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Parting ways

Posted on 01 Sep 2010 @ 4:59pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava & Captain Antonio Vazquez & Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,702 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: MD 2 1700


The last four hours had been relatively smooth considering, even though some had the whole story the rumors where still out there and that would hopefully work to their advantage. Now the crew had something to focus on other than the 'exchange' that took place. Sitting in his command chair he tapped the comm panel on the arm hailing the bridge several decks above them. =^=If you are ready Commander, the word is given. Separation on your command. =^=

[Saucer Bridge]

Tika moved quickly toward the center chair, her skirt fluttering as she went. She sat down for the first time, folding her right leg over her left. "Helm. Standby impulse engines and thrusters. Ensign Logan, switch over to tertiary warp core and computer use and begin separation sequence."

"Aye ma`am." As her hand moved over the console as she had already prepared the Achilles for separation. "Power transfer complete. All bulkhead are sealed, releasing docking latches. Activating thrusters." The Saucer section began to move up and away from the rest of the Achilles as the computer separated the vessels and she began to call out the distance. "Two....five...ten meters...we a clear and free to navigate." Not that they had that far to go to carry out the investigation, all the helm had to do was park them off the Ballard while they scanned the debris. But then again they might have to do a search of the debris.

Petty Officer Gant was more than a little nervous when Lt. Kristere assigned him to fly the saucer section and more so than ever now that he was actually flying it, "Ma'am, I think we've got this just about right." He said, then smiled as he checked his screen, "Yes, Ma'am, computer verifies all conn systems are functioning properly and we are good to go."

Lieutenant Tom Clancy, the Marine XO was assigned as the Detachment leader for the saucer section. He stepped onto the bridge and watched as everyone prepared for the separation.

[USS Achilles - Main]

Da`nal had received the report that the saucer section was clear. "Helm set a course for the Laruc Homeworld - 185 mark 30. Full Impulse."

"Aye, Keptin." Wandella obeyed, setting the ordered course with a quick movement of her fingers over the console, turning to Da'nal, "The secret is to set courses like your fingers are making love to console, ship will never fail you then."

As they moved off he opened a channel to the saucer from his chair. =^= Good hunting Commander. =^=

[USS Achilles - Saucer]

"Thanks, Captain. Good luck to you too." Tika said. "Computer, recognize acting command clearance for Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil, authorization Phoenix 49 Theta Echo." The computer beeped confirmation.

"Move us toward the Ballard's saucer, one quarter impulse power." Tika said. She then turned toward the Marine XO. "Lieutenant, gather your men. Lieutenant Meru and Ensigns Logan and Dawson. You're with me. We're going to the Ballard to find as much additional information on the attack as we can."

Tom nodded, "Aye Commander." Tom tapped his com badge, =A= Clancy to Beta squad, form up in the transporter room, prepped and ready for Zero G environment.=A= Tom knew that all Marines were trained for combat in a Zero G environment even his EOD specialist could disarm an explosive device in the suit.

Ens. Logan turned to her boss after she had signaled for her relief to man Ops. "Commander, if I may speak freely?" She was actually surprised none of the more senior officers had called her on her order.

Tika looked from her position in the center chair. "Sure..."

"With all due respect ma`am, you are in command, and as the Commanding Officer your place is on the bridge." Looking to the others on the bridge for support she smiled. "One of the drawbacks to the big chair."

The Commander thought about that for a long moment. "There will be 12 very well armed...very muscular marines to accompany the team. If it makes you feel better, Ensign, I promise I won't walk in front. I think enough of the crew have been over there so far to confirm that it is at least reasonably safe."

"With even more due respect, I agree with Ensign Logan, Commander..." Antonio Vazquez spoke up evenly as he turned from the tactical console...where he had been studying her. Frankly, he was slightly astounded, a bit bemused, by her decision not to send the ship's weapons specialist to the Ballard. "First of all..."once again taking in her choice of uniform, "... the hull of the Ballard is not structurally sound. And, it is to my understanding there is a need to examine the wreckage for bomb debris. I should be going over there."

Their insistence was a bit annoying. She frowned. "Noted....I'm going, that's final. Thanks for your concern.

"Yes, Sir, " Antonio replied back flatly, angling his head towards her, "Just doing my job". ~well, attempting to..~ he thought as he continued to watch her.

Anara moved from the science station to follow the Commander out. She wasn't sure that she agreed with those that were telling the Commander to stay on the bridge. If she wanted to be apart of the wreckage than that was her decision. It certainly wasn't Anara's place to say either way. She simply followed orders. She waited patiently for the Commander to lead the way.

Tika stood and walked toward Lieutenant Vazquez. "Lieutenant. I want you to stay here and find the easiest fastest and most efficient way to blow up the Ballard's saucer section." She glanced briefly toward the Orion woman next to him. "You too, Ensign."

The Orion's brows went up and she glanced at Vazquez. Nodding, she mutely thought to herself: ~Chemist, biologist, geneticist... how will that apply to an engineering and explosives problem?~ Out loud, she said, "Sure thing, LC," with a doubt-filled voice.

Tika sensed the hesitation in the Ensign. Most officers would clarify, but Tika really didn't care as she turned and headed for the turbolift. ~She'll figure some way to be useful. I'm sure Lieutenant Cole will find something for her at least.~

Antonio turned, placing his hands on his hips as he watched her. Disappointed, he breathed in deeply and turned towards Reva, "No worries, Ensign. This will be painless. I know exactly what needs to be done."

Reva, though, was incensed. Her telepathy was weak, but if someone had a thought like the Lieutenant Commander's, and in a way that the Lieutenant Commander did, there was a good chance she'd catch it. And, this time, she did. The Lieutenant Commander was ignoring protocol; Reva followed suit. "Ma'am," she called before the Phoenix-Patil reached the turbolift, "With all due respect," her tone lacked any respect at all, "I don't know Lt. Cole, but I do know that Lt. Meru is my CO and that, as a biologist, I'd be of more use in the lab or on the Ballard, as would Lt. Vazquez. Further, just whom are you leaving in charge of the Achilles' saucer, since you're leaving it?" Even a young, green Ensign knew that a commanding officer couldn't leave her post without assigning someone to be in charge in her absence.

This was the last straw for Tika. She was beyond annoyed. She turned around with fire in her eyes. "I appreciate how respectful everyone on MY Bridge 'seems' to be, but I have given you your assignments and I expect them to be followed. YOU will do what I ask or you are relieved. Are you not capable of providing scientific aide on your assignment, Ensign?" Tika said with a raised brow.

"Scientific aid...?" Reva started to angrily answer...

Understanding the volatile, sometimes vicious nature of Orion women, Antonio leaned in partially in front of Reva, speaking low and firm, "Ensign, that was more than enough before..." his face close to hers, "So calm your tone, and be careful of your next words."

Clenching her jaw, Reva made eye contact with the Lieutenant and backed down. She glanced at the Lieutenant Commander and changed tactics completely, "Fine. Lieutenant Meru and I gathered evidence you should see, Instr... Lieutenant Vazquez. We were there just a while ago." She wasn't fully calm, but she wouldn't question the Phoenix-Patil's actions again - not right now, at least. To the Lieutenant Commander, she barely nodded and, through clenched teeth, said, "I can provide plenty of scientific aid." Of course, that aid might be quite different from the assignment Phoenix-Patil had given her.

Anara turned toward the Ensign, "Reva- she has seen our reports on what evidence we have gathered earlier. Let's be respectful, alright?" She placed a light hand on Reva's shoulder, hoping to calm things down.

Still irritated and now feeling patronized, the Ensign very carefully adopted a neutral glare as she shrugged her boss's hand off her shoulder. "Respect is earned, Lieutenant," she said quietly and look at Phoenix-Patil; her comment was still loud enough for Tika to hear, of course.

Anara crossed her arms over her chest and she spoke quietly so that only the Ensign can hear her, "I completely understand your point, Reva. Whatever our opinions are, we have been given an order by a Lt. Commander and we must follow those orders." She gave eye contact to Reva for a moment before moving on to follow the others toward the wreckage.

Tika stepped into the turbolift, biting her tongue. This was far from easy for her, she was rather outspoken and didn't like her authority questioned. Especially in front of others. "I'll be seeing you in a few hours, Ensign." She said the woman's rank louder than anything else. She was indeed an Ensign....a fact Tika planned to remind her of very soon.

Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil
Commanding Officer
USS Achilles (Saucer)

Lieutenant JG Antonio Vazquez
Weapons Specialist
USS Achilles

Ensign Reva Madhava
Science Officer/Resident Troublemaker
USS Achilles

Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer (of all) ...hehe

Ens. Jessica Logan
NPC OPs Officer - played by Chris

Lieutenant Tom Clancy
Marine XO
USS Achilles
NPCd by Mike


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


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