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Meeting Another Scientist

Posted on 04 Sep 2010 @ 5:40pm by

1,707 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Chief Science Office
Timeline: MD 2, 10:00 hours [Back Post]


Lt. Anara had heard that she was getting another scientist in her department. She had sent a message to him to come to her office so that they could meet. She was always grateful to have another set of hands and eyes. She had researched James a little bit, so that she could understand where his strengths and weaknesses lied. It was important that she knew what his specialty was, since it would help her to assign him to various projects that they were working on

James had only just gotten onto the ship when he got a message from Lieutenant Anara, his new Chief Science Officer. He had just dropped his bags and gear, along with his puppy, Alfie. He stood outside her officer and pressed the chime waiting for her to allow him to enter. He glanced down at his uniform and made sure that it was still... well... still perfect and that he looked good in it. He didn't do this just 'coz he wanted to attract women he didn't it coz he looked good in it... damn good.

Anara pressed a button by her desk that opened her office door. She looked up from her computer when she saw a very tall and very handsome male come into her office. She pushed his physical attractiveness from her mind and focused on business at hand, "Lt. jg Ravenor, I assume? It is good to see another scientist come aboard. Please have a seat."

"Thank you" he said still a little awed by the women before him, stunning came to mind as did a few other words and thoughts that he pushed from his mind... for the moment. "If you don't mind i would like to claim one of the labs as my own for my own experiments" he had a habit of speaking before thinking... this might have been one of those times.

"That's something that I can consider. Currently, I'm having most of the department work on the current remnants of the explosion from the USS Ballard. Here is a synopsis of the what we know, so that you can be updated. Ensign Madhaven and I will be going to the ship to collect some samples and then begin our testing. We're going to need another pair of hands to begin organizing everything and start our various reports," she spoke professionally as she handed him a PADD.

"Do you have any questions for me?" she asked after a pause.

"I will use the main lab to start on the data we have and the samples, i will have all the sensor reading from the other departments sent to us and i will start going through them" he glanced at her "If that is okay with you Chief?" He had been on the cusp of asking her out to dinner, but he has wimped out at the last second.

"That sounds great, it looks like we're both on the same page. I'm a straight forward person. When I give out assignments, I expect them to be done in a timely fashion. I suspect that this won't be an issue for you?" she answered smoothly.

He nodded wondering if that was a hint, maybe he should ask her out, if she was straight forward then she might be the one to ask him out... Too confusing... "Ma'am, would you be so kind as to answer me a question?"

"Certainly, that's what I am here for," Anara responded easily.

"What is it like serving on a Warship as a Science Officer?"

A small smile came to her lips, "It's a wonderful experience. When I first came on the Achilles, there was a high demand for a Chief Science officer, and the Captain was thrilled to have me on board. I admit that there are some very odd individuals on this ship, but that's what makes things less boring. It has been a very...fullfilling experience."

It was at that time, Anara's door swished open and her son raced into her office around the desk and into her arms. He hugged her fiercely, "Mommy! I saw a hand in a jar! I thought it might come and get me!"

Anara's personality almost immediately changed. Her arms went about her son and she kissed him fiercely. She spoke softly to him, "Edom...what you saw were specimen. That hand has been dead for some years. What are you even doing here? You should be finishing your homework." Her voice was soft but firm.

"I finished...and the nanny fell asleep," he responded.

"Right now isn't a good time, Edom. I'm in the middle of a meeting," she said softly. She watched him bury his face in her neck.

Anara then turned toward James, "My apologies for that. He's usually so well behaved, but he's still getting used to everything. USS Achilles is also known for being family friendly.."

"Not a problem Chief" he said he had grown up in a place that was informal and children were a common sight in many of the colonies offices and works spaces. "How are is your son?" he asks at a loss of anything to say.

"Edom is 4 years old. I would have him speak to you, but I think he's a little frightened right now. I'm sorry to cut this short. I'll let you know when we will need you to organize the samples. Thanks for coming in promptly, Ravenor," she replied easily. Her attention was obviously on Edom.

On a whim he nodded and left returning quickly to his quarters and fussing his puppy doggy a little before scoping him up and walking briskly back to the office. "Hello Edom" he said moving a little closer to the boy and his mother, "This is Alfie" he said nodding to the rather hyperactive little dog in his arms who was wagging his tail very quickly and was attempting to jump out of James arms.

Once James had left, Anara had become a little more comfortable. She began explaining the decaying process to Edom when her doors swished open. She blinked when she saw that it was James coming back with a puppy in his arms. Edom was immediately distracted by the animal and began cuddling the puppy in his arm, "He's so cool, mom!"

Anara looked at James, "You didn't have to do that. I had everything under control. Once he understands the natural process of body degradation, he will loose his fear."

"Indeed he will, but he is also a child, i don't mean to interfere with your parenting" he adds quickly "Alfie is as much a part of my life as Edom is yours. He would have met him at some point and now seemed like as good a time as any" he was trying to come up with a reason other then, 'The kid was crying' which now he thought about it was a really bad one...

"I appreciate the help, but we are fine," she spoke with a tensed voice. "Please take the puppy and leave my office." She turned toward Edom, with her voice softening a bit, "Give him back the puppy sweetheart." She watched as Edom reluctantly gave him the puppy. She took out blocks from her drawer and gave the bag to Edom, "Go into the corner and play with your blocks." Edom took the bag and moved into the corner.

Anara turned back to James, "In the future, I expect that you will follow directions and keep our conversation topics to Star fleet business only."

Risking insubordination he says "Do you always turn down help so quickly and push people away" 'oh crap' he though after hearing words come out of his mouth, 'too late now' continued to think as more words came out of his mouth "I was trying to help, Alfie is a great way to help people relax and i was trying to help and you shoot me down."

Anara slammed her hand on the table, "I said to LEAVE my office! Unless you wish to be demoted, officer." She spoken firmly.

Having no idea what came over him, and looking back years later he would still have no idea, he stepped forward and kissed his new boss his hands on her hips he pulled her to him, the puppy and Edom forgotten for but a second. He stepped back and stared at her having no idea what to do or say next having never done anything like that before.

Anara had been expecting the guy to speak back to her, to leave, anything they what he did. Before she knew it, she found herself pressed against his mountain of muscle with his firm lips pressed against hers. For a split second she felt her muscles weaken in his arms. But just that quickly it was over. She glanced over at her son, taking note that Edom was heavily distracted with his blocks.

She crossed her arms over her chest and sucked her lips for a moment. She took a step back from him, "Please leave, James." She could feel her heart ramming in her chest as she looked away from his attractive figure.

All he could was nod, after all he had gone from impressing his boss to annoying her to kissing her all in about 5 minutes. He had no idea how and he wasn't going to try and argue the matter anymore. He turned picking the puppy up off the floor, where he had be sat waiting for James to pick him up for a hug, and left her office saying nothing more.

Anara didn't know what to think about her gorgeous dark skinned science officer. She dropped into her chair and let out a soft sigh as she lowered her head over her desk. She should send a complaint, but she knew that she wouldn't. She licked her lower lip, still tasting him on her.

James found himself back at his quarters without even thinking about it, he knew why he had kissed her he just didn't know why he had picked that moment of all moments to do so...


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


Lieutenant JG James Ravenor
Science Officer


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