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Laying down the Law

Posted on 01 Oct 2010 @ 5:17am by

966 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Conference room
Timeline: current


Master Chief Petty Officer Raymond Sharpe was down hearted. He was over ruled by his Captain on a crew training matter. This had never happened before. He was used to getting his way. He had been training Starfleet personel since long before his Captain was even IN Starfleet. But, he will obey orders. Because as we all know, sometimes orders make no sence.

Sharpe was on his way to a very special meeting. He had called a meeting with all his Chiefs. All the P.O.'s who are Department Sr's are required to be there. He walked in thde room, to find about a couple dozen people. All of them enlisted, and all of them ready. Sharpe walked to the head of the room, and addressed the people.

" Thank you for coming to this Sr. Enlisted personel's meeting. I just want to go over a thing or two. " He said as he pulled a padd from his tunic, and started to read from it. " It has been requested by the Captain that this crew starts battle drill training. He feels that our the previous mission for this crew has possibly left you out of shape training wise for the mission, possibly missions to come. I have been instructed to whip this crew into shape. I was trying to do this very thing, when I was informed not to have such a heavy hand. I was also instructed to show more respect to the officers. I have devised training scheduals for the crew on this matter. There are 2 of them.Of course this is with the Captain's approval. But, the officers have thiers, and we, the enlisted, have ours. I won't lie to you, the officers have it easier. I just want to tell you why. "

Sharpe looked up from his padd, and saw every face with a blank stare. He could almost read thier minds. ~ tipical, officers always have it easier. We do all the work, and they get all the glory. ~ Sharpe cleared his thout, and although he had a speach ready, he improvised.

" Look, alot of these officers are just kids. And alot of the new transfers, have you seen them? It's almost like a day care. " He said. " First of all, I want to make sure that every crewman knows his job. Not just what the manual says, but knows it backwards and forwards like the back of his hand. Thats for the Officers. For the Enlisted, well, I have higher standards for you. It might come down to it that officers could be wounded or killed. I want every Sr. Enlistedman to know the his section chief's job. And I want every section to be able to funtion without any officers just in case that happens. If any officers fail to preform, get killed, or wounded, I want that section to still be able to preform at top efficency. Any questions? " He asked.

the room was silent, and not one hand was raised. He continued on. " Ok second, " He said, " I have been told basically to lay off the officers as far as disapline goes. I don't know how much combat you all have seen, but I have seen my share. One thing that is deadly in battle is men freezing. what I am getting at is, I feel my hands are tied as far as the officers go, but I need your help to make sure that none of the enlisted will freeze in combat. I will try my best with the officers, but I know I can succeed with the enlisted. So, we have to turn on the stress levels. Work them harder. I want the enlisted to preform almost as an instinct under stress. When the ship is exploding around them, I want them to stay at thier posts, until abandon ship is called. Or until ordered away. Any questions? " He asked.

The room was again silent, with no hands up for questions. He continued on. " Lastly, " Sharpe said. " I want every courtesy given to those of higher rank. If we are going to beef up disapline, I want salutes given, I want enlisted men to come to attention when addressed by an officer, I want it to be as close to the academy as you can get. " Sharpe smiled. " And of course, you have to set the examples. I know Im new here, but Im easy to get along with. Just remember, on my boat there are three ways of doing things. The wrong way, The Starfleet way, and my way. And the last two are pretty much the same. Im a book man. Stray from the book, and you better have at least a dozen good reasons, and you'll still get an aurgument out of me. From now on, on my boat, sub standard is not tolerated. Standard is unsatisfactory. Above standard is semi satisfactory, But i want exelence to be the norm. And I feel that we can achieve this goal, IF only with the enlisted. Now, can I count on your help? " He asked.

The Sr.'s Enlisted staff all for the most part seemed to like the idea. There was a few people, like the guys from the Science Dept. And the Guy from the Diplomatic Dept. that seemed pretty unconvinced, But in the end, they agreed to try. Everyone else pretty much loved the idea. Sharpe liked this. He knew he could whip the crew to shape.

" Ok, now that thats over, I will dismiss you all. Thanks for comeing. " He said as everyone started to pile out. Until Sharpe was left in the room alone. He smiled, and put his pace stick under his arm , and left.


Master Chief Petty Officer Raymond Sharpe
Chief of the Boat
USS Achilles


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