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Clearing the air

Posted on 01 Sep 2010 @ 7:22pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

657 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent

Don had remained as calm as he could, but now the meeting was over and he needed to confront Da'nal. "Captain... I would like to speak with you in private...."

Ayren pursed her lips as Don reached Da'nal before she did. She was disturbed as well, but apart from what had transpired, there was something else she couldn't place her finger on.

Before responding his dismissed his 2nd Officer to allow her to see to her preperation. "Well then carry on with your preparations. Dismissed Coommander.

Tika was very curious about what was going to be said between the two, but she'd been dismissed. She looked at Don meaningfully as she approached the door, her shapely hips swaying in rythm.

Da`nal glanced to his XO and to Ayren. He could hear the irritation in Don's face and that was to be expected. As such he took no offense. "Absolutely."

[Ready Room]

Don followed the Ayren and the Captain onto his ready room and the door had barely closed when he spoke, only now letting his anger to the surface. "Permission to speak freely...Captain" he asked tightly.

Ayren sensed the tension from Don, but what she felt from Da'nal didn't make sense in this context. He was too calm.

His XO was bottling things up quite well. Da`nal remembered a time as a Secutiry Chief on the Tempest when he had not. Returning to the present he shook his head. "Computer, seal the room."

"No you may not. I already know what you are going to say, but there are things in motion that you are unaware of. Has Starfleet been notified as I ordered?"

"Obviously I am *unaware* of things!" Don burst out, livid now, not answering the question immediately, he was still reeling from Da'nal's answer to took him aback. "Care to share or will you keep your XO in the dark... Captain," Don said trying to not yell.

Ignoring the manner in which his XO had taken, he would have done the same...had actually, he replied. "Keeping you in the dark was not my idea, and trust me I find it as irritating as you. However we all have our orders and we are obligated to follow them. Whether we like it or not," he added with a degree of irritation. Huffing slighty, his tone softer understanding the mans frustration; "Don, it won't be long and I will be able to fill you in on all the details. You have my word."

"Captain....please inform me in the future if there are things that you are not informing me about...." he said working his jaws to try to regain his composure. Then he realized how reduiculous that had sounded. He half glared at Da'nal and then shook his head, a crooked, tight smile on his mouth. He let out a breath. "That is stupid... but it would help...." he said, now more relaxed.

"In this case that wasn't possible. For what has been ordered, I needed everyones reaction, yours included, to be...unscripted."

Though reasonable, Don still felt frustrated. He hated being kept in the dark, but it was part of the job, a part he intensely disliked. There was nothing he could do, but accept it. In any case, for now. "I am sure that my reaction was unscripted enough...." he said with a wry crooked smile.

Da`nal nodded with a grin as he clasped the mans shoulder. "You played you part very well...", turning his gaze to Ayren. "...As did you."

Ayren nodded. "Now I can understand the in-congruency of what I sensed," she remarked with a small smile. Don didn't like to not be in control, she noticed, making a mental note of it. "You played your part very well too... you had me thoroughly confused..." she said with a smile.

"And me...." Don commented.


Captain Da`nal

Commander Don Killian

Aryen Kelan


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