The Cob said.

"Most of the Junior Officers and Enlisted crew transfered over with the XO and myself from the USS Freedom. That ship is a Majestic class 'diplomatic' vessel. But the Achilles is altogether a differant breed of vessel. Its very nature crys comba and it very likely that our future assignment will be of a more hostile nature.

" I realize that sir, " Said the Chief. " Thats why I was doing my job the way I was. I am, well, was now, trying to train the crew to be combat ready. If you think I was cruel, I'm sure an enemy force firing on the ship would be far worse. I'm trying to use an old technique a 20th century General named Patton used. I want them to fear me more than a would be enemy. "

Leaning forward he grinned slightly. "Hmmm, an interesting approach. However well that may have worked in the past there is one key difference. Patton was a General and in command. You are not. BUT I do want you to get this crew into shape. I want everyone to have at least basic combat skills. What do you think Don?"

"I realize that Patton was a General, and I am nor sir. " Said Sharpe. " But we must get the whole crew in a whole different mind frame. And I don't want the men, or especially the officers, to buckle under combat. By being the way I was, I could insure that they would fare well in a combat situation. I can train them, but as for how they will fair, I'm sorry to say sir, but you are, in my humble opinion, tieing my hands. But, in order to do what I was doing, I will need both of your support. And we must be harder on the officers than the men sir. There is nothing worse then having leadership fail under combat. But, if you don't want that sir, I understand. "

Da`nal raised his hand to stop his XO. He could see that he was more that a little irritated at being interupted. and his patience was wearing thin as well. "Chief no one is tieing your hands. But you are to treat the officers with the normal customes and courtesies expected and required of those of an enlisted rank. Also, I don't know what kind of Commanding OFficer you are used to but I am not one that likes his orders second guessed. I am well aware of the importance of leadership in combat having been in combat many times myself."

" I can set up training scheduals, and drills. And have the rough drafts for them on your desk in 2 hours sir. And I have to ask, do you want me to tone it down sir, now that you know what I am doing? " He asked.

"Just save the bellowing for the the proper situations. Treat the All officers with the proper respect that their rank deserves, but during any training...the rank comes off."

Glancing between the Chief and his XO. "The two of you get with Major Cole and Captain Longwinter, set up a training schedule and include ground as well as ship board combat. Have your training propsal to me for approval with in...48 hrs. We will go over it, make any adjustments needed and once finalized I will make the announcement at the next staff meeting.


Raymond sharpe stood up, and responded to his Captain, and XO. " I will abide by your orders sir. "


Wandella was intently monitoring her console as the Achilles made her way towards their destination when she caught something, something someone didn't want her to catch, "Nice try, guys!" She laughed, "But you no smarter than Wandella!"

Tapping her console and opening the channel to the ready room she informed Da'nal of her discovery, "Keptin, I've found ship hidden in comet coming through system."

[Ready Room]

Da`nal acknowledge the information. "Understood Lieutenant we are on our way."

Standing he looked to the men opposite him. "I'm glad we got this straightened out, now let go see what the lieutenant had found."

Don glanced at Sharpe and back st the Captain. "Well me too," he said.


Captain Da`nal

Master Chief Petty Officer Raymond Sharpe

Commander Don Killian


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