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Putting him straight to work

Posted on 01 Sep 2010 @ 8:36pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Antonio Vazquez

704 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Corridors outside security
Timeline: Back post - MD 2 1525


Da`nal had finally set things straight with those he needed to, the rest would just have to wait until the mission was over to realize what had happened and why. With the upcoming demolition he thought the perfect man for the job of see that it was properly done was his new weapons specialist. As such he was headed to security to find him.

Of course he could have summoned him via the comm but he needed to stratch his legs, as well as get a feel for the crews reaction to the blow up in the staff meeting, of what they had know doubt already heard of. A few conversations ended when he came into view but for the most part he liked what he heard. The rumor mill had started, and the only thing that moved faster than warp speeds was rumor.

Nearing the end of his journey he spotted the very person he had set out to find. "Lt. Vazquez...a moment please."

Upon hearing his name, Antonio turned around and quickly took in the Klingon captain. He shifted the PADDs he held in both hands, "Captain Da`nal...".

"Getting all settled in?"

"That I am; gathering reports on the Ballard and her former guest," Antonio replied matter-of-factly, and then indicating with the stack of PADDs, "Would you walk with me, Sir?"

"Certainly, where are you headed?"

"To my office to drop these off, and then to the armoury.", Antonio replied as he lead them into Security. "May I speak freely, Sir", he asked as they walked.

"Granted. What's on your mind Lieutenant."

"Well..", he half smiled, "...considering the rumours I have been hearing, you are not what I expected."

Da`nal kept his grin to himself. "And what were you expecting Lieutenant?"

"Well, for starters, someone a bit more agitated...", he replied as they entered into his office. Antonio laid the padds he held onto the desk, and looked at him smiling, "...after being held down to the floor by his entire Senior staff, and.." he held up a hand, "... this was just added, then sedated by the Chief Medical Officer."

Da`nal almost laugh at how the rumors had already grown an gotten twisted about. "Well I never left my feet, nor did the Doctor 'sedate' me but you are correct that I...was restrained and for good reason. Had this been a Klingon ship their would have been no need. However that not being the case the actions of the XO, COB, and the Major were proper."

Both of Antonio's eyebrows had risen in mild surprise as he picked up a PADD separate from the others, "If it becomes necessary for me to know more, Sir..." he looked up and respectfully said, "You are the one I'll hear it from."

"No doubt; but as with any story, if it sound far most-likely is." Da`nal was sure the rumors would continue to circulate, but that could also work to his advantage. The crew that had come with him from the Freedom would find the rumors hard to believe. It was the new faces among the crew that would no doubt be overy intimidated when they say the big bad Klingon in the corridors.He shifted the discussion back to the reason for his visit. "Even though you are new to the ship I have will be assigning you to an mission that will be departing in the next hour or so."

Antonio nodded as he stood straighter to hide his reaction to the news, "Yes, Sir."

"I want you to accompany Lt. Commander Phoenix-Patil on her mission to investigate the attack on the Ballard. In addition to the analysis of the explosives damage it is going to be necessary to detonate the Ballard's Saucer section following the investigation. For that aspect you can assist Lt. Cole. Any questions?"

"No Sir, not at this time. I have gathered as much information on the Ballard as I can. I was about to go over it. I'll be prepared."

"Excellent. Then be sure to report to the Commander prior to 1700"

"Yes, Sir"



Captain Da`nal

Lieutenant JG Antonio Vazquez
Master-At-Arms / Weapons Specialist


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