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The Hunt - Part 2

Posted on 27 Sep 2010 @ 8:34pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus & Captain Antonio Vazquez & Captain Reva Madhava

1,440 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: USS Achilles - Saucer Section - Bridge
Timeline: MD: 3, 0800

From the Engineering station Jessica activated Auxiliary fusion generators as a precaution. Against that little ship they would hardly be needed but with the the asteroids the shield would be taking a beating. "Auxiliary generators coming online!"

"Commander...", Antonio looked up from the tactical console, "Sickbay has reported Doctor Hemmingway was transported away as well".

[Kyari henchman's ship]

His captives materialized in separate compartments...just large enough to where a person could sit, but just barely. As the cycle completed he activated a scrambling field that would block their well as his. Slamming his ship to full speed he began to duck and weave his way through the asteroid belt as the Federation ship followed him as best they could.

"Hey!" Reva growled and banged on what appeared to be the most likely 'door' - through it, just on the other side of a narrow walkway, she could see another... Was that a reflection? No, Reva saw the woman's skin wasn't green. Then she recognized her: Doctor Hemmingway. Quickly figuring out what had just happened, Reva kicked and banged on the clear panel. As a half-Orion, she had strength just a bit above the average human - but the box was impervious to her efforts. Still, she felt better for making a racket.

He didn't glance back at the noise but looked at his monitors. ~Two women, and an Orion too but...nice.~

The ship rocked as a low powered blast hit his ship. Grinning, he knew they wouldn't want to hurt their own.


Tika sat perched attentively on the edge of her seat, her well toned legs were crossed under the skirt. "Increase phaser intensity by 20 percent. Target shield generators."

"Increasing...", Antonio's fingers moved quickly over the console as he fired the phasers.

[Kyari ship]

Treyvan swung around another asteroid just in time to duck the Achilles phasers. ~That was close...~ He kept tight in on the various rocks and began working his way back to the station. He only had one shot to get away and if it worked he could take out this Federation ship too.

As he tried to concentrate on his flying the racket coming from the two holding cells was really getting annoying...."OH SHUT UP!"

~Doctor Hemmingway?~ Reva tried to catch the woman's attention. She could feel the man's anxiety and determination - and a dangerous sort of glee. He had a plan, that much she could tell. ~What's he planning?~

Melanie concentrated and listened to the man's thoughts. It wasn't hard to hear them, he was broadcasting quite forcefully. She nearly gasped when she heard what he was thinking but kept her composure. ~He is wanting trying to get back to the station...he wants to take out the Achilles...~

Turning hard again he went began to double back towards the station using the asteroids for cover as best he could.

He had to time this perfectly. ~Just a few more seconds....~ The Achilles was closing and that would work out perfectly. ~Almost there....just need to get the station between me and that ship and I'll take out three problems with one blast!~

Melanie's mind screamed, she had lost so much she wasn't going to lose her home and her friends too. She couldn't tell who on the Bridge could read her thoughts but she did her best to broadcast the danger that the Achilles was in to anyone who would listen. She prayed to The Fates that someone would hear her.

At first, Reva didn't realize what Melanie was doing; then she heard Melanie's mental scream. She added her own voice to it - though weak, it might help. One never knew.


Antonio was dividing his attention between the phasers and targeting the small ship. He focused on the flight path of the smaller ship, as it weaved in and out, twisting and turning tightly imbetween the rocks, heading back towards the base. As if it had a purpose... he placed himself there..

The base was fast approaching, mere seconds away when his console chirped. New data from the computer as it had been analyzing his scans to find a way to penetrate the radiation and as it completed its task a clear scan of the base had been sent to him, and as he glanced at it, he knew... It was exactly what he would of done.

"Commander!" he shouted. "We are being led into a trap...the base is rigged to explode!"

Even as Antonio was putting the pieces of the puzzle together manually, Jessica Cole paused in what she was doing: bolstering the shields' durability by pulling power from non-essential systems elsewhere on the saucer. The pause wasn't really noticeable to anyone watching; to Jessica, though, it felt like several minutes suddenly passed. Someone was talking to her from a distance and she could barely hear the message. Suddenly it was louder then louder still till it was a scream: danger!

A second behind Antonio, the Chief Engineer blurted out: "He's leading the saucer into an ambush! The base - he'll...." She opened her eyes and looked at Antonio. "Full power to the shields!" Jessica followed her own statement and made it so, hoping the helmsman would bank the ship enough to avoid the blast.

"All Engines full reverse!!!" Tika bellowed over the comotion on the Bridge. She opened her mouth to speak again, but a sudden jolt of motion stopped her cold.

[Kyari Ship]

The Stations power core erupted in a massive explosion followed by the string of blasts that utterly destroyed the station and the old Larucan cruiser. The blast wave raced out hitting the Federation ship with its full force as it also sent asteroids out in all directions. The bulk of the Asteroid had shielded Treyvan and his captives and he raced off taking full advantage of the situation. There was no way to be sure if the blast had take them out but he wasn't hanging around to find out.

As the ship raced through the asteriod belt he activated a control and a harmless sleeping gas began to fill the chambers behind him. Where they were going he would need a little time to get them ready and he couldn't do that with them fighting him the whole way.


Commander Phenix-Patil lay on the carpet on the Bridge at the foot of the three steps that lead from the helm/ops console to her Command Chair. When the blast hit, she'd rolled from the chair and hit her head on the ground. She was very lucky it was carpeted, because if it wasn't, she'd likely be dead.

She pulled herself up in a rather unladylike fation considering her skirt, probably because of the considerable pain she was now in. She pushed herself back into the chair and looked around to see if all her officers were still alive. "Everyone ok?...."

Anara had been hurled from her XO station and her shoulder had rammed against the console. She lifted her hand to touch her bruised shoulder, "Yeah...just a little bruised." She looked around at everyone else before sliding back into her seat and turning to her console.

The Saucer section had been tossed around like a surfboard after a wipout as the shockwave hit them. A few console sparked and there was the smell of smoke on the bridge. As luck would have it the ships stabilizers had kicked in and softened the ride...not that the ride had been soft at all.

"Any sign of the ship on sensors?" Tika asked.

Ens. Logon's hair was a mess and she brushed it away as she returned to her console. "No Ma'am, sensors are down, but with the blast and the effects of the belt I seriously doubt we could track them. We might be able to find where they left the asteroid belt, but that a long shot." She paused slightly as she swallowed hard.

"I hate to say it but I would recommend we rejoin the Achilles. There maybe someone back in the Altar system that would know what type of ship that was or why someone would want two Federation officers."

Tika looked up with a frown. She didn't like the feeling of failure weighing down on her...she never lost anything...but she did today "Agreed." She said reluctantly. "Set a course possible speed..."


Ens. Reva Madhava
USS Achilles

LTjg Antonio Vazquez
USS Achilles

Lt.Comdr Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil
USS Achilles

Lt. Meru Anara
USS Achilles

Ens. Jessica Logan
Operations NPC - played by Chris


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