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Somewhere in the Back of His Mind

Posted on 20 Sep 2010 @ 10:38pm by Captain Antonio Vazquez & Captain Reva Madhava

887 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Antonio's Quarter's
Timeline: MD 3, 0600 hours


Something was there, in the back of his mind...

Following the intertwined curves of the wires with his fingers, Antonio continued to study them as he laid back in bed, one arm behind his head. The small bed side light dimly lit the room, distorting the color of the wires as he turned them.

Whatever it was, it continued to elude him...

He pinched the bridge of his nose, closed his eyes and sighed, frustrated that whatever it was about the wires wouldn't come to mind. A sound snapped his eyes open and he was startled to see a figure walking towards him. His eyes quickly adjusted and he instantly recognized her.

He started pulling himself up, "This is becoming..."

"Shh, babe," she murmured, approaching the bed and leaning close to him to put a finger on his lips. In the dim light, her green skin appeared nearly black; the bra and panties - the only things she was wearing - blended into the tones of her skin, making her appear naked. "Just... let me...", she straddled him and her fingers touched his jaw and neck, "...let me do the work."

His eyes widened as he looked at her incredulously, "No..." his jaw tightened, and he pulled himself up and grabbed her hands, pulling them away as he gazed down her body, feeling the heat from her inner thighs against his bare skin.

"You want this; we both know you do," the Orion whispered, leaning forward to brush her lips against his cheek. She was Every man's fantasy: beautiful, sexy, and willing.

He closed his eyes as he felt his own body heating up. And lifted his head finding it hard to breath. He suddenly had an intense feeling of 'being trapped', and grabbed her shoulders, and then quickly the sides of her face as he looked back, their faces close. "We can't do this!", his voice came out ragged.

"We're adults, Antonio; we can and we want to," she breathed against his skin. Gently, she pulled his hands away from her face, put them on her hips and then kissed him, slowly at first. Heat built in her kiss.

He lost thought for a moment, only his body responded. His hands clenched hard on her hips, returning the kiss, pulling back and hungrily kissing her again, breaking it as he grazed his lips down her neck, and his hands began to roam. His mind came back to him, and needing her to hear him, to stop this from happening, he forced out her name, "Reva.."

The chuckle that answered him wasn't Reva's; the woman kissing him was suddenly older than Reva - still beautiful and alluring, but not Reva. "Oh, Rafe," she laughed in a sultry voice, "You always were a troublemaker, weren't you?" A blade glinted, the wrong side was pressed to his ribs. "Tsk, it is a shame...," her voice trailed off before she finished the thought.

He was drenched with sweat and could feel the coldness of the blade against his hot skin. His eyes locked with hers, "You are going to miss...", he felt the tip of the blade pierce into him, and gasped, "", and he grabbed her arm as she held it there...

"Oh, you have such an ego, Rafe," she leaned in and kissed him gently as she savagely twisted the knife. The blade tore his flesh, cracked his ribs and mangled his left lung. "Too bad you don't deserve either your ego or death," she snarled at him.

Antonio sprang up in bed, sweating profusely, gasping desperately, unable to breath. His hand gripped his side as he felt the acid sharp pain burn through him. Writhing, he fell face down out of the bed, landing hard on the floor. He reached his free hand forward, and then pulled himself up as the pain dulled, and the realization that he must have been dreaming began to take it's place.

Overtaken by nausea, he stumbled into the bathroom, one hand still gripping his side as he threw himself against the toilet, just in time to throw up into it, unable to stop his stomach from purging even when there was nothing left. Still gripping the toilet with one hand, he fell next to it, and leaned against the wall, pulling his other hand away to look at it. Nothing. He looked down to his side, and squeezing his eyes closed, he leaned his head back against the wall.

Several minutes went by before he stood back up, his head now throbbing with vertigo, and he grabbed onto the sides of the sink, leaning over it, until that too subsided. "What the hell...", his voice was shaky. Still hanging over the sink, he turned on the water, bringing his hands together, and he splashed water on his face and neck.

The alarm clock went off, telling him it was time to wake up, and it was now two hours before the destruction of the Ballard's saucer section.

He walked out of the bathroom, and stared at his bed, the disheveled sheets, and then over to the wires laying on the floor next to it. Swallowing hard, he realized; it wasn't a dream after all...


Lieutenant JG Antonio Vazquez
Weapons Specialist
USS Achilles

Dreamweaver Orion
Dreamkiller Orion
NPC'd by Reva


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