A Gift and an Attitude
Posted on 02 Sep 2010 @ 6:48am by Captain Antonio Vazquez
925 words; about a 5 minute read
M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Gilmore's Office
Timeline: Current
Lieutenant Gilmore had left the meeting with a particularly bad taste in her mouth. With now increasing amounts of work to complete before she could get underway with her usual workload, her mood was deteriorating into something of a grump. The walk to her office was short, and on first sight, it was comfortable and about as spacious as she needed it to be. She rounded the desk, placing one hand on the smooth surface, and almost collapsed into the provided chair. My own space, she thought.
After sitting in silence for the following five minutes, attempting to gather her thoughts and find a way to wade through the collection of PaDDs that had already adorned her desk in her absence, she stood and walked casually over to the replicator. Scrolling through the menu, the sound of her office door chime disturbed her thoughts as she accursedly glanced at the closed door. Narrowing her eyes and locking her brow into a rather unpleasant expression, she yelled “Come in!†as the doors fluidly opened to reveal a visitor.
Antonio entered, and immediately took in the room, and the petite and attractive woman who stood before the replicator. Following her gaze, he walked to stand before her desk, and his hands together holding a padd down in front of him, kept his voice even, "Lieutenant Antonio Vazquez, Master-at-Arms and Weapons Specialist reporting for duty, Sir."
Not having had a moment to peruse the manifest for a second, the formal and rather static introduction allowed Gilmore the grace of much welcomed knowledge. “Vazquez?†she asked with a cadence and raised eyebrow, and then turned back to her desk and seated herself. “Please,†she offered, motioning with her free hand to the replicator and then the chair.
Accepting the chair, Antonio sat down. "Yes, Sir", he half smiled. It was apparent she was not expecting him. "I brought some cargo with me as well", he added as he reached over to hand her the padd, which had information on the cargo as well as his orders.
She took the data PaDD but kept her eyes fixed on the Lieutenant. “Cargo?†she questioned, now feeling more out of the loop than ever. She shook her head, mainly to herself, but knew that Vazquez would note it. She sighed and then read the itinerary. “Quantum blast launchers?†she asked, looking up at him. Gilmore then tilted her head a little but held him in her stare. She was grateful for the upgrades but wasn’t about to betray that to him. “Where in the galaxy did you manage to get a hold of these, Lieutenant?†Her glance narrowed with an accusatory slice as she placed both her cup and the PaDD down and leant forward a little, her hands now interlaced before her on the surface of her desk.
Antonio raised both eyebrows; it did not take an empath to catch there was something troubling her. He shifted as he leaned on one elbow, "By talking to the right people on the right channels." He continued to stare back, and not wanting to elaborate, he asked, "Can I help?"
“As long as it is all through the right channels, Lieutenant,†she replied, a firm yet non-aggressive tone now lilting her voice. “There’s plenty of things I need help with, but that can wait until you have reported to the captain.â€
He nodded, "As soon as the Captain is available, I'll do that, Sir. But, I meant with whatever is troubling you. If it has to do with this department, with this mission, and I can help...you know where to find me." he smiled.
Gilmore stopped for a moment, exhaled and visibly relaxed in from of Antonio. She held up her hand, palm out and relaxed into a wide smile. “I apologise, Lieutenant,†she said after a moment. Tough day. But,†she continued, her face warming slightly, “I appreciate the sentiment.†She decided to change tact a little and turn the conversation on its head. “So, Lieutenant, how are you finding the Achilles? Have you had much time to settle in?â€
"No," one half of his smile grew deeper, "My baggage remains packed. And the Achilles, she is an amazing ship...the crew..." Antonio began to blush as he thought about his encounter with a certain green ensign. He rubbed his forehead as he attempted to fight it off, "...I haven't had the opportunity to meet any of the crew...with the exception of one."
“And now that makes two,†Gilmore noted, choosing to ignore the blush. She quickly turned her mind back to official matters of sorts and handed him a data PaDD. “Your first shift isn’t for a good hour or so, so I am sure that that will give you plenty of time to get settled and… introduce yourself to any other crew before we begin the saucer separation. I believe that the captain should be your next port of call with the time-table we’re currently running on.â€
"Yes, Sir." he accepted the PADD.
“So, if there’s nothing further, then you’re dismissed.†Gilmore waited a second and then ended with, “It was good to meet you.â€
A Forced Introduction, brought to you by:

Persephone Gilmore
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Achilles

Antonio Vazquez
Master-at-Arms and Weapons Specialist
USS Achilles