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The Enemy of my Enemy is...REALLY HOT

Posted on 04 Sep 2010 @ 11:29am by

1,394 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Gym
Timeline: MD: 2, 1530

Wandella, still pretty pissed by the way that jackass Master Chief had spoken to her and everyone else, had made her way to the gym and was pounding the living hell out of the heavy bag, on which she had drawn a caricature of Sharpe. She'd been pounding on it non-stop for almost forty minutes by that time, switching her attacks between elbows, punches, and knee spikes to Pseudo-Sharpe's groin area, "Stupid non-comm lifer wants to talk to people like kids." She grumbled, "I'd like to hit him in head so hard stick comes out of ass!"

Tika had been relaxing in the hot tub in the spa, stood there in her bikini, eyebrow raised. She'd watched the woman for a few seconds now, trying to figure out exactly what was going on. Finally, after a while, she approached, still dabbing her wet body with a towel.

"Someone's angry..." She said with a smile.

Wandella spun around to face the person who'd spoken to her, finding it to be the steamy Indian woman from the staff meeting, "Dah! Am angry with stupid Master Chief who thinks he talk to Wandella however he please. Is talking to wrong Romanian bitch for that!"

Wandella wanted to remain angry, but the Indian woman's bikini made it hard to think of anything other than, well, the Indian woman's bikini. Wandella's face turned back into a smile, "And someone's damp, Wandella would be glad to help get dry."

Tika found the woman's outburst to be quite funny and shared the woman's anger in some ways, but the last comment caught her off guard. "Huh?" She said to the woman.

"You're standing there all damp and dripping, you could catch death of cold and then Wandella would no have you to look at when ignoring Master Jackass." Wandella answered, picking up her own towel and wiping away some of the excess water, "And that is good for nobody, especially you."

Tika really didn't know what to say....was this woman coming on to her? She didn't like women....well except for that one time at the academy...and then again on Risa. She was confused and slightly uncomfortable. "Uh....thanks..."

"Gladly." Wandella smiled, yep, she wanted this chick, just hoped she didn't get klingy or nothing, "So Wandella has idea, let's clean up and go to lounge. We can forget about stupid people with huge egos, have a few drinks, and let the night happen."

Tika smiled. She supposed this would be her first friendship she made on the Achilles. "Ok. Sounds like a plan." She picked up her things and waited for the woman to be ready. She can't say she was sure what 'let the night happen meant', but she hoped it was fun either way.

Wandella grabbed her bag and wiped sweat away from her brow, "After you." She smiled, asking, "What can Wandella call you?"

"Tika." She said as she pulled on a short jean skirt and a pink spaghetti strap shirt. Then she closed her bag and headed toward the door.

The two extremely attractive women together attracted alot of attention from the men in the corridors. They entered the turbolift and were on their way to the lounge.

"Well, they were enjoying themselves weren't they?" Wandella laughed, "That's the great thing about men, a child can read them, they're almost entirely on the surface, Tika. Got to love them though."

"And you missed a gorgeous one." Wandella said sadly, reflecting on Montoya who she'd shared a great night with shortly before they'd lost him, "Beautiful in fact."

"Missed him?" She said curiously as she picked a table for them to sit.

"Yes...he's gone." Wandella sighed, casting her eyes down quickly as she remembered Rico and the night of magic they'd shared before quickly changing the subject, "So what does Tika like to drink? Wandella loves vodka!"

Tika wondered what 'gone' meant. " sure it's sythihol." She said with a frown. "It's no fun, but I have stuff to do later."

"Yeah, I know, it sucks." Wandella sighed, "Come to Wandella's place one night when you have nothing to do, I give you good stuff."

"We'll see." Tika said with a smile. She wished she could do that anytime but she had responsibilities. She sat down at the table, speaking. " about the XO?"

"Don?" Wandella smirked sexily, "He is hot, isn't he?"

"Oh yeah... I was supposed to be meeting him in his quarters later, but unfortunately, The saucer's departure time gets in the way." Tika said with a regretful frown.

"Oh?" Wandella said, raising an eyebrow in almost completely authentic concern for her new friend's loss, though she did see an opportunity about to knock, ~Maybe I go see him then.....~

"Yeah." Tika said. "One of the numerous pains of throwing enjoyment to the wind and being a 'responsible' Starfleet Officer. You know what I mean, right?"

"No." Wandella answered honestly, laughing. She'd yet to throw her enjoyment into the wind and was probably the farthest thing in the galaxy from a 'responsible Starfleet officer.' "Really, I've got no clue."

Tika smiled at the woman. She'd known what it was like to be free like that. But she would never have reached Lieutenant Commander like that. "Yeah. I had to sacrifice a couple things to even stay in Starfleet..."

"Oh, don't get me wrong, they have tried to toss Wandella, too." Wandella laughed, "Or at least they threaten to. But Wandella has no worries, see, because I outclass ever piece of pilot tail in quadrant. Nobody better than Wandella when it comes to flying, they need me more than I need them."

Tika wasn't used to hearing people talk like that in Starfleet. The officers tend to radiate humility, a concept she herself had not yet totally grasped. "I figure they tried a lot...judging by the knife you carry around..."

"Oh, you mean my souvenir from my time on the Frisco County Railroad?" Wandella laughed, "Yeah, that was some bullshit right there. I mean, the cops got pissed because I could do what they couldn't, which was catch the Nausicaans who jacked my friends. They were embarrassed so they put a charge on me and sent me away for six months."

Tika didn't expect all this either. "What did Starfleet think about that one?" She said with a half worried smile.

"They weren't grateful, that is sure." Wandella sighed, "I mean, these Nausis mugged my friends and stole a shuttle after they had robbed a jewelry store earlier in the day, I heard about it on radio, saw shuttle, shot it down with Peregrine trainer. Do you know all this time later nobody has even said 'Thank you, Wandella?' Some people!"

Tika didn't really understand this woman. For all their similarities in some ways, they were quite different. "Yeah..Starfleet normally doesn't like things like that."

"Yeah, it seems they prefer people attacking their officers to people doing something about it." Wandella laughed, "But what are you going to do, huh?"

"Bout what?" Tika replied.

Wandella laughed hard at that, "Nothing in particular, just what are you going to do in general?" She clarified, "If it isn't the brass on your ass it's something else, it's just always something."

"Well, I haven't worried about any of that since.....since I was a Cadet." Tika said. "I'm a little more tame than I used to be...a little nicer...a little less self absorbed...but not by much." She laughed.

Wandella laughed along with her, casting one furtive glance over to the table in the corner where Rico got his first glimpse at her, ~So beautiful....~ Deciding she didn't want to be sad she turned back to Tika, "So, when Tika is not doing Lt. Commander stuff does she like to just hang out?"

She nodded wildly. "But I haven't really partied in months.."

"Well," Wandella grinned sexily, "the night is still young."

Tika's commbadge beeped loudly and she frowned with disappointment. "Unfortunately, it isn't for me...."

"Well, when it is, just follow lights to Wandella's quarters." Wandella smiled, finishing her drink and debating whether or not to go and spend some quality time with Tarryn Marks, ~Yeah, is good idea.~


Lt. Cdr. Latikah Phoenix-Patil


Lt.JG Wandella Kristere

USS Achilles Party Girls


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