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Bridal Party: Part 2

Posted on 06 Sep 2010 @ 7:53pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,051 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Holodeck 4
Timeline: MD 2, 16:50 hours


Once everyone had finished a satisfying dinner, servants came to pick up the plates. Anara stood up to bring the gifts to the table for Jessica to open. She set them on the table.

Anara had replicated a silk black teddy for Jessica.

Jess began opening the presents and blushed bright red at some of them. Jess pulled out the teddy to the cat calls from some of the girls and gave a bashful grin before thanking Anara. She saw a gift there from John and opened it curiously before going a flaming red at the contents ... a pack of adult cards that would make their personal life rather interesting. She was going to quickly wrap it up when she saw a silver necklace with a dolphin chain underneath it and she gasped in delight before putting it on.

Anara cheered with the other girls and gave the appropriate, "Awww...." when Jessica showed off the silver necklace.

After Jessica had opened up all the gifts, Anara introduced the girls to a bridal party game, where everyone received a PADD that contained questions about the bride. The person who answered the most right- wins the game. Once everyone revealed their answers, Jessica picks the winner. They receive a basket full of chocolates, candles and special scented oils.

Jess grinned and laughed at some of the witty answers "The winner is Hannah."

Anara clapped loudly with the other girls as Hannah was handed the lovely pink basket. She congratulated the ensign joyfully.

Hannah started to giggle as she accepted the basket. "Well... that's a surprise! Thank you."

Ayren really enjoyed herself, but being a newly wed herself, she wanted to spend the little time D'anal and she had when they could be relaxed, with him. It was also mnear bed time for the twins and she made sure she was there every night when they went to bed. "Girls, please excuse me," she said and gave Jess a hug. "I really had a good time," she smiled.

With all of the gifts handed out, Anara gestured for the servers to bring out dessert. All of the wrappings were cleaned from the table and in front of each woman was a slice of chocolate cake, with a layer of fudge in the middle and chocolate mousse on top. The desert came out just in time to pass by Ayren's nose.

"That is unfair!" Ayren said as she oogled over the desert, following it with her nose, her body trailing behind.

Anara giggled softly, "You can take a slice with you...or see what else we have in store..." She wiggled her eyebrows at Ayren.

Hannah eyed the cake with interest, this was turning out to be a good party...

Anara made her way over to the bartender and whispered something in his ear. This would be Jessica's big surprise...the marine stripper.

Tam sent a message to the PADD of a special person that had been waiting...

Several minutes later two Marines in dress uniforms entered pushing a huge cake. Once the cake was in place, music came over the comm system in the lounge. The top of the cake exploded in a shower of sparks before another Marine emerged, but in a cowboy outfit. The two Marines grabbed the bride to be and guided her to a chair to sit and enjoy the festivities. The cowboy danced his way out of the cake, drawing his Colt revolver, he aimed it up and quickly fanned the hammer. firing off all six blanks. 'POP, POP, POP! He unbuckled his gun belt and handed it to the bride before speaking softly in her ear, "You really know how to get my shots off." He danced away, spinning, showing off his tight glutes under tight denim jeans. As he danced he began to strip, moving back and forth and around the bride. His vest was the next thing to go, he took it off slowly and flung it at one of the other girls. As he continued to dance, he slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

Slowly, he began pulling off his shirt as he continued to dance around and eye the bride. He flung the shirt at another of the party members before sliding out his belt. Throwing the belt to the ground he continued to dance and occasionally he would sit in the lap of the bride and grind.

Anara covered her mouth to keep in giggles when she saw a large cake. She gasped with the other women and began cheering when the cowboy came out. She hooted and hollered with the other women, enjoying the dancing entertainment.

Jess was trying really hard not to laugh, she was enjoying the show even if her cheeks were flaming in embarrassed good humour. She knew he wouldnt try anything with his CO's wife so sat back and had fun.

Flexing his muscles and continuing to dance around especially in the lap of Jessica, Marco ripped off the jeans to reveal his hard rear end and with the tight briefs it also showed that he was blessed. As the dance came to an end, Marco sat on Jessica's lap and kissed her before whispering into her ear, "Congratulations, I hope your Fiancee knows what a lucky man he is. If he doesn't, come see me." Before she could respond, Marco jumped up and headed back to the cake. The two Marines held the cake as he climbed back in. He waved to everyone before they wheeled him off.

Hannah watched the proceedings with a mixture of amusement and shock, she had definitely not been expecting that!

Wandella unzipped her top just enough to make sure the dancers, and anyone else who was interested, could see what she was working with, ~Come and get it, boys.~

After the male stripper left, dance music came on and Anara led the women over to the dance floor for some fun dancing and celebration.

Jess sat back in her chair grinning at the antics of the women on the dance floor. She was having a ball but wanted to protect her ribs a bit.

The women danced until they tired and were ready to leave. Once everyone left, Anara hugged Jessica goodbye and was happy that everything had turned out well.



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