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Another bump in the road

Posted on 28 Sep 2010 @ 4:26pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,492 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: MD 3 - 0920


Wandella was intently monitoring her console as the Achilles made her way towards their destination when she caught something, something someone didn't want her to catch, "Nice try, guys!" She laughed, "But you no smarter than Wandella!"

Tapping her console and opening the channel to the ready room she informed Da'nal of her discovery, "Keptin, I've found ship hidden in comet coming through system."

[Ready Room]

Da`nal acknowledge the information. "Understood Lieutenant we are on our way."

Standing he looked to the men opposite him. "I'm glad we got this straightened out, now let go see what the lieutenant had found."

Don lanced at Sharpe and back st the Captain. "Well me too," he said.


Da`nal stepped out onto the bridge he walked up to his chair taking his seat.

The Chief of the Boat walked in with the other officers. " Report. " Is all he bellowed.

Da`nal looked over his shoulder as the order was issued. They had just covered this type of action in the ready room. However change take time, but it was still HIS bridge and not the Chief's.

Sharpe walked over to Da'nal. He looked in the Captain's eyes. " Sir, I just want to say sorry IF I have offended you. " He said quietly.

Nodding the Captain continued. "What do we have here Lieutenant?

"Wandella can not say for one hundred percent certain, Keptin." She replied, "But it looks like Ferengi ship we are looking for."

"Hail the ship."

"Hailing now, Keptin." Wandella obeyed, her beautiful features twisting almost instantly into a confused expression, "No answer."

"Take us in close enough to tractor the ship out of the comets coma. Don take an armed away team over and check things out."

"Yes, Keptin." Wandella nodded, moving in closer to the ship to pull it out of the comet, but not close enough to roast the Achilles if she could avoid it.

Don acknowledged the order and walked towards the door. "Kristere, you are with me," he said.

"Right behind you, dahling." Wandella cooed, following right on Don's ass.

=^= Killian to Cole, meet me in transporter room 4 with two of your men prepped for transport,=^= Don said, looking at the pretty pilot so close behind him and chuckled.

=^= Roger, that. =^=

After the channel closed the Major looked to the two Marines that just happened to be in the training room with him. "You heard her...Standard deployment load out. Now get the lead out!"

"Yes sir" Looking to each other that had the same thought. ~Finally some action...~

Silonez was in his quarters, he was able to listen in on what was going on, something didn't feel right, he knew Darick from there few meetings he was always prompt, but this was wrong, very wrong. Silonez took action he grabbed his bag keyed in a few commands and in an instant he was gone. (timed with the away teams transport)

James was pulling duty on the Bridge this shift, he had a feeling this had been done by the Chief to make sure she could avoid him for at least a few hours. He guessed he should be lucky she didn't write him up. He had seen the ship but Wandella had beaten him to the punch. The comet had been the subject to his scans when he had spotted a blip. James had to give Wandella her due he to cleared up his blip and made is much clearer.

[Transporter Room 4]

Once all had reported to the transporter room and taken in position on the pad, Don nodded to the transporter chief.


The shimmer of blue appeared and the transport started. However, where Don had expected to be on the ship, it was not the case. He was back on the transporter padd, so were everyone.

"What the hell? I said energize!" Don said to the transporter chief.

"But I did, Sir! Only Lieutenant Kristere transported," he informed Don

"Get us over there!" he ordered now concerned that Wandella was on her own.

"Yes Sir...I'm trying. Energizing!" He sighed with relief as the team vanished from his padd, but just as he relaxed saw where they had gone.

[Ferengi Merchant ship]

Silonez materialized on the Ferengi ship, in the corridor behind the bridge, without looking he knew something was wrong, and it wasn't the fact there was hardly any lighting, he pulled out his tricorder and took a reading, the away team was about to discover what he suspected.

~Something isn't right here.~ Wandella surmised with little effort, she smelled a familiar smell, the smell of death, it seemed their friend had already ran into someone else/ She thumped her phaser from stun to kill, just in case the Ferengi's party guests hadn't left.

Silonez moved quickly, he snuck up behind Wandella and used a hypo-spray with a very mild sedative, he then grabbed her communicator and disabled it. Without loosing a step he set Wandella against a bulkhead and flipped open his communicator and tapped in a quick sequence to signal Crystal, he then ran to an ODN access and pulled it open, he managed to reset the faulty circuit and the ship slowly came to life.


The XO and his away team materialized on the bridge

"What the hell?" Don asked again, now highly agitated, looking at D'anal even as he tapped his badge. =^=Killian to transporter room, what happened here. We are on the Achilles bridge! Where is Kristere? =^=

[Jefferies Tube]

As soon as she received the signal, Ensign Crystal Aiona went to work. She had the bag of tricks Silonez had given to her and some of her own from her previous Starfleet life as well. Taking out an isolinear rod, she tapped into the ship's power systems and started a disruption.


No sooner had Don finished than everything went dead. The emergency lighting came up but power was out all over the ship.

[Ferengi ship]

"lets see what this bucket can do" silonez muttered to himself as he started to power up and plot his course.

[USS Achilles - six minutes later]

Suddenly the power came back...just as if someone had flipped a switch. The Ferengi ship that had been centered in the view screen was gone.

"Find that ship!, full sensor sweep!" Don said. There was something off here, and he could feel himself getting hot under the collar. Regardless, he had to do his job. "Get a lock on Lt Kistere and get her back here now!"

Da`nal countermanded his XO's instructions. "Belay that order. Computer seal the bridge and disengage at internal sensors to this location. There is to be no computer record of these instructions, authorization Varal-epsilon-5978031."


Don opened his mouth to protest, but saw Danal turning to address them. His closed his lips, and checked his temper.

Turning as he spoke in order to address all on the everyone's eyes were already on him. "There is no need to worry about Ms. Kristere she is in good hands. MR. Silonez has been acting on orders from Star Fleet Intelligence…†His tone on the last three words let everyone know just what he thought of the agency usurping a member of his crew. “…and his recent behavior has been in line with those orders. However things have now changed as his contact was killed.

“There will be no logs personal or otherwise concerning this. “Chief, transmit the appropriate charges; Desertion, Sabotage, Assault, Kidnapping, etc., via open channel to Star Fleet.â€

" Aye sir. " Master Chief Sharpe said as he started to transmit.

Continuing his instructions to the rest of the crew on the bridge. “The rumor mill is to continue and is to now expand to include is sabotage of the ships power and sensors and his kidnapping of our Helm officer, and NO ONE is to mention these orders to anyone, do I make myself clear?â€

"Aye sir." The Marines from the away team looked to each other with a sutble grin..a free pass on passing scuttlebutt...oh man was it about to get REAL deep down in enlisted country

"Understood," Don said. He absolutely detested the situation.

“Good. Mr. Ravenor, take the helm and resume our course to Altar 4.â€

James was a little surprised at being asked to take the helm, he was after all a science officer but he was a good pilot and so he walked towards the sunken helm and ops pit and sat down. He spent a few seconds moving controls around so it made more sense to him and then inputted the data to return the ship to their course and speed.


Captain Da`nal

Master Chief Petty Officer Raymond Sharpe

Commander Don Killian

Lieutenant JG James Ravenor
Science Officer

Maj. Cole
Marine CO - NPC'd by Chris

Lt Commander Silonez "The Dishonorer One" Eircson

Lt Wandella Kristere

Ens. Crystal Aiona


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