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Behind the Scenes 2 - Covering their Tracks

Posted on 04 Sep 2010 @ 8:46pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

621 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent

Altar 4

Minister Baril paced back and forth as his old comrades explained the situation.

"What do you mean your people had nothing to do with it?! The Federation has a claim of responsibility from your faction..."

"And MY faction as been disbanded for nearly a year! Besides why the hell would we attack the Federation?! It’s because of them that we have gotten the concessions from the Kyari!"

"Ok ok ....we will get know where arguing amongst ourselves. Our relief ship was turned away and is on its way back. They report that the Federation ship...the Achilles has separated and the main section of the ship is headed our way. I what to be able to prove to them we had nothing to do with this. Check EVERYTHING...and EVERYONE."

The group rose and filed out and as they left the Larunian Head of State looked to his aid. "What do we know of about this USS Achilles?"

[Outskirts of the Altarian system]

Treyvan was well on his way to the Berathan Asteroids, thinking back over the past events he made sure he hadn’t missed anything.

Before leaving Kyari, he had disposed of Darian’s body easy enough; the poor idiot. Here he had been recruited to ensure the Federation held the Larucian’s responsible and he had done his job well enough. However well he had performed his task, he had failed to take into consideration just how ruthless the Minister really was.

Just after passing Laruc he had met up with the Ferengi that had so willingly assisted in getting them the ships and arms used to pull off their little caper. There meeting had been within the tail of a comet heading for the sun. He grinned at the memory of the Ferengi falling over in shock from the poison he had absorbed from greedily counting his gold-pressed latinum. Eventually the Ferengi, his ship and any evidence would burn up as the comet neared the Altarian sun.

The sound of his proximity alarm brought him back to reality. He maneuvered his craft through the various rocks to finally arrive at the old terrorist base. The Laruc hadn't used these stations an almost a year thanks to the Federations negotiations. He grinned to himself slightly at the irony. Here the Laruc had used them as a staging ground against his people and know they were using them to frame the very people that had built them.

As he approached his destination he came around the old cruiser docked there and began his approach into the landing bay. As he completed the landing cycle the other conspirators began to gather, no doubt anxious for news.

Stepping from the hatch he was greeted with a mix of anticipation and confusion. "Where is Daraian?"

Of course Treyvan lied. "He is enjoying the fruits of his labors." Lifting several bottles he added. "As will you all."

Grins spread and he was relieved of the bottles as Treyvan continued. "The Minister is exceedingly pleased. Is everything ready here?"

Removing the bottle from his lips, "The ships been completely sterilized and the station is almost completely rigged to blow."

Treyvan's manner changed only slightly..."Almost?"

"Yea there are just a few...." He paused and swallowed hard, looking from the bottle to the Minister's henchman.

The other bottle shattered on the deck as the woman holding it collapsed. The poison was fast acting and within a matter of seconds the rest of the conspirators were laying dead at his feet. Drawing his weapon he increased the setting and vaporized the bodies one by one. When he was finished he holstered the disruptor and huffed.

"Now to finish their work before someone shows up...."


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