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Senior Staff Meeting - Part 3 All hell breaks loose

Posted on 22 Aug 2010 @ 8:30pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

2,994 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD 2 up to 1300

Da`nal was white hot it had seemed that what had been a smoothly operation crew had degenerated into a handful of children. Before Silonez could even get around the table, "MR. Silonez! That will be Enough of That. Now Sit Down"

Ayren was less aware of what was said than the underlying tension. She exerted every bit of mental power to calm her mate down and keep him rational.

His fist was at his chin and his knuckles cracked as he fought for control. "I don't care where this intel came from or what the Admiral told you. I give the orders on this ship and we will deal with the Admirals instructions in a moment.

Silonez snapped, "The only thing you have been able to do is romance one of the medical staff and take unnecessary risks when they have not been required." Silonez decided to make a point, in a single fluid motion an eight inch throwing knife appeared in his hand and in what seem like a blink of an eye it hit the wall directly behind the captain "I report to starfleet on matters like this, not you."

Anara's eyes widened in surprise when she saw the intelligence officer now had a knife. She glared as he threw it at the Captain. She wasn't sure what was going on with this man. Why was he acting like such a jerk?

Tika shook violently in sudden fear as the blade soared across the the room. She let out a scream so loud, several people in the room reached for their ears.

Wandella's hand immediately dropped to her boot, where she kept 'Betsy', a six inch switchblade knife given to her by her former cell mate at County, flipping the blade out and moving close enough to where she could defend Da'nal, or anyone else for that matter, if Silonez really had murder on his mind, "Okay, everyone calm down. " Wandella said, her voice equal parts seductive and shaky, "This is no good for anyone, okay?"

"Lieutenant, back down now!" Don ordered getting up, but a movement to his right caught his attention.

"You are to report to my office as soon as this is over. Understood?" The counselor demanded. Alex's eyes were as wide as they could be.

~I know he wasn't talking to me!~ Wandella thought, ~He had to be talking to nut job.~

Da'nal face turned to pure rage and in one fluid motion he threw the back his chair spun yanking the knife from the wall and moved to leap the table...

Don grabbed Da'nal's left arm and turned it in a restraining position, looking to the Chief to help. The Klingon was much stronger than him, and he would need help here and fast. "Captain.... hand over the weapon!" Don insisted. Da'nal was capable of killing Silonez and himself for that matter, effortlessly.

Master Chief Sharpe took his pace stick and placed it over the hand with the knife in it, ready to knock the knife out of his hand if need be, but still being non-threatening. " Sir, look at me......He is not worth it sir. You use that on him, you can kiss your career goodbye. You are better than this, do you understand sir? " He said to his Captain.

" And YOU! " The Master Chief added walking up to Silonez, " This man is your Commanding Officer, you WILL show this man respect. And you will show the XO respect, ......" Then, he went face to face with Silonez, " And you will show ME respect. OR you will see who has more clout with Starfleet. And I will stick my pace stick some where that will make sitting down a living HELL for you. " The Master Chief scowled again. " You wanna piece of me boy? Go ahead...I'll show you what a Master Chief can really do. "

"YOU DARE TO ATTACK ME!! He struggled as the XO tried to hold him back, but he was still able to gain ground.

Don held on and looked to Cole for more help. "Captain!" he tried to get through to the Klingon. "Cole, get over here," he ordered.

Tika couldn't believe what she was seeing, but she knew she wanted to see more. The adrenaline rush she felt was not something she usually had the opportunity to experience in a briefing. ~I think I'm gonna like it here...~ Even as she thought this, she hoped no one was seriously injured.

Anara watched in shocked silence as the Captain struggled to retaliate toward the officer. She wasn't sure what she should do. She simply moved back, making sure she was out of the line of fire. She found herself admiring the Master Chief in his boldness to confront Silonez

John jumped from his seat and ran to the end of the table where Don had one arm trying to hold the Captain back. Da'nal was still making forward movement as he bucked an jerked against the XO. John looped an arm under Da'nals arm and reached up, grabbing his shoulder from behind, they managed to get the Captain pushed up against the wall. "It's okay Captain, we all know he's a terrible shot with that, he never would have been able to hit you anyway." John looked at the COB and wondered why he choose to jump in the aggressor's face instead of help restrain the CO, the one time he should be quiet and helping instead of mouthing off, possible making a volatile situation worse.

The staff meeting had devolved into total chaos. Da`nal roared as a third man moved into hold him back. "AAHHH!!!! I will....!! "

The XO shouted, trying to get through the Klingon to the Starfleet Captain that was in him "CAPTAIN!!"

At that moment Ayren took the dangerous risk of moving in front of the enraged Klingon. "Da'nal! It is not worth it!... Let it go..... the the weapon go..." she said, as firmly as she could manage. "Let it go....." Her voice was firm, yet soothing at the same time.

As the XO's exclamation and Aryen's pleas began to reach him he stopped. The blade in his hand spun bringing the handle forward as held it out for the XO to take.

Don quickly took the weapon and handed it to the security officer behind him.

Da'nal glared at the man opposite side of the room. "You will report to no one! For your repeated insubordination and you assault on myself. As Captain of this ship I strip you of all rank and you are DISHONORABLY discharged from Starfleet! Get Him Out of MY Sight!"

" YES Sir, " The Master Chief snapped. " He grabbed Silonez, and started to pull him along. " Mr Silonez, you are now under arrest, you will accompany me to the brig. "

Da`nal though still outwardly furious, still needed to make sure the Departments took care of their business and didn't get their toes stepped on. "Chief...let security do their job. The Senior Staff still have matters to discuss and you are a part of the Senior Staff."

Don looked towards Hannah and nodded to her, to move her to obey quickly before Da'nal looses the little control he had regained.

Hannah saw the nod and moved quickly over, wanting to get out of the staff meeting as quickly as possible. What the hell was wrong with everyone?

Gilmore caught Dawson’s eye and raised a subtle eyebrow before speaking. “Ensign,†she said, moving to join her and then facing the captain. “Before you place him in the brig, search him.†Now speaking to the entire room, she began clearly and laced her intonation with authority. “No one on board this vessel while on duty will carry personal weapons.†She shot a look to Wandella and nodded, having caught her little maneuver to her own personal blade. As Chief of Security, this was her arena. “No one!†Turning back to face Dawson, she smiled. “Make sure he has nothing else on him before you incarcerate him.â€

Wandella wanted to tell the new security bitch that if she hadn't had her personal weapon the situation might have gotten a hell of a lot worse, but wasn't going to chase one fight with another one. She merely rolled her eyes and laughed at her, ~Someone thinks they are big stuff I see.~

Wanting to go with her, she knew that her presence was required at the meeting, and Dawson had kept the department together in absence of a chief. Despite not knowing her, she trusted her abilities.

~And to think they put ME in prison!~ Wandella thought, shaking her head and trying hard not to laugh now that she knew she probably wasn't going to die at this meeting, ~Meeting is no over yet, Wandella.~

As the Major and his XO released him, Da`nal straightened out his uniform. "Excuse me for a moment." With that he exited through the door connecting to his ready room to calm himself.

Tika had to stop herself from smiling, so she instantly barreled her face in the PADD's pretending to read. She hoped no one noticed the real reason. She could be pretty immature at times. She knew that Ericson had issues, but she had no idea he was a lunatic like this.... She watched as the Captain left the room then looked around the table at everyone sitting there. "I like it here already....."

After watching Da'nal disappear, Don looked at the rest of the officers. "Ok people, let's all calm down and take our seats." he said. "Let's show our Captain that we can all take this in our stride.... " he said.

Ayren was greatly disturbed. Everything felt wrong and instead of following Da'nal she sat down, keeping a mental watch on her mate. She would talk to him later as she trusted his ability to be rational and reasonable.

[Several moments later]

Da`nal re-entered the Observation lounge as all eyes immediately locked on him. He walked up to the back of his chair that someone had replaced, resting his hand on the top of its back. "I must apologize to you all for my....outburst. Even if I am Klingon, my actions were not those of a Starfleet Officer."

Don took a quick look around the table before he responded. "It shows that you are a little human, Sir, he said referring to both his reaction and his apology. "We are all ready for business... he continued.

"What do you mean not actions of Starfleet officer?" Wandella laughed, trying to encourage her obviously disturbed Captain, "Wandella gets in knife fights all the time."

Gilmore shot Wandella a look and thought, I can see that you are going to be my personal security project.

Anara just gave a nod, deciding to keep her thoughts to herself. She didn't know what to think of the entire situation. Silonez had been out of line, the Chief Petty Officer had been out of line, the Captain had been out of line. She really didn't want to say anything that might bring up more negativity.

Pulling his chair out to he took his seat. "Now, Lt. Cole you were saying before you were interrupted In your opinion is there any way to salvage the Ballard's saucer section?."

Jess had taken it in her stride, she had implicit trust in the Captain and John. Shaking her head she said "The Ballard’s saucer section is Swiss cheese ... we have life support in the sections below the saucer section but it will be impossible to uncouple the saucer except by hand they got melted in the heat. Best option is to uncouple it and blow it up before it goes boom and takes the rest of the ship with it."

Disappointed that the Ballard's Saucer section couldn't be salvaged, he looked to his 2nd. "Commander Phoenix-Patil will take our saucer section and begin an investigation. Inform the Southerner and assist in the removal of any cargo or equipment from the Ballard's saucer section. Once your investigation of the area is complete set demolitions and destroy the Ballard's upper hull. By that time the Southerner should be ready to escort the Ballard's drive section back to SB 515. After detonation see if you can track down the ship that fled when we arrived."

Tika nodded and marked her PADD as the Captain gave his orders. "Aye, sir. When will we be expected to leave?" She hoped it wasn't too soon. She had a semi-date with the Don that she was hoping she wouldn't have to miss.

Given everything that had taken place he considered her question. He had intended to depart almost immediately following the meeting but that really wasn't realistic at the present time. "How much time do you need to assemble the engineering and demolitions personnel?"

She considered stretching the time frame a bit, but decided against it. "For temporary crew quarters transfers ...I'd give a healthy three hours, but-"

"Very well, we will separate in....." giving a little time for other preparations, "...1700 hours."

~NO!!!~ She thought, and was sure she made a bizarre face when the Captain said what he said. That was two hours before her fun would even begin. "Ok..." She said in an unusually high pitched voice with a fake smile across her beautiful face.

Don caught the expression on her face and had to suppress a smile, despite his agitation about what had happened in the meeting He would have to confront the Captain and he might not live anyway he thought wryly. his expression showed nothing of his thought, . ~Damn!~ he thought. ~There goes my date...~ "Rain check, he mumbled under his breath. ~If I make it...~

Wandella had listened to this entire thing, but her mind was more on what the hot new Lt. Commander and Ericson had said about the arms dealers, ~Ericson might be able to find something out, but you can pretty much look at him and tell he's Starfleet. Her, she'll just get attacked and that is no good.~

"Keptin, I would like to offer services to stand in for Mr. Ericson's mission to root out arm's merchants." Wandella offered, "I'm really the only choice for the job if we need to put someone undercover. Face it, Keptin, you only have one experienced criminal on ship and is Wandella. Let me help."

~I'll have her know I've been arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct countless times.~ Tika thought to herself with a beautiful grin.

Wandella noticed the new beauty grinning at her, wondering for a second if this Lt. Cdr. Patil was prettier than her, ~Nah. Close though. Wonder if she wants something to really grin about?~ "What about it, Keptin? Any of my people can fly the ship, but how many others have actually done time?"

Da`nal had other plans already in play to cover the arms merchants. "Request denied...However the Ferengi react best to either intimidation or women. We shall see how things unfold, and thank you for your actions in my defense earlier."

"Was nothing, Keptin. I'll cash in when I need get out of brig free card." Wandella laughed, "Is good thing I keep my shank though!"

The Captain continued after her comment. "While the Commander and her team conduct their investigation we will proceed to the Larucian Home world and see what we can find out. As well as establish a formal ships policy regarding personal weapons."

Keeping control of the flow as to not allow another heated debate he turned to the ships CMO. "Dr. Romehl, I assume the Southerner has the situation with the Ballard's wounded well in hand?"

Looking irritated at the situation as a whole, his fatigue from dealing with the level of wounded only added to his sour mood. "The Southerner came with a large number of extra medical staff but they still have a large number to deal with."

"Well I'm sure they will be able to manage. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, actually. As the the first on site I'd like to remain and see things to the end."

"Unfortunately that won't be possible as I mentioned earlier we will be heading out to deal with this attack on two separate fronts."

"Captain." Lahtikah chimed in. "I hope that any attractive woman could find a way to get what they want from a Ferengi male, but I think it would be good for us to have someone a bit more...intimidating to help out. Mr. Sharpe perhaps?"

"Perhaps....but we will need to find him first. Have Ens. Logan scan for and hail the Ferengi. We just might be able to get rid of some dead weight at the same time."

"Aye, sir" Tika said. She was rather unsure what he meant about dead weight, but she supposed she could simply ask later.

~Dead weight?~ Wandella thought, then remembered, ~Oh, is not me, is other person who pulled knife in meeting!~

“Captain,†Gilmore interjected, now appreciating the business-like ambiance the meeting now took, “I advise that security crews accompany the away team to the Ballard. With the high level danger aspect of the undertaking, security should be there.â€

"Agreed..." he looked to the Security Chief and to the Major, "We will follow, for the most part, normal separation staffing. So Major send a detachment as well.

"Aye Skipper, I'll have my XO and a squad assigned.." John replied.

He nodded approvingly. "Alright then. We have preparations to make. Dismissed."


Captain Da`nal

Commander Donovan Killian

Lt.Cmdr. Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil

Lt. Meru Anara

Major John Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles

Lt. JG Wandella Kristere

Lt. Cmdr. Alex Frece

Lt. Cmdr Silonez Eircson (Civilian)

Lt. Persephone Gilmore

Ens Hannah Dawson

MCPO Raymond Sharpe

Lieutenant Jessica Cole
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Achilles


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